Author: Joe Kress - News With Views (2024)





Can President Trump SAVE US?

BELOW THE NEW WORLD ORDER PLAN is the other side of the coin where Lenin’s Plan is centered on Communist goals just opposite of a conservative agenda.

Author: Joe Kress - News With Views (1)The NEW WORLD ORDER PLAN is even more ominous since its intent is to eliminate nationalism in favor of the Global Plan to control the money system leaving a centralized group of powerful individuals, such as those listed on the following page. That plan uses the Communist agenda as one of many tools to obtain its objective. Their purpose is to first bring down the United States; the rest of the EU countries will fall in line to be governed without representation witin a judicial system appointed by this centralized group in Brussels. This system influences an already weakened justice system within the United States coupled with the power of the international bankers and a corrupt congress depended on perpetuating their reelections.

Link it to what David Rockefeller (deceased) announced at a meeting at the Council of Foreign Relations (a vital part of the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda), He stated globalism can not be stopped and thanked the media, the alphabet TV stations ABC,NBC,CBS,and Rupert Murdoch’s “Fair and Balanced “ propaganda coupled with conservative and leftist agenda; also those book publishers who fit history to fit their Socialist/Communist and NWO views.

This agenda really never began with David Rockefeller’s announcement, rather it stems all the way back to the French Revolution when religion, ethics, and epistemology were discarded in favor of the strange twists of delusional democracy by the majority, brought on by Adam Weishaupt’s infection of the Jacobins and the gruesome voyeurs sitting in the front row next to the guillotine where the monarchs got a sample of injustice to satisfy a lust for revenge only to be reversed by the dictatorship of Napoleon.

The monarchy was still in charge of Great Britain who sent Wellington to dispatch Napoleon to Elba where he was slowly poisoned by arsenic, later discovered in in his hair samples.

The British Monarchy is now on shaky ground because of BREXIT as outmoded and subject to a Parliament divided between Muslims and their pernicious birth rate, the liberals, centered on the philosophy of Marx/Engels and Communism, a waffling prime minister bent on joining the EU and a New World Order now governed by those listed below.

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Cesar Sayac may not be crazy as a rightwing loony. Rather, he could be one of millions who recognize the despicable within the Democrat and Republican Party’s leadership. The despicable leader is not President Trump, who is a loyal American hero, and in sync with those millions who don’t like what is happening to our country.

Sayac may have built what looked like bombs. He will pay a heavy penalty for this f*ckless stunt. He mailed them out to the most despicable in his view, but failed to mention that both parties have a plethora of disposables.

Those, who are not so blind, can see what is happening to the United States of America. The majority that loves their country really are afraid to do anything where they are labeled as bias, prejudice, nationalistic and intolerant. So they continue to watch the spiraling down of once the most prosperous, scientifically advanced, inventive nation on the face of the earth.

Our nation sees its Constitution in shreds; its justice system biased; its borders violated; its economy teetering on a precipice of enormous debt; racked by industries that would rather turn over our most secret technical invention to the Chinese in order to have access to millions of its consumers. The media have been most biased, favoring the political left’s animosity and regret that Hillary and Bill are not the successors to a failed Obama presidency.

China’s government demands that any business that wishes to sell our products must first turn over the development technology accompanying the products. China holds billions of dollars in the form of American bonds that can be reclaimed as it sees fit, thus it is able to threaten and cripple the value of the dollar which is already severely inflated. Each time the treasury approves more debt without regard to accompanying taxation to repay it or cuts superfluous grants and donations to other countries who hate us, the debt increases.


The Federal Reserve, neither federal or reserve, converts the debt and holds it as their personal reserve. The reserve notes are nothing but unbacked paper representing only what our government considers as the legal vehicle of exchange. The FED composed of Morgan banks and other American banks but also international bankers, out-of-country members sit on the FED’s Board of Directors, such as the Rothschild and Warburg banking interests to decide the financial course and control of our government. They decide when to raise or reduce interest rates. When they raise interest rates, the banks apply the interest to their reserve holdings at a nominal 10%; ninety percent is then put back into their lending system at increased interest rates which in-turn cause inflation across the board to a point where housing and rentals become too expensive for all but the wealthiest. In other words, the cost of food, clothing escalates and small businesses become crushed as unaffordable and can’t compete against Amazon, Walmart and Google. On the other hand, by not raising interest rates, bankers refuse to lend money to business and for needed loans. This is what caused the worst depression in our history when the stock market collapsed in 1929.


The congress and previous presidents have been complicit with the financial situation we face. They are, as a body, irresponsible to allow their spending, so to speak “on the cuff.” Worse than that, they ignore the most dangerous hacking China’s government has perfected to a point where thousands of attacks on the nation’s Defense System alone related to sophisticated weaponry stolen daily. All levels of production are also being attacked by China’s hacking and illicit surveillance. This should result in in war under any circ*mstance, yet our CIA, FBI, Military Intelligence at the highest levels keep their observations from public view, although not from the president’s daily briefings. War at any level would be as devastating as the collapse of our economy, but much worse, since it would ultimately go nuclear. Therefore, even our president can ill conceive placing our nation in what would probably be worse than all of the wars in history packaged into this one.

Nelson Mandela was awarded the Noble Peace Prize in 1993. He was elected president of South Africa in 1994. Since that time, an estimated 70,000 whites, many were land owners, have been brutally murdered in South Africa. In 1985, Mandela was offered a release from prison by then President Botha on condition that he denounces violence and bloodshed. Mandela refused.


The U.S Department of State leftists in Congress promoted Nelson Mandela to be the next president of South Africa despite the fact that he was on the U.S Terrorist until 2008. To illustrate naivety and a pusillanimous irresponsibility, take the case of Georg H.W. Bush: He agreed to a tickertape parade in New York, wined, dined Mandala at the White House and allowed him to speak to a joint session of Congress while still on the terrorist list. (Reference: “Conservative Action Report Vol 8 No. 2”)


The recent attack on the Tree of Life Jewish Synagogue in Pittsburg Pennsylvania was a hate crime. As far as we know this was a purely, evil individual and the death penalty should be reinstituted. The good people belonging to churches of different denominations also many institutions gather in sympathy because of this outrage. The national TV and media outlets caused a deluged of information throughout the entire continent of the crime of killing innocent religious Jews gathered in prayer.

Who are these factions that are threatening our country?

1. Those who are the product of public schools inculcated with softcore subjects and a lowered grading system, whereby everybody receives a passing grade, and receive diplomas when only the very few with technical knowledge in math and science are hirable in industry.

2. The Communist philosophy that crafts “socialism” as acceptable when in fact, every example where it has been accepted drifts into financial insolvency and dictatorial government. Norway and Sweden are now awakened to their insolvency and total dependence on their government/social experimentations.

3. The infernal plan of David Rockefeller and his multibillionaire cohorts within industries that desire cheap labor willing to turnover technical formation in exchange for China’s consumers. They, the depraved, strive towards the new world order, whereby their desire is to also open the doors to a unified European populace which even now is experiencing a real danger, losing national independence in exchange for the loss of their own sovereignty. The Hague is where the center of unelected government and judicial system has already been established.

4. China, a pseudo socialist government, is a modified Communist dictatorship in mufti and Chairman Mayo’s the founding father of Communist China is changed from ruthless killer to a benign benefactor to obfuscate the real historical truth. The rapid increase in China’s change from poverty to opulence; its modernity is reflected primarily in its improved metropolitan centers and its transportation systems and especially its sophisticated surveillance ability to control its millions with pinpoint accuracy, even in remote areas. Militarily, after President Nixon opened the door by recognizing China’s government as legitimate, spy-warfare soon developed and became a major offensive and defensive achievement. Its highly advanced hacking of our industrial secrets is now able to reproduce products in-house that effectively stopped the need to purchase foreign products. Because of lower wages, China became so highly competitive that sales to those countries, who gave away their secret technologies, now buy from their most dangerous competitor. This is a sure-fired way for China to compete in future intra-planetary exploration and missile capabilities using the technologies that others developed. China’s Navy is expanding as its surrounding islands are being occupied illegally. China’s textile industry approximates nearly 100 percent in low cost clothing within the United States; also there are thousands of additional items where the United States is not competitive to meet China’s lowered currency value and ridiculously low wages in competition to those in the United States rest of the Free World.

5. Nationalism can be subjugated to tyrants, the frontal attack by military forces no longer is an avenue to destroy national boundaries. It proved to be too expensive in blood and tears. The New World Order (NWO) Plan must use the surreptitious approach by undermining moral integrity and insert what is a diabolical, historic change in well-established biblical guidelines and ethics. The fathers and mothers who cried for freedom and condemned the draft and declared the U.S Constitution as outmoded, as just another piece of paper to be stored in a museum and ethical, historic principles are outmoded, left behind in this new age of freedom. They considered the Ten Commandments a hindrance to their new utopian agenda. They were the generation of what became nihilists who once partook in the Woodstock Festival where everything was acceptable even to the level of maniacal degradation of music to “Rock,” art to p*rnography, literature to illiteracy, comity to violence; decency to sexual orgies and violence in the movies produced in Hollywood. Marriage is considered but only a convenient symbol abandoned as a sacrament, so is the warped, hideous practice of abortion just before birth… not considered as murder.


6. The children of the Woodstock attendees further carried out their parent’s rancid traditions. The present day result of what can be concluded is dismal as witnessed especially in San Francisco, California where drugs are the new age solution. Unemployable addicts camp on the streets and sidewalks and toilets are outmoded, replaced by the new age relief system. Each day, highly paid street cleaners garbed from head to feet with protective clothing including face masks to counter the stench and infections from the excrement and urine deposited on streets. The Hollywood socialist wealthy liberals live in secluded and walled mansions and are oblivious to what their political leanings support. They don’t wish to see or hear about this problem as the major threat against our nation. Many state government leaders have succumbed to the temptation to add Marijuana on top of alcohol, the major mind bending compositions that have already brought about a major curse to the nation. Since “weed,” according to the users, led most to addiction to crack cocaine and more addictive drugs. “Greed is good because it causes new avenues toward success” was the public opinion thirty years ago. The curse be upon us


7. Congress needs to be regularly replaced with fixed terms as the law of the land to end their embedded, retirement incomes and perks. Every election period, there is a ritual by the special interests that the nation will fail if incumbents are not reelected. Millions of dollars are contributed by self-serving interests, such as the drug cartels, industries that deal with China and Russia as friends.

8. There is one sacred cow where the perpetual flood of arms and nuclear material has embellished a mini-state to dominate over the entire Middle East. Israel’s power and unrestricted ability to wipe out whole villages in territories that resist its domination has forever created hatred and revenge by Arab/Muslim and Palestinian sympathizers. Israel appears exempt by all religious and successive U.S government Administrations. It is now considered sacrilegious to criticize Israel during throughout the past 71 years because of Israel’s tools of influence. Its major benefactor, the first nation to recognize its legitimacy as a sovereign state was declared by President Harry Truman. The fact is peace can never be achieved, if Israel’s conduct is not scrutinized. The drain on our enormous debt in perpetual defense of Israel is not sustainable. Washington was so correct in his final admonishment not to pick favorites, but treat all nations with equanimity.


