15 Clever Ways To Reuse Glass Jars Around the House - Wealth of Geeks (2024)

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In the course of our daily lives, each household will likely be left with empty glass jars every month. Pasta sauce, preserves, pickles, and more all come in glass packaging which we need to dispose of when used up.

Hopefully, everyone reading this will already be recycling their glass, but there are ways we can reuse it within the home. Not only will you be reducing waste, but you’ll also be creating something helpful around the house.

Each of these ideas will help to keep glass in circulation: Not every suggestion will suit all households, but there should be at least one option you can try.

1. A New Home for Candles

15 Clever Ways To Reuse Glass Jars Around the House - Wealth of Geeks (1)

High-end, luxury candle products already come in glass packaging, but you can easily create your own items at home. Designing candles is relatively simple, and it’s an interesting new hobby to adopt.

You’ll need a home for those candles, and leftover glass packaging is ideal. As long as it’s clean and all labels are removed, your own candle will be a beautiful and useful addition to the home.

2. Seed Sowing

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Many of us like to grow our own produce as part of a frugal lifestyle. Home-grown tomatoes, peppers, chilis, and other edibles are a neat way to use up space in the yard and the results are delicious.

I’ve found that it’s especially satisfying to grow those plants from seeds. To do that, they will need to germinate in a humid environment, and a glass jar makes for a perfect starter home. Fill with compost, place a plastic bottle or freezer bag over the top to seal, and your seed has the best chance to grow and develop.

3. Collect Rainwater

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Every plant prefers rainwater, and if you live in a dry region, aim to collect as many drops as you can. If you have a big garden space, it’s a good idea to purchase a water barrel, to gather rain in higher quantities.

If, however, you have a small yard or a few plants growing on an indoor windowsill, leftover glass jars may be sufficient. Leave a few out in rainy weather to give those plants a treat.

4. Pickling and Preserving

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Of course, you can reuse glass packaging for its original purpose. Glass jars are perfect for storing and preserving food, so if you like to make jams and pickles at home, you’ll need a steady supply of them.

It’s expensive to buy new preserving jars, but as long as your pre-used glass is clean and sterilized, you can continue to use it. Dedicated home cooks will rarely throw out a glass jar.

5. Store Food

15 Clever Ways To Reuse Glass Jars Around the House - Wealth of Geeks (5)

Products such as cereals come in large cardboard boxes and they’re not always easy to store in the kitchen. If space is at a premium, why not decant the food into a glass jar? It’s a neat space saver and more attractive too.

Remember to label the jar and recycle the cardboard. Rice, dried pasta, and many other regular food products can also be stored in this way.

6. Build a Terrarium

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It’s an idea that you may not have thought of. A terrarium is a sealed glass unit containing soil and plants, and they grow into their own ecosystem. It’s a fascinating hobby and one that’s immensely satisfying when you get the conditions right.

Experienced users will likely buy much larger, purpose-built glass jars, but you can start on a small scale with leftover packaging. It’s an unusual approach that can be extremely rewarding.

7. Store Screws and Nails

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Even if you carry out just a little DIY work around the home, there will come a time when you need a spare screw, nail, or wall plugs. Glass jars in the garage are perfect for storing these tiny items and make them easier to find when required.

Electricians, plumbers, and other traders will likely use glass jars for storage, and it’s a sensible solution that we can all copy.

8. Make a Desk Tidy

15 Clever Ways To Reuse Glass Jars Around the House - Wealth of Geeks (8)

If your work is office-based, glass jars make an ideal option for sorting all your stationery. Use smaller jars so that they don’t take up too much space on your desk, and use them for pens, pencils, paper clips, staples, and more.

Why make an unnecessary purchase for a desk tidy, when the equipment is already waiting? Using jars to help organize your office life is just another example of their versatility.

9. Serve Desserts

15 Clever Ways To Reuse Glass Jars Around the House - Wealth of Geeks (9)

Home cooks know that glass jars will always come in handy at some point. When they’re not pickling, they might like to use those containers as a quirky way of serving desserts.

Trifles, cheesecakes and more will look more appealing when served in an attractive glass jar. Put aside some of the more charming designs if you intend to recycle your glass in this way.

10. Reuse as a Vase

15 Clever Ways To Reuse Glass Jars Around the House - Wealth of Geeks (10)

Those attractive glass jars could also enjoy a second life as a vase. You’ll need a deeper container, if you’re keeping fresh flowers, and want them to last as long as possible.

Jars can also offer an ideal solution if you’re regrowing cuttings. I recently took a sprig of basil and left it in a jar to develop roots, and it’s now thriving on the windowsill while providing a steady supply of fresh herbs.

11. Use Glass for Gifting

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If you’re a creative soul and love to make products at home, glass jars are ideal for storing. They’re great for gifting too, and make attractive containers when completing presents for friends and family.

Whether it’s a homemade candle, soap, cookies, or any other type of gift, you’ll need a storage unit to complete the look, and a beautiful glass jar is ideal.

12. Reuse as Drinking Glasses

15 Clever Ways To Reuse Glass Jars Around the House - Wealth of Geeks (12)

You will likely have seen glasses shaped like jam jars in a bar near you. It’s a way to make glassware stand out and suggest that the bar is trendier than others in the neighborhood.

Those drinking jars are also sold online as separate items, but you can save more than a few bucks by making your own at home. Look for the most beautiful jars and find a frugal solution to finding new and unusual drinking vessels.

13. Marinating Meat

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The food industry would love us to buy unnecessary products, but consumers are learning to be thriftier at home. Single-use marinating bags are costly items that we don’t need, and they’re not helpful to the environment.

Next time your recipe calls for a marinade, place all ingredients in a glass jar. Seal it and put it in the fridge for the specified time. The container will do an effective job, and you can simply wash out the residue, and use it all over again.

14. Display Your Souvenirs

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No trip to the beach would be complete without taking a shell home as a souvenir. Maybe you’ve found a semi-precious stone, some sea glass, or even a fossil.

When you return home, displaying those trinkets can be tricky, and that’s where those versatile glass jars step in once again. Store those beautiful beach souvenirs in the most attractive way possible and create a lasting memory.

15. Save Your Coins

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There’s no need to buy a purpose-built piggy bank or change jar. Simply put a glass container aside and put all your dimes, cents, and nickels in at the end of the day. You can label the jar to state what you’re saving for and what your final target might be.

Use a bigger jar as an incentive to save more and keep the goals in sight. Store in a safe place and when you reach that target, just keep the jar and start over again.

15 Clever Ways To Reuse Glass Jars Around the House - Wealth of Geeks (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.