9. The Khazars, a number of tribes that once controlled an area roughly encompassing The Ural Mountains to the Carpathian Range, the Caucasus and much of the Black Sea. About 1/3 of what is now Eastern Europe as well as the Asian Steppes came under the direct control by the Khazars of their client states. The vast area separating the Eastern Christian Empire, or Byzantium and Eastern Caliphate was home to numerous Turkic tribes, related by similarities in language and a common geographical ancestry. These tribes were mostly nomadic, expert horsem*n, fierce warriors and inclined to remain unaffiliated with either the Christian or Islamic Empires.” Reference: (The Khazars-by-Peter Wolf and Jeff Zolitor)

9.a One of the Khazar tribes became the most powerful amidst the other tribes and also were not to be pressured by the surrounding expansion of Muslims and Christians. The tribe was led by their chief by the name of Bulan who sought not to choose an alliance and be under the jurisdiction of the Tsar or the Pope, so he chose a diplomatic alternative…the Jews. He brought in Rabbis to circumcise all males of the tribe. The natives were smart and talented but undereducated people. The Rabbis offered to accept them within their religion and the Khazars recognized their own lack of education so Judaism was an open door to modernity.

The fact remains, were they really acceptable within Judaism because throughout the centuries, beginning in 971 AD, they were excluded by conservative Jews since no Khazar had the principal requirement of having a Jewish mother. This was not the only cause that was and still is in conflict with a large segment of religious orientated Jews because Khazars have their own standards not always ethical or legal.


When Tsar Nicholas allowed the Khazars to leave the pales of containment that Catherine the Great instituted to isolate the Khazars because of their disruptive practices within Russia’s population, the restrictions were followed on by Peter the Great who introduced Russia to modern development by his visits to Europe. He still maintained Catherine’s pales of containment because of the rebellious Khazars. Once permitted to leave their restricted areas, they spread throughout the diaspora and a large number landed in the United Stated at the turn of the 19th Century.

Their historical lack of ethics and well-honed studies in private Jewish schools paid well in a superior business acumen in accordance applied to their own rules. Soon, they became involved in media; the world of finance and Wall Street; also, the internet; television and newspapers; also. as publishers of school books that promotes revisionist history; accentuating socialist/communist ideals as acceptable.


Communism for them was just a tool by another means to bring down our country, but the prime reason is to involve a weakened U.S., as a dependent country of the new world order centered at The Hague. David Rockefeller, who headed the Rockefeller fortunes, announced this fact to the Council on Foreign Relations and thanked the media for not publicizing his intentions. He stated that now it doesn’t matter because it is too late to change its course. The Rockefellers were not Khazars. Their main influence was their “friends” within Congress and the billionaires related to finance and banking.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, backed by Senate Minority Leader Schumer and Adam Schiff, chairman of the Democrat opposition within the joint Congressional Committee are prime example of Khazar influence during Judge Cavanaugh’s hearings which exemplified the ruthless verbal abuses and contrived lies regarding false sexual claims against the Judge. Pray that our nation’s many enemies are not successful and that we survive as a civilization that sets standards of morality, trustworthiness and honesty.

© 2018 JW Kress – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress:

Correction: Part 1, Example # 3 of this series had two mistakes. Instead of Harry Bird, Senate, Democrat leader, it should be Robert Bird and not Klu Klux Klan but should be Ku Klux Klan.


In Part 2, of this two part series, are 3 examples stemming from the Civil War and the Reconstruction period where powerful forces within the Republican Party were bent on profit and power to the point of decimating every Southerner’s possessions, especially confiscating land belonging to former slave owners. Through the use of appointed Black mayors behind which were Northern Whites directing the contrived thefts; the plan continued to reach just about every Deep South citizen. This façade was openly apparent to the South’s populace. People within the Deep South were living in a state of occupation as ominous as Lenin’s Bolshevik/Communist control of Russia.

The Republican Congress, centered in Washington DC, controlled the U.S Government and set its own rules of occupancy of the defeated South. Government Union Soldiers occupied key towns and cities ostensibly to maintain peace which really only served as a façade to protect the interest of the hordes of Carpetbaggers having a free reign. As stated in Par 1, when the Union troops departed, land and possessions of former owners caused chaos among, not only the farmers, but the rest of the populace. Thus, southern citizens rebelled by instituting a force, the KKK, that later became the controlling instrument of the Democratic Party. This example of control by money interests is repeated up to the present time as is depicted in Changes Part #1 and Part #2 of Part 1 of this article.

Early History

When Brutus, who led Rome’s Senate, realized that Julius Caesar was about to abolish their power and was recognized a tyrant, they murdered him. They even held a phony eulogy on the senate building steps, where Mark Anthony, (according to Shakespeare) spoke, “I come here not to condemn Cezar but to praise him.” He may or may not have said this before a massive crowd of outraged Plebs, the same indoctrinated types today ignorant of untold facts. They were the same indoctrinated people, similar to what we are witnessing and experiencing, by controlled media print, TV and within prestigious public schools and colleges. The schoolbook publications were and still are doctored and historically abbreviated relative to American history through these instruments of propaganda, the school books publishers deleted what is inconvenient by those publishing puppeteers that pull strings on the puppet students, age 5 through the age of maturity.

Historical Rome Crashes

The fate of Anthony, while in the arms of his lover Cleopatra, both committed suicide rather than face the wrath of Octavian, later known as Caesar Augustus. The clash between Mark Anthony and Octavian, an ancient Puppeteer, pulled the strings controlling Rome’s populace at a point when Julius Caesar died. It was Emperor Claudius, who followed Octavian, known as Caesar Augustus, He caused even more crime and abuse of power than Julius Caesar; from then on, Caligula, Nero and a line of more tyrants, equally bad. They used a macabre form of entertainment against Rome’s citizens who threatened the power of their elite friends in the senate; exposing those perceived enemies to wild animals and crucifixion. The majority were Christians slaughtered in the Coliseum to placate the unhappy multitudes and Plebs of Rome. This abuse of power finally caused the first European major super power to collapse and their abuses consequently led to the beginning of the Dark Age of ignorance and suffering. They did it to obfuscate the populace, using Christianity as their enemy. This tactic is similar as the inculcated political pundits we witness in our country today.


Throughout the centuries psychological manipulation of society is as old as humanity itself.

“The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a non-profit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. It became a textbook for those who favored the combination of eugenics or by force, and mind control through the Nazi’s theoreticians and technicians – the psychiatrists. Since then, the science of the mind has been converted into the craft of mind destruction; legitimate therapeutic approaches have given way to behavior-modifying, pseudo-science in the name of aversion therapy. Quoted from the book, Chapter 1, Page 1 of Tavistock, Institute of Social Engineering of the Masses, 1sted. by Daniel Estulin, published for worldwide release in 2015).

Hitler, in his book, Mine Kampf, while a prisoner of the Weimar Republic in 1923, published an outline of his convictions that resulted in mobilization of the beginnings of the NAZI Party and by 1933, became so powerful that Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany. For those that follow history, it is apparent that Hitler used a mixture of propaganda through Paul Joseph Gobbles, minister for propaganda for the Nazi’s Reich from 1933 to 1945.

“Hokus Pokus” the name of a costume design manufacturing company, adopted and used by Barbara Bush, wife of President George Herbert Walker Bush: (President, January 20 1989 to January20, 1993). She coined the term in 1992. She ordered the manufacturer to take down White House decorations as inappropriate. From that, hokum was adopted by 21st Century America.

Adolph HITLER The mainstay sales force that Hitler used to impress the hoi polloi was pure hokum. Added, was a pseudo-science of more efficient instruments, far more effective than brutal force, used by Communist and the extremists within minor and major political divisions of the Weimar Republic. The communist party and other radical elements used murder as their choice for confrontation within the weakened government of The Weimar Republic.

Authoritarian factions demoralized the German citizens; they suffered through World War 1 and its aftermath of chaos. They were surrounded by a lack of uplifting morale and hope for the future. Hitler changed that and convinced the ethnic German that the German male and female were intelligent, strong and in fact, a super race human beings who led the world in technology, manufacturing and science so effectively that the United States, France and every other nation on the planet could not equal the German people’s genius. He impressed the ethnic German would recover from the planned, conspiratorial attacks by Germany’s enemies who could not compete honestly which caused Germany to be crushed and literally robbed, post-war, of her high tech machinery, finances and technology. He (Hitler) raised hopes for recovery that will lead them back to prosperity. He then was able to distribute free radios to continue his promises and to vilify non-Arians and provide a steady line of propaganda to maintain public enthusiasms.

Hitler had his own PhD experts theoreticians and technicians devoted to the study of the mind. “Legitimate therapeutic approaches gave away to behavior-modifying to pseudo- science of aversion therapy which causes the mind to reject any topic that is disagreeable.” Goble’s repetitive line of propaganda was attuned to include the scientific study of aversions.

This psychological scientific approach was introduced in1945 by Dr. John Rawlings Rees, a master of psywar counterinsurgency in his book, ‘The Shaping of Psychiatry by War.’ His approach was to use shock troops for development of political control based on driving the majority of the human population toward psychosis through procedures of so called programmed behavior modification to make the population submissive under the post preplanned World War ll economic world order.” Note: lines within italics are taken from Daniel Estutlin’s Social Engineering of the Masses.

Note * Super Race Human Beings Page 3, Paragraph 3, line 4

Dr. Reese’s German Psychological Research Recruits

Kurt Lewin was the father of group dynamics and one of Rees’s first cadres of recruits from within the Third Reich. He began his career in the United States at Cornell University where he worked on systematic series of studies of the effect of social pressure on the eating habits of children. He came to the U.S.A. in 1933 as a refugee from Nazi Germany. He was forced out of Germany like other German intellectuals. The Germans were first to discover to study the use of psychotropic substances for use in brainwashing.

As a member of Rees’s embryonic team’s expansion steadily attracted the one world government billionaires like David Rockefeller and those who dreamed of a one world order. David, at a meeting with The Council on Foreign Relations stated:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meeting and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years….It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during these years. But the world is more sophisticated of an international elite composed of world bankers and is surely preferable to national auto determination practiced in past centuries.

“For more than a century ideological extremes at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for moderate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with one world government with others around the world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. Now, it is too late for the opposition to do anything about it.”

According to the OSS’s Assignment Staff’s post war report Assignment Men Staff it was Dr. John Rawlings Rees and his Tavistock crew at the British War Office Selection Board who contacted the London office of the OSS to suggest that the special warfare organization adopt Tailstock’s selection and training methods. This was coupled by what is a physiological created cornerstone of a galaxy of subsequent agency programs designed with the intention to uncover the secrets of the mind.

The Federal Government was in dire need of German expertise in rocketry and the physical sciences and celestial defense, also new was those experiments in psychological warfare needed to aid our military in using German experiments to our national benefit. The importation of died-in-the wool Nazis were given immunity from the Nuremberg trials their extraction were dependent upon their willing to be shipped to the U.S.A. and thousands willing to avoid the chaos within Germany were more than eager to fulfil the anticipated future requirements of our nation’s future.

It was Rees who devised the OSS brainwashing ‘election’ procedure and Lewin who helped refine them. It was Rockefeller sponsored Rees who devised an U.S. financier-promoted insurgency-counter project. The planned inculcation and development of the CIA establishment was deliberate; essentially directing a systemic infiltration of all institutions and religions. This was and is presently coordinated with the leading families of America. Many of the future leaders of the CIA came from America’s ruling families from a never-ending pool of bankers and industrialists, such as DuPont, Vanderbilt, Bruce, Mellon, Archibald, Morgan and Roosevelt. For example, Teddy Roosevelt’s grandson was an OSS special operations officer in China, as was Winston Churchill’s Cousin Raymond Guest; JP Morgan’s two sons Julius and Henry S. were in charge of the laundering of the OSS funds and the counter-fitting of the OSS identity papers. Ref: Carl Sagan, Cosmos RCET productions, 1978-1979. Georg H.W. Bush, a one world order advocate became head of the CIA.

In Daniel Estulin book “Tavistock Institute,” he provided what amounts to an encyclopedia of details that exposes the coordinated and financial records of institutions, individual organizations and those financial gurus… the international bankers who coordinate secret currency valuations in the United States; at the center, a drugged down populace to give up their former freedoms willingly in exchange for the New World Order at the Hague, where non-elected judges are given precedence in deciding national jurisdictions.

These plans are now in the final, last stages of development to place in the hands of the International Banking system, a wholly cashless society where ATMs won’t issue cash. Instead, the machines will issue debit and credit accounting records, based on what the bankers decide the value of the worth of their pseudo currency is on their secret balance sheets. The worth of value fluctuates in secret and not by any other evaluation by outside monitors. This amounts to magical VOODOO and sleight of hand; in other words, Hokus Pokus government.

At the present time the drug manufactures are creating chemicals to solve any esoteric disease or illness the vast majority never new existed, but are encouraged by a deluge of TV adds to contact their doctors to determine if they might need them. America’s alcohol disease came out of the depression era and progressively became worse yet, State after State is legalizing marihuana proclaiming the drug is non-addictive. Drug addicts claim they graduated into the hard stuff like cocaine and even more concoctions like Rock and Smack when they first used weed. The Federal Government and its congress claim to have lost control, but still resist imposing national laws that remain as law demanding enforcement.

The Sanctuary Cities within most of our States , down to the county and city levels are in open rebellion so that illegal aliens become immunized from federal enforcement and arrest.

I can’t continue because this article is already longer than I expected. I’m already in panic mode because the future of our country is so bleak.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress:

Author: Joe Kress - News With Views (2)by Joe Kress

October 20, 2018

Many within the body politic are unaware of the Tavistock Institute; additional millions also remain ignorant of this institution of social engineering by both sides of their political spectrum. The debacle that was recently conducted by the U.S. Senate regarding the selection of Judge Cavanaugh to be the 9th member on the Supreme Court was an exhibition of blatant fanaticism within the Democratic members of the senate. The question must be asked why so many of masses of citizenry, especially of the left’s persuasion, exhibit what can only be described as fanatical. It was an unnatural phenomenon of “group think” as though they were mesmerized in lock step by a powerful outside force.

The next question to ask how did this just occur? The fact is it didn’t just occur; it took many years of pre-planning before being actually organized by the Tavistock Institute. The following examples stem back to the revolution within Russia and the murder of the Romanoff dynasty which ended any successor of Tsar Nicholas II and his family in 1917.

Example 1


On March 23, 1917, a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to celebrate the abdication of Nicholas II which meant the impossibility of any succession of tsarist rule of Russia. Thousands of socialists, Marxists, nihilists and anarchists attended to cheer the event. On page two of the New York Times, Jacob Schiff’s letter regretted that he could not attend the event, but it was read to the audience wherein he stated that for seven long years he strove for this occasion.

In the February 3, 1949 issue of the New York Journal American, Schiff’s grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather had given about $20 million dollars (of his vast fortune) for the triumph of communism in Russia. During that period, wages of the working American averaged $15 per month. Two cents for a bag of hard candy!

Example # 2 of the string pullers:

While Russia was still an ally of America, Great Britain and France in 1916-1917 the Menshevik leader Trotsky tempted to return to Petrograd, but on his way he was arrested by Canadian and British naval personnel, when the ship which he was traveling on the S.S. Kristianiajord put in at Halifax. He had in his possession $10,000 for travel expenses. He was recognized as a threat to the best interests of England, Canada’s mother country in the Commonwealth. Russia was an ally of England in WWWI, which was raging in Europe. Anything that weakens Russia weakens England and strengthens Germany. Trotsky was arrested as a German agent and taken as a prisoner of war. It wasn’t long before mysterious forces both in England and the United States intervened on Trotsky’s behalf urging his immediate release.

The head of the British Secret Service in America at the time was Sir William Wiseman, who became friends with Edward Mandell House an American and also agent for the Rothschild interests. He became the adviser to Teddy Roosevelt and later to President Wilson. House advised Wiseman that President Wilson wished to have Trotsky released and the British Admiralty issued orders on April 21st that allowed Trotsky to be on his way to Russia. Wilson’s decision opened the door that allowed Trotsky, the head of the Menshevik revolutionary competing against the Bolshevik Lenin for control of Russia. Trotsky opened the door to end Russia’s alliance with England and France in the war against Germany. According to Professor C Sutton Ph.D., he wrote the book the Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. (Arlington House, New Rochelle NY 1974 P 25) The evidence as outlined above speaks to the power of the wealthy puppet-masters before the introduction of the Tavistock Institute in 1945.

Example: #3

Lincoln supported compromise, a vacillating position that the state of Missouri and other states could still have slavery exempted, if still at war. Those states exempted including Missouri were Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Tennessee as well as portions of Louisiana and Virginia as of the effective date of January 1, 1863. Lincoln was praised in some quarters while president, but criticized as a scoundrel, horse-swapper the weakest man in high places. Obviously the power brokers in the Republicans in the North guided the weak president while condemning him for his contrary positions, obfuscations and delays. Lincoln had the image of one driven by self-doubt where in later years would be recognized by those who observe the flaws in what is called America’s capitulation of the lowest denominator where chaos, and rioting of the masses are subject to psychological mind control. It took leaders with power and money to pull the strings of the puppets.

The American Civil War was propagandized by northern money interests as a war to free the slaves. The main excuse to invade and destroy the South was land, political power to seize the lands of slave owners including all of their assets for selfish profit and to reduce the South to a barren plot destroyed. There were the Carpetbaggers who arrived in mass to profit from the Reconstruction and there were the white Southerners Scallywags who collaborated with northern Republicans also for personal profit. The Union Army was stationed in the South ostensibly to keep peace within the occupied areas while in reality they ignored the crimes against the southern whites, and enforced severe punishment on those weakened southerners who attempted to protect their lands and possessions. The Federal Government ignored these abuses which were controlled by wealthy Republicans who ignored what was transpiring to their own regret.

Sadly, the Civil War could have easily been avoided since the slave owners were forced to pay preposterous prices for the importation of smuggled slaves while simultaneously the invention of the cotton gin caused the number of slaves to be too costly and superfluous. Slavery was doomed when profit disappeared; but, of course, that was not the real purpose of those string- pullers of the North.

The consequences, after the soldiers left, the whites in the Deep South were terrorized because of the injustices imposed upon them. They needed a means to protect themselves, so they employed the support of the KLAN. The emergence of the KLU KLUX KLAN developed into a powerful, yet fearful means that later developed into revenge of those blacks who fronted for the Carpetbaggers in pseudo positions as mayors and other positions of authority.

The Klan didn’t just limit their actions, but conducted terror throughout the black communities by hangings and threats to prevent the blacks from voting. They instituted and coalesced with what was to be an emerging Democrat Party. The result became the focal point of the Democrat Party unspoken as law, but enforcement became the modus for illegal segregation; voting right constrictions; even separate water fountains, public toilets, theaters, entertainment centers, the beaches and Black education facilities were the worst level of quality to perpetuate ignorance.

Senator Harry Bird, a Democrat from Virginia and Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate, during his political life as a Democrat, was a member of the KLU KLUX KLAN. (June 10, 1887 – October 29. 1966.)

The entire purpose was to keep Black People limited and slowly, during the following years, offered them social benefits to induce Blacks to become financially dependent. Thus, today the majority of our Black population belongs to the Democratic Party; the Party that still uses them as tools for political purposes during elections, and encourages them to believe in Communism, Socialism and Obamaism within a one world government.

Part two coming soon.

© 2018 JW Kress – All Rights Reserved

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There is really a similarity of comparisons when I write a segment of this article about zoos and people. I use this analogy since I wish that only the more intelligent animals could talk because we humans could learn a lot about who we are really and where we should be.

The dogs in the zoo in my opinion are graded by loyalty to their zookeepers no matter how carnivorous, ruthless, cruel self-serving their masters are in reality. Dogs look only to a pat on the head, a massage of the belly, and a rub along their back-side to demonstrate the master’s love, but not necessarily any honorable lasting loyalty. They in return protect their master and his or her family from enemies. It doesn’t matter if the dog is a little Mexican Chewelah a Jack Russel (a little tiger) or a Great Dane. The little ones bark like crazy, are fearless, and will attack no matter how imposing the enemy may be. But even so noble the breed has a segment of cowards, free loaders who will dine at their master’s table and at the least provocation attack their owners; no loyalty and therefore no trust. They are mostly mindless, mostly undereducated and molded by those unscrupulous zookeepers who benefit by nurturing them with handouts making them slaves in perpetuity; by encouraging single parenthood, removing God or morality in government’s bureaucracies and institutions. They are the left who travel the unprincipled, most traveled road. They are still celebrating federally encouraged gatherings such the 1962 Woodstock festivals. Their music, communications, TV, the internet, spiral downward to mendacity. The gap, where once citizens fought and died, and gave up wealth and blood to support other nations has become a new emblem of the communist inspired left whereby their moto is now, a Nation of You Own Us.

Today, our military consist of volunteers, not one of maximum participation in an effort to win as they did in two world wars. The non-war wars since the end of the 19th century began with the murder of Arch-Duke Ferdinand that launched the devastation of an avoidable First World War. This was followed on by a series of small skirmishes and political intrigues that resulted in the redistribution settlement of Germany’s war debts. Other factors: The fear by the French of a resurrection by invasion of the revised German war machine and their limited ability to change the mishmash political intrigues of the western countries; the lack of concern by the British Government which felt well insulated as an island outsider of problems of Western and Eastern Europe and Americans who were sick of being involved in another rescue of Europe that resulted as the precursor of major losses of life and the introduction of modernism and the end of a less complicated way civilized people previously enjoyed.

These political intrigues led to the monstrous bloodletting results of WWII. Since the end of WWII, the series of the non-wars began in earnest, whereby American volunteers relieved the American public from really getting involved and their burden of not having to pay for enormous taxation normally accompanying wars. These wars were charged on the cuff, so to speak and never caused any sacrifice by the general public because the debt and devaluation of the dollar were allowed to pass into just unbacked notes or pieces of paper created by a Federal Reserve System that isn’t Federal and has only symbolic reserves. The concoction of debt created money by bankers in 1916 was meant to replace gold as backing for a strong dollar. In other words, the public got a free ride thinking there never would be a serious penalty for not repaying debt. This utopian solution has now reached its apogee where the financial world survives only by a hair from the collapse of Western and Eastern Currencies that are in similar circ*mstances as in the United States.

Now, citizens are turning into humanoids, not any resemblance of those humans who made sacrifices for others, their most important gift. Freedom of thought and speech is disappearing and our tattered Constitution, its justice system, its legislative system and those past incompetent presidents who became water boys for the global New World Order, run by international billionaire bankers.

The Chief Zookeepers created untrustworthy solutions beneath their thumbs and instituted forms of a craven form of public education program spaced from birth through college to insure a permanent, fixed status levels with degrees in keeping with a predetermined plan preferring an age-old device called the “11 plus Program.” This and other more modern means SAT scoring becomes the Gateway to higher Education. The test choices offered, sometimes made mandatory in western countries, are the means of distilling the wine from the water or the wheat from the chaff; just who will be the losers and the winners. It is meant that the worker bees differ greatly from the “queens, those throughout their schooling had the benefit of parental wisdom and sacrifice to prevent huge college debts of their progeny. This allowed students who worked and studied the difficult courses, earn a superior education and earn their rewards, even grants because of scholarship and opportunities to obtain graduate degrees.

Yet, those bad Zookeepers don’t give a little damn that pays in the end. They interjected a weakened grading system and provided programs where less educated students were given passes to receive admission to Universities that permitted a host of softcore subjects, not the hard stuff like math and science. The students graduated with diplomas that lacked employers and left them a mountain of tuition indebtedness, a sad awakening who really believed just any diploma was alone sufficient to earn enough to pay off their school debts.

After those noble and loyal canines, the zoo maintains species such as apes and monkeys, the monkeys are in human terms relative to the uneducated and sometimes violent, unbalanced nihilists who attack Civil War Monuments as if the statues were alive. The Constitutional rights bequeathed by our forefathers, the most important of which being the right of free speech, now is revealed by the predictions by writer George Orwell in his classic book “1984” and “Animal Farm,” also, Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.”

The monkeys are those who are dedicated to Party Think marching in lockstep to the dictates of the Zookeeper in charge. To follow the chain of animals ends with venomous reptiles and Alligators who maintain balance within the food chain, but serve no other purpose other than to attack my neighbor’s dog.

In this part of my article, I feel fortunate to be in touch with people who haven’t joined the farm because I live in a part of the South that hasn’t wholly abandoned reality. I am privileged to have within my sphere a writer by the name of Joan Holleman Brown. She is the unpaid head of the Dorchester County John Birch Society and a real crusader to promote what the left really abhors and at every opportunity, throughout the media, labels the Birchers as enemy number one.

Joan is a former school teacher and local author that often is featured in the Charleston Post and Courier’s editors’ page and her Birch Society’s publications. She really is a master at creating a scenario as in her most recent article that spells out the local situation where we live. She eloquently links this with the international World Plan and that is my own conviction that the Zoo Keepers are multi billionaires whose center of intrigue is in Brussels and where unelected judges usurp the laws of independent nations. Their primary goal is the world currency created by these master Zookeepers.

Her research and her tie-ins make the following article, a keeper:

The Secret War and Free Enterprise, Private Property Rights and Individuals

Joan Holliman Brown wrote the following article of the real dangers citizens’ face, not only here, but the entire Country. Here article centers on Summerville where she and I reside and serves as an alarm for action. The Washington Swamp involves citizens in different degrees who succumb to government autocrats and their suffocating agendas. The end links the loss of our sovereignty to the New World Order

Joan Holliman Brown – August, 2018

Sustainable Development is alive and well in Berkley, Charleston, and Dorchester counties. Knowingly or unknowingly, our city and county councilmen are being used to implement environmental protection. After George H.W. Bush agreed to the United Nations Agenda for the Twenty-First Century in 1992 (Agenda21) and President Clinton made it US policy in 1955, power brokers of multiple Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have lurked behind town/country planning. Think: The American Planning Association. Think: The Council of Governments (COG). Think: local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI). Public/Private Partnerships lurk among the many powers behind the Sustainable throne.

Does “good” ever emanate from the United Nations? How many UN nation-members respect individual rights? The UN Charter respects neither. America is 25 years down the Agenda21/2030 Sustainable Development/Smart Growth highway. People are fleeing California because it is Sustainable Development’s grand poster child. Unfortunately, S.C. may be California in the making- for more reasons than SCANA. If you care about your children’s future, consider the following.

In 1994, our S.C. legislature voted to require towns and counties to produce 10-year plans. Planning has included UN Agenda 21 edicts and regionalism. Recently, our counties completed the 10-year planning forums. In Dorchester, the paid, out-of-state American Planning Association envoy arrived with pre-determined questions designed to generate “smart growth” answers. What difference would citizens’ answers make anyway? Less than 1/1000th of citizens bothered to answer the concocted questions.

Local government’s first duty is: constitutional governance, safety and maintenance. But this is how deep UN hooks sink into local government. Dorchester County Council announced a humongous business-license fee increase. Fees were reduced, but in reaction to the situation, a local citizen decided to research. He found that County Council utilizes NAFTA’S (international North American Industry Classification system as their guide. NAFTA is a stepping stone to the North American Union (US, Canada, Mexico) which will eliminate US sovereignty and our Constitution. Watchful citizens are necessary to restore local/state Constitutional governance.

Local implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development is now obvious. Charleston City Council recently threatened Ashville and Maryville, two long-lasting West Ashley black neighborhoods, with “Eminent Domain.” Planners Dover &Cole used the “affordable housing” promise to win them. Citizens rose up in righteous anger. The City threatened, offering documentation to keep their homes. For now.

Because Sustainable Development and Big Real Estate are restricting the building of new single-family homes, stack & pack, Russian-styled apartments are popping up everywhere.

Local government “planning” is forcing denser populations on current residents. Dorchester’s foreign paid “Planner” admitted limiting apartment parking spaces. Why? Oh, I forgot! The UN goal is rent, don’t own; work across the street; bike or bus everywhere else.

Elective representatives love to graze on the fodder in the trough of federal money grants. (The better to eat you with, my dear!) Forget that we elect local councilmen to fight for local citizen’s best interests. Instead, councils’ use of federal grants punishes citizens with increased rules and regulations. Example: HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) decides the percentage of nationalities and social justice criteria needed to “balance” a subdivision. One rule: If your home buyer doesn’t fit the social-engineering- description for balance, too bad, so sad. If one buyer feels discriminated, he can sue the town. HUD, the EPA, the Department of Transportation, etc., determine what citizens cannot do. Like it or not, the National Realtors Association’s money-making “Walk of Shame” with the UN’s Sustainable Development’s boot on all citizens’ throats will ultimately crush our souls and our liberty.

Sustainable Development endangers individual liberty, private property rights and local council’s power; it’s a global scheme sold as local. Sustainablists threaten are homeland from sea-to-shining sea. They refuse ranchers’ long-held grazing rights, remove water rights, use endangered species land grabs and local Conservative Easem*nts, etc. Local surveyors complain that they, and rural property owners/buyers, are being strapped with ever-increasing rules and regulations. Google published UN Agenda21 maps showing where humans aren’t allowed to trespass.

Our U.S Constitution guarantees an individual’s right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”- i.e., private property rights. We elect councilmen to protect OUR rights – NOT UN dictates. Please understand. Sustainable Development is disorganizing and reinventing America’s precious, personalized towns and cities into a one-size-fits- all, top-down-global force that will control you, me and our progeny. It t transfers local local government power to faceless, unaccountable, unreachable bureaucrats—and emasculates our elected representatives. We, and they, will become surfs.

Wake up! Smell the Stench! Drop your phone & remote. Buy/read Tom DeWeese’s “Sustainable- The Secret War on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals”. Help save America as founded for our children.

© 2018 JW Kress – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress:

For Dear Friends John and Maria

Maria Keneally met me at the foot of the stairs in General George Marshall’s former quarters at Fort Benning, Georgia, now the guest house for special people within the military family. Her eyes were swollen and tears threatened to spill over, yet she managed a broad, open smile and she embraced me. Like most military wives, she learned to maintain a dignity seldom witnessed in others. To be outwardly emotional is a sign of weakness and would have an adverse effect on those who surround her. Lt. Col. John T. Keneally, Sr. USAF retired, Maria’s husband, knows what it is to appearance of strength in adversity, but this time it was almost beyond endurance. Both of their hearts had a large section removed – their oldest son, Lt. Col. John T Keneally, Jr., United States Army, was summoned three days prior for a higher duty by his Supreme Commander and Chief.

Before we departed for the Memorial Service, Maria asked if I would write a few words about her son, John. I only met him a couple of times in the course of 12 years as a neighbor to his parents while and after I was on active duty at Charleston AFB. S.C. but my family and I stayed on as Maria’s neighbor until now, 26 years later.

When I left the Marshall House, to my surprise, there were military police spaced every fifty or so feet along a mile and a half distance to the place where the service was to be conducted. When I reached the parking lot surrounding the enormous building called the Infantry Hall, there were hundreds of cars; almost every space was taken. I was met by a battle garbed, six foot eight soldier at the building’s entrance who escorted me down the aisle of the auditorium. On both sides sat a sea of shaven heads, camouflage, yellow and black fatigues and the black laced, spit polished jump boots of those standing at the end of each row reflected the ceiling lights.

I was seated in the third row behind the bereaved family members along with several other colonels and not a few generals of the Air Force and Army. To my left, I could see four rows of officers, none less than a major, but in front there was a Lt. General and a couple of major generals –dressed in fatigues, just like all of the rest of the troops now seated behind me. I looked to my rear – the entire auditorium was about the size of basketball courts with mezzanine stretching from the back to one third of the length of the round floor. It was filled to capacity. There were well over a thousand silent, intent faces of men who probably didn’t have an extra ounce of fat amongst them facing me.

Within minutes of the family members being seated, a whispered order was given and the entire assemblage rose as one. A Catholic Priest, Father Pikura, gave the invocation. With my head bowed, I had the strangest feeling that at any moment the banshee undulating music of Wagner’ “Ride of the Valkyries” would be sweeping over us for truly I was in the company of the spirit of ancient Viking Warriors. These men were of the 3rd Battalion, 75 Ranger Regiment, the nation’s elite Special Forces outfit that leads all others: that penetrates enemy lines before the conflict; that parachutes; digs holes under the ground and reports on the enemy or sends them to their Maker using skills and endurance unequaled in the annals of military history. This is the outfit which lost their Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. John T. Keneally in a training exercise during rough and inclement weather. The Special Forces don’t have exercises in good weather. Who can penetrate enemy lines on clear moonlit nights? Although there was no Viking vessel to burn they were there to launch him on his final voyage.

Instead of the “Ride of the Valkyries,” the somber lyrics of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” were sung by a thousand warriors. It established a mood which constricted my throat with sorrow for what my dear friends must feel. After readings from the Bible, a young lady, Ester Haskins, sang “On Eagles Wings” and on the last note, she faltered and returned to her seat on the stage in tears. The shoulder patch of the American Eagle is part of the Ranger’s uniform.

The Regimental Commander, Colonel Grange, began his eulogy – not in words prepared as from a text, but he spoke simply from the heart, describing who this courageous officer was. He related in his most sincere terms that John Keneally was a person respected, loved and emulated. He was considered one of the most outstanding officers ever to have served as battalion commander. His voice cracked and he had to pause to retain composure. Other officers followed Col. Grange, as well as the Battalion’s Sergeant Major, all of whom reemphasized the qualities of his love for God and his family, his total devotion to the principle of duty honor country.

He was the soldiers’ soldier. He was thought of so highly by his commander and by his men that through the chain of command the President of the United States was contacted and then promoted him, posthumously to the rank of full colonel (He had already been on the colonel selection list awaiting congressional approval). In addition, the U.S Army awarded John the Legion of Merit with two Oak Leaf Clusters and of most significance, named the enormous Fort Benning Infantry Hall, to the “Colonel John T. Keneally, Jr. Memorial Hall.” Such a prestigious honor is given only to the best of the best. The bravest, most dedicated combat organization in the military could not have had bestowed a greater honor on one of their own.

John’s brother, Lt. Col Robert Keneally, U.S.A.F. presented the final tribute, and addressed from the stage, his brother’s wife, Barbara, a soldier in her own right. He pledged his eternal support as a substitute father to her children, tying together their families as one. There were no dry eyes to this example of love and the great spiritual wealth shared among all of the Keneally family – father, mother, sister, brothers and their children.

As the soulful sound of the bugle playing TAPS and the final rifle shots were fired, my somber reflections centered on Maria’s request. Anything I could write to what transpired here would be redundant. Over a thousand men repeated the Ranger Creed aloud and in unison before Sergeant Major Salinas read the final role call unanswered by their beloved commander. I look at all these valiant men, keeping the last of their Creed in mind:

“Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor. “RANGERS LEAD THE WAY”

How fortunate is our country to have such men and their families as these…

With love- The Kress Family

© 2018 JW Kress – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress:

Our country is suffering from the birth-pains of revisionism. On the one side of the political spectrum the first sign of its pregnancy was announced by Karl Marx in 1844, later by Fredrik Engels. Engels rounded out what Marx concluded that materialism is the guiding force which discards philosophy involving the metaphysical and religion is spirituality unacceptable. They varied in only minor ways their concepts of mankind’s social behavior regarding philosophies vis-a-vis materialism. But they inevitably coalesced with anti-religious certitude in their views. In essence they agreed that Nature is primary; others who also belong to the various schools of materialism concurred that the Marx view of freedom as a necessity must be enforced.

Lenin selected Marxism with a twist that Marx and Engels lacked as atheistic philosophers, i.e. the power to enforce diabolical, ruthlessness involving the proletariat. Murder was never mentioned by Marx or Engels, yet initially Lenin ordered the murder of the Tsar and the entire Romanoff family never to be resurrected. His goal centered on confiscation of private property and distribution of wealth. He died before the real slaughter in the Ukraine, under Josef Stalin, occurred.

Linin’s Bolsheviks’ long arms reached Trotsky where he was assonated in Mexico thus, ending the opposition of Mensheviks and left the Bolshevik’s in complete control of Russia. Lenin was the one who fathered Communism. As Russia’s Godless control and this atheistically stance finally morphed into Stalinism which financially collapsed the economy and ended in Gorbachev’s friendly revisionism in dealings with President Ronald Reagan.

Now, there is this image of the present former-KGB security enforcer Vladimir Putin. His leadership presently clouds his intentions, claiming that he is a Christian. That may really be an extension of Mikael Gorbachev’s “Perestroika” having the end goal of a revitalized Soviet Democratic Republic but with an image of a more benign communism. Russia today, has a new image, labeled socialistic and is selling this duplicitous image which is really the old Communist doctrine where Gulags and the wall no longer exist, yet every freedom is literally controlled by the government and complicated laws make it impossible to circumvent the web that enwraps the Russian public. Its communist dogma is straight out of the Soviet Socialist Union’s duma which follows in lock-step with a joke called an election of its Foreign Secretary Vladimir Putin. He solely dictates his plans to incorporate all the lands of enemies of Russia.

President Trump is no fool, he is fully aware of the game Putin plays, but his decision to meet with Putin is that of the businessman and the art of the deal which allows Putin wiggle room favoring Trump and the economy of both the U.S. and Russia. It appears that geopolitical tradeoffs would at least last Putin’s ambitious Soviet land annexations, even if only temporary, pending the 2018 and 2020 elections.

Philosophy of DemonkRats

The philosophy of the Democrat Party stems back to the adoption of the Klu Klux Klan during the reconstruction period where blacks, who though they were free of slavery, only landed up as indentured servants and segregated without recourse to a false freedom. The Democrat Party has since emerged with the trappings instituted by Lenin where the benign label called socialism is not reality at its core.

It’s incredible that the United States in 2018 is saddled with true enemies composed of several hundred million dumbed-down, ignorant participants. This phenomenon is growing unless eliminated. The inculcation of children who are being mentally abused by a school system that was invented by the father of communism, and requires in our country to be immediately terminated. The public school system is controlled by implanted traitors at every level of through the use of mainly socialist/communist book publishers, especially the school books used by the public schools whose liberal colleges and communized teachers emphasize what to teach and how to teach. Neither of the approaches emphasize subjects that provide the tools to train children to reach their economic, ultimate goals higher mathematics, science, civics and history; also the U.S. Constitution.

Lenin’s atheism and Putin pragmatics still are controlling Russia. But importantly the main emphasis is on technical education and the prime goal. Russia’s Technology is rapidly being advanced in the weapons of war and cyber technology, a real threat to our country,

In this country the left minimize pride of being Americans. In Russia, pride at being Russian is eagerly accepted by the hoipoloi.

What is most obvious in the United States, morality is attacked at every level. But most obvious is the stream of violent films that Hollywood uses to harden the youth who become immune to violence and unrelenting visual slaughter. The murder of the unborn is accepted as simply unquestioned causalities of life and death. Coupled with uncontrolled publications sex of every kind, including the normalization of same sex between males and females, satisfies the voyeur entertainment of teenage youth. TV and the acceptance of the intoxicating weed converts smokers into addicts made legal in many states. It isn’t bad enough that there are millions of alcoholic addicts to add to the overall mind-numbing practices offered by the drug industries. The damaging element in the war to destroy young souls is Washington establishment’s insistence regarding marriage purpose is not to procreate, but to satisfy every contrived desire that our youth now agree as normal and fair. The uplifting of religious faith is not to be treasured, but rather condemned by the generation of parents who were part of Woodstock festivities where Jimmy Hendricks entertainment launched the rebellious 60s and illusionistic drugs, sex and rebellion.

God in public education has been removed and considered as religiously utopic. Many of keys within the U.S. Congress and agencies within the “Washington swamp have poisoned minds of our youth while encouraging those IPads that can open doors during examinations by enabling cheating to arrive at correct answers. Reports have been publicized that instructors leave the room and abandon their mentorship responsibilities. The weakening of the failed “F” becomes “D” and “C +” becomes “B-.” Grades are demeaned all along the scale; a grade of “A+” becomes a numeric 3.5+. Cheating within the U.S. Military Academies is discovered regularly.*

The abuse of power within South Africa’s Communist Government is exemplified below.

  • According to the magazineRT,up to 15,000 Boers, descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, are planning to move to Russia amid rising violence stemming from government plans to expropriate their land, according to the delegation.

White farmers, despite being a minority in South Africa, own 72 percent of the country’s farms. The new South African government recently announced a plan to redistribute land to the black population in the highly racist move. Critics have warned South Africa may repeat the disastrous experiment by the Zimbabwean government in 1999-2000. A report byDieselGasOil.comstated thatthe new South African government led by racist President CyrilRamaphosa has pledged to return the lands owned by white farmers since the 1600s to the black citizens of the country.The government said it is planning to put an end to what it calls the “legacy of apartheid.” Most of South Africa’s farming land is still in the hands of its minority white population. Human rights groups have said the initiative incites violence.There were 74 farm murders and 638 attacks, primarily against white farmers, in 2016-17 in South Africa, according to data by minority rights groupAfriForum.South Africa will face the real threat of famine in the absenceof experienced farmers – regardless of their race.

The farmers have beenfacing racial genocide in South Africa, and many say moving to Russia has become a “life or death” matter,Rossiya 1 TVchannel reported.

It’s a matter of life and death — there are attacks on us. It’s got to the point where the politicians are stirring up a wave of violence,”(end of article)

The question that arises from the above article is why the Boers choose Russia instead of the United States?


The Democrat Party is the party of nihilism that concentrates on eliminating any vestige of President Trump. Their entire program is one of “no” to whatever is proposed by Trump, no matter how worthy his decisions and goals and accomplishments may be. To admit that he has had numerous world changing success, defeats not only the Demonkrats geopolitical objective to destroy the entire economy of the United States. To admit otherwise would cancel the entire purpose of the Demonkrats.


Where do the Demonkrats obtain those funds to maintain their campaigns and their iron grip on Democrat members who vote in lock step like the typical Soviet Controlled Duma? The answer can be found with the international bankers, the worlds’ richest who meet at Devos Switzerland to support the New World Order where they hope to control the ebb and flow of world currencies and cashless societies.

To men like George Soros, the President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Thomas J. Donahue and David Hirshmann, Senior V.P. U.S. Chamber of Commerce Policy Committee, all are linked at the multibillionaires doorstep in those yearly meetings at Devos, Switzerland. Donahue, regularly is interviewed at the meetings on worldwide TV to insure complacency of viewers that all is up and up regarding the hundreds of millions of dollar contributions to support not only the Democrat positions that offer no change to the objectives of the Muslim President Obama, but the objectives of the Republikrats within the splintered Republican Party. The neocon George H.W. Bush and sons Jeb Bush and the eight year term of his brother, President George W. Bush embraced the New World Order. Their father, President George Herbert Walker Bush, in his election address, was first to announce the advent of the New World Order. Their grandfather and their great grandfather, Prescott Bush (all members with the exception of Jeb Bush of Yale’s Skull and Bones Fraternity), managed the Harriman Bank in Germany during the period the U.S Ambassador Averill Harriman dealt with the Soviet Union while in the Roosevelt Administration. His headquarters as Bank President was located in Berlin before WWI until 1941.

Prescott Bush managed the Harriman major bank with Averill’s approval and support as employer. He supported loans to both the Soviets and the Nazis until the U.S. declared war in 1941. Averill Harriman actually caused to be built the first cement plant within the new Soviet Union of the Bolsheviks when no other source of lending was available by the western world’s lenders. As Ambassador, Averill acted as a pseudo Ambassador for Stalin when Stalin was in a near mental breakdown when Hitler first attacked the Soviet Union.

Roosevelt’s close relation with Josef Stalin is a fact wherein an interview Roosevelt, stated: (”my friend Joe,”) while Winston Churchill sat at the same table at the Potsdam meeting. Churchill, at the meeting between the participants was used as doormat instead of an equal participant. As a result of the meeting and the influence of Harriman on Roosevelt, millions of refugees trying to escape the clutches of the Soviet evil empire were forced as captives to be returned to the Soviets. Our military under the command of General Eisenhower forcefully returned the refugees to the Soviets and those refugees held in France, under General DE Galle were also forced to be returned. The victims landed in Gulags as slaves as forced labor, starved and imprisoned in Siberia and finally death. The British already had restrictions established as to the number under their control so only a small number were turned over to the Soviets.

Although the Demonkrats sorry history and their effect on America; the fact is Charles Schumer, Senate Minority leader, is a major domo in favor of Communist objectives as is the Senate’s Whip, Dick Durban, who manages the Party discipline. They are as effective as those Communists in Russia. Nancy Pelosi, House minority leader, Rep. Stene Hoyer, Assistant Democrat Leader, Rep. James Clyburn, Democrat Caucus Leader, Rep Joseph Crowley have maintained in the Party the same discipline as do the Democrats in the Senate.


More than the known enemies on the left, the Republican Party on the so-called right is rife with pusillanimous pukes who lost their spines for power and greed and have managed to exist with the help of craven leaders who follow the billionaire bankers and their devotion to the control of what they aspire: a contrived money systems as mentioned previously; in addition they prefer borderless nations, cashless societies, rules of law through unelected, unrepresented justices located at the Hague…*(note) the money system which ensures low wages, increase taxes paid by captives within the system.

  • The Rape of Justice; Americas Tribunals; The World order; by Eustace Mullins

Amschel Bower used the emblem of a red shield on his sign in front of his business. As the Baron von Rothschild the father of the Rothschild financial empire who profited on war, he announced the main key to his success provided this dictum: “He, who controls the king’s finances, controls the king.

© 2018 JW Kress – All Rights Reserved

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Awake before it’s too late.

If you are a believer of what our forefathers wrote in the constitution and then amended it because the founders realized the dangers of government control, you are the minority.

They and we believe the Second Amendment was considered essential for its citizens to be armed to protect the rights for which they fought and died to free themselves from the yoke of King George III who was really (Mad King George) during part of his reign.

Today, in the United States, the central faction within the Democrat Party stems from Vladimir Ulyanov, better known as Vladimir Lenin who founded Communism and led the Bolshevik Party until the advent of Stalin or Stalinism an even more ruthless, murderous regime.

The Tsar abdicated his position in 1917 and within days, he and his family were prisoners of Lenin who authorized their murder to eliminate any possibility of Tsarism’s return. The ruthlessness of Lenin was openly revealed and instrumental in creating Russia into a totally controlled authoriarian state.

The methodology of Lenin was first to promise the Russian populace their needs such as basic food and sustenance. The Russian people were destitute and totally sick of war and the terrible military losses, so Lenin’s promises were openly accepted.


The United States is in a state of rapid revisionism, a significant part of a plan to institute sophisticated Communism that Vladimir Lenin formulated, but lacked the foresight to train generations through our public schools.

The plan installs utopian ideas imbedded from the time a child enters the first grade. What is interesting is that the parents are the radical dope smoking, fornicating misanthropes, who swayed to the rock music of Jimmy Hendricks strumming and pounding his guitar. These were the core generation whose morals stemmed from the Biblical days of Sodom and Gomorrah. The misfits of the sixties were parents of the 2018 politically indoctrinated leaders of today’s communist revolution.



© 2018 JW Kress – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress:

My memories of the Boy Scouts still remain vividly even though I’m 90 years old. Boy Scouts had a moto and an oath. The moto is: BE PRAPARED. Be prepared in mind by having disciplined yourself to be obedient to every order, and also by having thought out beforehand any accident or situation that might occur, so that you know the right thing to do at the right moment and willing to do it.

THE OATH IS: On my honor, I will do my best. To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law: To help other people at all times. The goal is to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. (Nov. 28, 1917)

So what is wrong about moto and oath? Not a damn thing and I want to keep it that way. It’s not so easy when out in the wilderness where there lurks a specter composed of enemies so powerful that the face and purpose of my country is rapidly being converted to the New World Order where God, religion, unborn babies are legally aborted and morality is no longer recognized as a sin. The political script of taking over a country was Valdemar Lenin’s. The formula is to provide handouts to the proletariats to make them dependent and train children from infancy that the state is god and communism is the only solution where the country collapses economically and politically to a level of the third world.

The Boy Scouts are not girls as one with any brain would conclude. Girls are built different, thi nk different and definitely affect boys once they enter their realm where boys strive to be men of character and of purpose to fulfill their moto and oath as destiny. What then is the purpose of the new leaders of Boy Scouts of America? Their purpose is to attack the citadel of what men are supposed to be of high and noble character and morality to be men, as achievers, as leaders a species apart of what they appear to be today. The present board that reformes the Boy Scouts have the same goals as Leninists to destroy convention; to disrupt society at every level, toinoculate with poisonous venom a population of robots that are only loyal to government by edict.

Once a female is in their midst, the rough and tumble of the male species becomes modified, the goals are bent to accommodate females, the same as those in the military where environments bend to meet different standards. It’s no secret that naval aircraft carriers having 5,000 mixed crew members aboard ship, living for months on end in confined living accommodations result in large numbers of pregnancies every time the carriers go out to sea. The cost is enormous; positions must be replaced, medical care requires extended leave; loss of trained technicians to civilian life is more wasted money that could be spent to rebuild our forces. This travesty is repeated over and over again. On our submarines, special quarters for females increase operational costs and increase tensions unless the women on board have the same type of traits that males must to withstand what is really a cluster phobic type environment. Recruiting for submarine duty requires personality traits where one can get along with others under the most strained conditions. There is only a small minority who has that special kind of psychological mentality.

In the Army those females who volunteer for combat positions experience bone breakage during training far in excess of males.

It doesn’t take much of an imagination to conclude that in the Boy Scouts, once the door is wide opened, the trans-gender hom*ophobes and all the rest of the products of abnormal deviates enter the once sacred sanctuary where men are really men. One can now envision lace sewn on men’s shorts beneath skirts as acceptable and normal.

The fundamental plan of control blossomed as far back in the United States as the Reconstruction period when the Democratic Party used its muscle enforcers, the Klu Klux Klan, to keep blacks on the plantations. Those who rebelled were strung up on trees. Today, green card aliens vote illegally along with legal citizens who are black, but all party members must vote the party position in the primaries when their members have more voting while the general population mostly ignore voting in the primaries.. The reason for this establishes a numeric plurality which favors their party. They are however, able to vote in the general elections where their majority of voters already outnumber their opponents on the right.

Any member who violates the primary restriction are declared disloyal to the Party and selectively single out through illicit government manipulation rules to prohibit grants and welfare supplemental income or general welfare payments such is the power of the left who illegally discard the Constitution and bypass opposition by simply ignoring it. The Obama Administration ignored laws and implemented rules of his own choosing to punish whoever doesn’t fit the plan. The neocons within the Republican Party are really posing in mufti. They work to use the left to meet globalist goals.

But the Democrat Party, the Party whose center is the Communist Party, is not the only participant in the attack of our Democratic Republic. The Wilson Administration revealed an awakening call. Woodrow, in the last days of his administration, expressed guilt and a confession when he admitted that “I have betrayed my country.” He said that there is a power so great of which I dare not speak. He obviously meant that there is a power so great that he is afraid to speak about it without consequences including assassination. What Wilson didn’t identify, but fully understood, was the massive influence of the banking industry whose political purpose is to control the world’s currencies through the means of one world government.

One of the first power brokers of the banking establishments was Averell Harriman’s main Wall Street connection for German companies and the varied U.S financial interests of Fritz Thyseen who was a financial banker of the Nazi Party until 1942. The Trading With the Enemy Act (enacted on October 1917 classified any business transactions for profit with the enemy nations as illegal and any funds or assets involved were subject to seizure by the U.S government. The declaration of war on the U.S by Hitler led to the U.S. government order on October 20, 1942 to seize German interests in the U.S. which included Harriman business interests under the act.

Throughout the 1930s, Prescott Bush, father of George Herbert Walker Bush, was president of Harriman’s bank in Germany and up to the implementation of the Trading Act; Prescott provided support for the Nazi as well as the communist government under Stalin’s brutal control. Avril Harriman was first to fund and provide the financially weak Soviet Government with a cement factory. This probably was a reason that throughout the 30’s, even before his appointment as the U.S Ambassador to the Soviet Union, he had unlimited access through the iron gate of the Soviet Union.

Author: Joe Kress - News With Views (3)The assets confiscated by the U.S. government for the duration of the war, were never used to help pay for the war. They were returned afterward: UBC was dissolved in 1951. Thus is the example of power of U.S. major banking interests within our country.

We who love our country face a toxic world of deceit. It is not only Communism, but a select group of multi billionaires who attend the Devos meetings in Switzerland. Their enormous wealth provides the money supply to a multiplicity of America’s enemies within. Their goal is to incorporate as many countries as possible in the New World Order whereby they will have the ability to control currencies using the power structure of the Hague of unelected judges that make a mockery of nationhood.

“Forward, Comrades! Not Back!”

America and the World on the Brink of Global Communism


1. From ‘Hope & Change’ to ‘Forward!’ –
2. ‘Forward!’: A Hardcore Communist Maxim with a Long History –
3. Obama & Friends Seem to Get Ready for a Revolutionary Breakthrough –
4. The Deeper Reality of Communism: Pitch-Black Satanism! –
5. The Dire Warnings from Communist Defectors 30 Years Ago –
6. Mikhail Gorbachev’s Shocking Blackmail Speech of Dec. 10, 2011 –
7. Skip-back to 1987: Gorbachev’s Propaganda Book, ‘Perestroika’, Had It All Revealed Already! –
8. Some Final Thoughts, prior to and after the 2012 US Presidential Election –

© 2018 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress:

There is a series on Netflix titled GOTHAM, a fictional city that is so corrupted that it flounders in chaos and fear of violence. The City of Chicago, where murders have become routine, totaling in thousands; other crimes are equally routine; MS13 Gangs control whole territories throughout the City’s East side; prostitution is rampant; the police are ineffective based on the fear of entering entire areas within the city; corrupt politicians slide from one administration to another, stemming back a hundred years. The City of Chicago is bankrupt. Ward healers amass great wealth by heading political election campaigns using payoffs, arm-twisting and other forms of intimidation that insures that the mobs’ candidates always survive. Harry Truman was a ward healer before he became president.

GOTHAM is really Chicago, but the corruption has spread to “Sodom” by the Sea in San Francesco, and Hollywood, California. There are many pockets throughout our country where illegal people have, through the Obama Administration’s blessing, violated Constitutional law and paid government trucking contractors, with taxpayer funding to redistribute illegals far from our boarders in order to settle in villages and towns throughout our nation. The purpose was to transform the population by mongrelizing the citizenry, blending the brown yellow and black races from Africa, China and other foreign locations to create a metamorphic conversion from western ideals into a caliphate or better yet a communist society devoid of qualifications for entry. Most immigrants do not speak, read or write English; most arrive to obtain a better life at the expense of legal citizens and will work for low wages compared to legal citizens.


The traditions, laws and inheritance of Western culture evolved over 802 years and resulted in enormous achievements in science, medicine, literature, poetry and philosophy when, in 1215 A.D., the Magna Carta set the standards of law we enjoy today; but now, unhappily, we experience a process of decay of standards ie; morals, religious and loyalty to our flag. What once was a nation based on the brilliance of our forefather’s written Constitution and laws to enforce the bill of rights the system of justice is now slowly being corrupted.

President Obama encouraged millions of illegal aliens to overwhelm our immigration system complicit with Democrat Party support that applauded restricting, even preventing boarder control guards from doing their jobs.

He used every means to spread his propaganda by lecturing and ranting on TV, and other media, before the public assemblies lauding the rights of aliens to enter this country. He publically condemned the police, labeling them guilty before they were tried by jury; he promoted racism between whites and minorities and helped racist mayors restrict police interference during riots; he praised Islam as peaceful and friendly despite the fact that Islam once controlled, through invasion, all of Spain and the entire Mediterranean to force captives into enslavement and execution all who refused to follow the teachings of Mohammad. The defeat of the Muslim control left remnants behind until those bloody purges during the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella.

Obama recited in Arabic the verses of the Quran and bowed before the Saudi King of Arabia (demonstrating obeisance) while on an official government visit, what no other president would dare to do… acknowledge superiority of a foreign Muslim potentate.

His blatant “chutzpah” openly abused the privileges of his office by taking with him an entourage that included friends and family members to exotic locations throughout the world, claiming the trips as necessary, legally urgent and obligatory to conduct meetings and conferences. He even allowed his wife to use the government backup intercontinental aircraft with the affixed presidential seal to travel to separate destinations accompanied by her own entourage of friends and relatives to enjoy luxurious accommodations at taxpayer sxpense, she stated the trips to be necessary for creating social comity within foreign countries. In other words she was acting in the capacity of an ambassador. The cost to the U.S. taxpayers was staggering … amounting to millions of dollars per trip. Added to these costs is the expense of additional aircraft to haul support vehicles, security personnel and the most expensive accommodations within each country visited.

Obama’s legacy, during his eight years in office, was to bring the United States to its knees by creation of debt so enormous that Americas’ currency, the dollar, which was the most respected, universal vehicle of exchange, to lose its status as the world’s medium for currency conversions. Obama, flooded our country, with non-vetted aliens, including devotees of ISIS, a murderous organization with a purpose to install a world-wide 12thcentury caliphate based on terrorism. He created chain migration whereby whole families could join those who held green cards or became temp citizens with a job. Almost immediately, these relatives receive benefits because most have no needed low skills and are unneeded by industry. Those temporary Immigrants who are allowed to work have send millions of dollars to wherever their families and relatives are located.

Obama ignored the problem and the loss of millions of dollars every month to be spent in foreign countries. So did the media and the entire Democrat Party who voted in lockstep to promote the most radical social welfare laws, such as the Medical Care ACT for the welfare state. Forty percent of our nation’s citizens and noncitizens alike pay no taxes and received free Medicaid benefits. The majority of Obama and the Democrat’s Party’s immigration open door policy provides no incentive for the unemployed to exchange the benefits gained by being employed because the gains in the welfare provided, exceeds what they could not earn by working. As stated previously, the majority of immigrants lack the higher paying skills for the jobs that employers require.

One other outrage by Obama was the agreement he made with the Iranian government regarding limiting nuclear development, where only UN mentorship of Iranian sites where nuclear operations and storage are stipulated Iran’s government, excluding all other suspected areas where nuclear development takes place.

Barrack Obama, arranged the transfer of $100,000,000 dollars in cash to be delivered by aircraft to Iran outside of the original agreement, purportedly responding to the Mullah’s later demand for the release of Iran’s funds that were frozen since the overthrow of the Shaw which was subsequently declared illegal by the World Court which does not impede or have authority within the United States jurisdictional authority. It violates our nation’s sovereignty.

class warfare

Obama and the majority within the Democrat Party vilify the very wealthy who create jobs, hire workers and pay salaries. The left adopted the philosophy of Marx and Engle’s. Manufacturers who were competing while located in the United States no longer could afford paying taxes, high wages, pensions and medical care and compete with foreign nations who import products to the United States, tariff free. Either our manufacturers move their plants where taxation, fees and subsidies make it much easier to compete on the world stage or simply fail to exist if there are no comparative tax benefits that are provided by other countries. Detroit, the hub of auto manufacturing, turned into a ghost town as did so many other major cities throughout the Middle and Eastern United States. Cotton mills and fabric manufacture left our country to China’s economy as did so many other industries.

The reason why our nation declined is not the Obama administration alone, but all the administrations beginning with Teddy Roosevelt coupling with Woodrow Wilson’s international central bankers and international corporate self-serving opportunists. Prior U.S. administrations now inherit the morals and conflicts of Europe and now as a member within the United Nations that opposes 90% of our nation’s interests.

What has changed is exemplified by the transfiguration of our youth and the freedoms bequeathed on them. Their present heritage goes back to the Age of Aquarius 1960.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER The sins of father’s who attended the massive gatherings where free love, pot and other mind-bending demonstrations against conventional morals and practice of the past were passed on to their children and the left’s political candidates, namely Government leaders. Blood sweat and tears of our military pay the price because of the misuse of the present Marxists or even worse the Communists who now are the many citizens of American heritage.

This is not unique, since the sins of Adam and Eve were inherited by their sons, Cain and Able as quoted in the first chapter of Genesis of the Bible. Cain killed his brother Able and that created a first in the sorry history of good vs evil and is perpetuated through all generations. One fact, that any thinking person must accept, is that it is too easy to take the wider road, the road that appeals to our bad side. The side where sex, gluttony, sloth, anger, misdeeds which are the antithesis of the commandments given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. When governments become so immune to feelings of guilt there are no limits. Crimes of murder, the killing of millions through development of weapons: poison gas that fries skin and inflames lungs and disfigures survivors. Bombs spray deadly metal particles; missiles capable of flattening entire cities to rubble. Every form of weaponry is impervious to the pain and desolation that causes disfigurement tearing off limbs of both civilians and soldiers alike. War is heartless … pure evil. The arms manufactures sell weapons and ammunition for enormous profits, a prime reason that motivates wars. Today, the rules of war no longer exist. Our war making machine is now at its apex dedicated toward total annihilation of enemies. Are our babies’ enemies in arms? Is the enemy, the elderly or the very young who never wished for war, or is it the Luciferian leadership that forces death on enemies to justify annihilation?

I fear the condemnation by those who fall victim of propaganda that benignly molds minds to conclude that nuclear annihilation is a proper solution. Fools fail to foresee that using the nuclear solution as the only solution means more than likely the enemy will retaliate in kind. Mankind needs Divine Guidance.

© 2018 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress:

Many of us who cling to the belief that metaphysical is as real as the physical and humans by instinct are aware of the limits of their life span as in all elements, man or beasts, things that grow and that the earth itself will eventually become dust as will the cosmos. Currently, we are experiencing the midst of turmoil more frightening than in the historical past. It appears that the world stands at a nuclear precipice of earthly destruction; a cataclysm portrayed biblically in the book of revelations.

Whatever brings religion or whatever is one’s philosophical view all know there is a thread of human conscience that guilt and that remorse some are not contrarious because they feel no guilt therefore no contrition. There are exceptions but man has propensity to be more wrong than right for many reasons, and a form of madness that enters the human brain where the mind is clouded by drugs, opioids and alcohol or through p*rnography, fake history and false education and advertising. These people are in the majority throughout humanity and will be judged by whatever controls man’s destiny and judge’s on society’s culpabilities.

There are seers who claim they have the ability to predict the future, many of whom are religiously reprehensible frauds. One should follow the money or where power over others is more important, using concocted, illogical syllogisms. The philosophers like Socrates imparted maps in search of truth through the use of repetitious questions, each answer leads to the next question, finally at the end Socrates’ students realize evidence is conclusive and reach satisfaction. This methodology to search for the answer in each step of each part is a process to attain truth. One of Socrates’ pupils was Aristotle, who discovered his own philosophy, a science wherein the embryo of the search for beginnings was born. Aristotle began using a process proving evolving from motion, how the planets formation began in a universe with infinity of shapes. Surely motion has a source, says Aristotle, and if we are not to plunge drearily into infinite regress, taking back our problem step by step endlessly, we must admit a Prime Mover, unmoved (primm mobile immotum) a being incorporeal, indivisible, spaceless, sexless, passionless, changeless, perfect and eternal. He realized that the beginning of the universe is caused by an inexplicable order, a supernatural force. The force is pure energy, the Scholastic Activity, the mystic force of modern physics and philosophy is a magnetic power that keeps the heavens under synergistic control.


There are, in man’s history, legitimate seers. Justification is based on the philosopher Aristotle’s process that one can then conclude that if the metaphysical exists through the power of revelation and that subsequent to predictions, one must then logically admit that the revelation, when realized as accurate, it then becomes a fact.


The children in the history of Fatima had a vision of hell provided by the “Virgin Mary” where souls were falling into Hell like black snowflakes in a snowstorm as did St. Theresa of Aquila; receive the vision in a dream. The three children ask the lady who appeared to them why the snowflakes were black. The lady told the three children that through other souls descend to hell because many high prelates and priests abandoned their oaths and mislead other souls. Because of sinfulness and example these souls also abandoned God.

The shepherd children received these visions in the town of Fatima between May 13, 1917 and October 13, 1917. The children were at first thought to be delusionary by townspeople as did the local priest because the children reported that the lady was sent by God to alert every man, woman and child. The local priest, who knew the level of education of the children, was still not convinced, until the children said that the “lady” mentioned Her Immaculate Conception. These little children could never have known about the term. It was never a part of Catholic primary education at that time. The local priest then contacted his bishop and asked that the children be interrogated further. More revelations of the first of the three visits revealed that war is a punishment for sin and warned that God would punish the world for its disobedience to “His Will,” by means of war, hunger and persecution.

It is acknowledged by all Christians, that God the Father is linked intrinsically with His son Jesus Christ, the second person of the Blessed Trinity’s Godhead and with the Holy Spirit had no beginning and no end (an unexplainable mystery), yet the through the Holy Spirit actually became man. His mother, who was greeted by the Angel Gabriel as Holy Mary, conceived without sin, when she was greeted, that she would give birth to a son. She replied, “I have not known man to which the angel replied, “You will be conceived through the Holy Spirit.” Thus, the sacrificial “Lamb” mentioned in the old testament as the coming Messiah became fulfilled.

The lady told the three children that God was unhappy that His gift of salvation was violated and that Russia will be God’s chosen “instrument of chastisem*nt” by spreading errors such as atheism across the earth, consequently fermenting wars, annihilating nations and persecuting the faithful everywhere.


Just prior to his abdication, Tsar Nicholas of Russia declared Russia as no longer involved as a combatant nation and no longer allied with France, England and the United States. He then declared his abdication as the head of the Russian people, the majority of which were religious. These people and military of Russia were exhausted and had no intention of further conflicts but there was foreign, outside influences that financed and caused and abetted through infiltration anarchy, by using propaganda to stir revolution within the military and the proletariat Russian people to overthrow the Tsar. The final result was that the government became secularly atheistic born of Communism created by Lenin.

Communism was an outgrowth from Marks and Engels, it had already made inroads in the United States and Europe, but Lenin and Trotsky were still not settled in a position of power until after the Armistice, November the 11th, 1918. The abdicated Tsar was imprisoned by the Bolsheviks soon thereafter, along with his wife and entire family and all were cruelly murdered.


The “Lady” revealed to the three children by example: “If My requests when the Papacy revels the prophesy and insists that people through prayer, Russia’s conversion will result peace; if the requests are not granted, Russia will spread its errors throughout the world, rising up using wars and persecutions against the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will suffer much and various nations will be annihilated.”

The news of this revelation became known throughout Europe because of the prediction revealed by the three children during July, 1917, that on the 13th of October, 2017 a visible sign will be shown to the world. Also revealed, within the second of the three visits in July, She stated that the secrets are in three parts, the first two of which had been publically revealed. The first part of the Secret was a horrifying vision of hell” where souls of damned sinners go” and contained an urgent need for prayer and sacrifice to save souls.

The second part of the Secret specifically prophesied the outbreak of World War II by her solemn request for the Consecration of Russia as a condition for peace. Within the second Part, She also predicted the inevitable triumph of Her Immaculate Heart following Russia’s conversion from heresy.

The final secret, not yet been made public, the Pope must announce the third secret; all bishops and priests are to promote the requirement to pray for the conversion of Russia throughout the world. This was written down by Lucy Dos Dantos, the last living Fatima seer, in 1924. That document has been in the possession of the Holy See since 1957 first presented to Pope John XXIII. And as yet, Mary’s admonitions have not been fully implemented by the Papacy. Most informed sources speculate that the Popes refrained from making the announcement as this portion of the Secret concerns chaos within the Catholic Church, predicting widespread apostasy and a loss of faith beginning in the seventh decade of the 20th Century. (GO TO Page 5)

Thus, the stage is set for her predictions to become real.


After Russia withdrew from participating and subsequent to “The peace Treaty of 1918” the political process was initiated by the arrival of Vladimir Lenin.

Once he returned to Russia from Europe, Lenin worked consistently to use the Russian Revolutionary situation that had been created by the fall of the Czar and to convert it into a proletarian revolution. He put his own party into power.

Power ended in 1917 with the Bolshevik found himself not only the leader of his party, but chairman of the Council of People Commissars (equivalent to prime minister of the future Federative Soviet Republic) of which was the basis for the future Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. Re: Wikipedia article.


Lenin became essentially a dictator with unquestioned authority. He seized land from owners and through Gulags (that he established) shared the lands with the peasants, thus establishing the bases for Stalinist Communism.

The die was set for the future chaotic upheavals of WW II; the non-declared continuing wars throughout the 20th and 21st century, not to mention the complete upheaval of the Middle East Muslims vis Christians and throughout Western Europe, Finally, the horrendous weather storms, and flows, massive earthquakes exceeding patterns during the most recent years, all of which continue incessantly.

It now appears obvious that the admonitions of Mary as revealed to the three Fatima children followed by the miracle of the sun that occurred when thousands of people were alerted in advance by news outlets throughout Europe, actually appeared in the sky (October 17, 2013). It was shortly thereafter, that the murder of Arch Duke Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) took place at Sarajevo.


Vladimir Putin, Russia’s premier, consider himself now an Orthodox Christian despite the fact that he was head of the KGB, the most powerful position involving every level of Soviet secret security.

The question remains, is a change within Russia taking place? There may be light at the end of a dark tunnel. Yet, Communism still is widespread throughout Western civilization and appears to be also established as a powerful influence in the Democratic Party within the United States.

Between Communism and Christian belief in the Ten Commandments, to close this article they are outlined below:

1. No other gods before me
2. You should not make yourself a carved image
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain
4. Remember the Sabbath day
5. Honor your father and your mother
6. You shall not murder
7. You shall not adultery
8. You shall not steal
9. You shall not bear false witness
10. You shall not covet

1. Doesn’t recognize God
2. Creates a substitute, the State
3. Doesn’t recognize vulgarity
4. Has no sacred day as a Sunday
5. Doesn’t’ recognize marriage permanent or otherwise
6. Caused the starvation of millions in the Ukraine and millions in gulags
7. Doesn’t recognize adultery
8. Government has the right to steal because it own the currency
9. The state Law is flexible
10. State confiscates private land

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress:

[Note: Correction to Part 1,

These loyal supporters against our enemy North Vietnam were barred from entering the escape route in an area fronting Saigon’s Capitol, (not Sole Korea). They were barricaded behind the capitol’s iron gates while our choppers hastily lifted up the few remaining military and departed.]

In Part 1 of this series Albert Gore, the global warning scammer was listed as one of the charlatans. Click to Google search to find article on Al’s net worth.

The following is an excerpt on Google of Gore’s biography: “In 2005, Gore founded a liberal news channel called Current TV with Joel Hyatt. The cable network eventually grew to reach more than 60 million households across the United States. Gore announced in January 2013 that Current TV was going to be sold to Al-Jazeera, an Arab news network. According to the Associated Press, Gore said Current TV and Al-Jazeera shared a common mission “to give voice to those who are not typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling.

“Gore was expected to receive about $70 million for his 20 percent share of Current TV. Not everyone is thrilled with his decision to sell the channel, however. Time Warner Cable dropped the channel from its line-up soon after hearing about the deal. Some Current TV personnel, such as former governor Eliot Spitzer, quit rather than work for the channel’s new owners. In 2014, Gore sued Al-Jazeera for allegedly trying to illegally take $65 million in escrow funds connected to the deal, according to aWall Street Journalreport.

“Around this time, Gore published his latest books,The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change(2013) andEarth in the Balance: Forging a New Common Purpose(2013). He saw years of work come to fruition in 2015 with the launch of the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite, nicknamed DSCOVR, in 2015. DSCOVR has a special camera that “will monitor specific wavelengths that alert scientists to the presence of certain materials like ozone, aerosols, and volcanic ash,” according to a statement on Gore’s official website.

“In 2016, Gore appeared at a TED conference in Vancouver, Canada. His talk was called “The Case of Optimism on Climate Change.” He pointed to the decreasing cost associated with renewable energy and the recent agreement reached at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference as reasons for a more positive outlook for the future.”

Gore’s business is to make millions of dollars by publishing books, making movies, and giving lectures and using the internet to exploit an unproven scientific base that the earth is warming because of mankind’s pollution where many experts on the subject, using temperature changes state factually that history proves otherwise; that the records show that they are typically cyclical.

This example of sophistry is really a coordinated plan to incorporate Gore’s goals to align the United States within the European climate change mantra which would cause the United States to lose its national independence and places the U.S. under the iron fist of the Global Elite. President Trump, using his authority, refused to bite this apple and in addition not to fall for the TPP, “Trans Pacific Partnership.”

Like the WTO agreements NAFTA, theTPP arean attempt to set the rules that violated U.S. sovereignty. The majority of the Democrat Party and those rancid establishment neocons, the Republikrats, agree with the proponents of the new world order. Despite the desires of Trump and the informed, educated public minority the benefits of Industry setting up production in the United States isn’t wanted by the establishment. There are water walkers in both parties ie; the billionaires who side with George Soros, whose sole purpose is world government, and those billionaires who tepidly call themselves Republicans liked what Hillary offered…complacency.

International American businesses, whose headquarters are located within the United States, but whose production plants are centered in foreign countries don’t really believe that the low U.S. 15% corporate tax will be sufficient to cover the transfer of their production plants to be built on U.S, soil and still afford the increased cost of U.S. wages compared to the unique tax avoidance benefit arrangements that Europe and Asian governments offer to retain their production, gratis those foreign governments.


This is quoted from a documentary titled “The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the World Order: “Citing source data is the “scientific method”, but does not seem to apply to Conspiracy Theories. A thousand sources may be quoted, yet will not convince the skeptics, the realists. “There are none so blind as those who will not see,” or there is something more sinister at work such as knowledge of the truth, that does not want you to know.

“If one group is effectively in control of national governments and multinational corporations; promotes world government through control of the media, foundation grants, and education and controls and guides the issues of the day; then they control most opinions available. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the financial powers behind it, have done all these things and promote the “New World Order” (NWO) as they have for over seventy years”

List of CFR members:

Col. House’s relatives controlling the CFR, Karen Elliot House is Chairman of the Membership Committee, and member of the nominating committee, along with Jeanne Kirkpatrick; David Rockefeller (deceased 2017) after serving as Chairman 1970-1985 and being Director Emeritus,” after serving as a Director 1949-1985, Peter G Peterson serving as Chairman 1970-1985 and “Director Emeritus. “after serving as a Director 1949-1985, Peter G. Peterson is chairman,, Admiral B.R Inman is Vice Chairman, while former Congressman Foley Democratic and Jeanne Kirkpatrick were serving on the Executive Committee. CFR has several levels of corporate membership, founders, premium members and associates. As of June 7, 2013 members and corporations are listed in Wikipedia as in CFR membership.


The Rockefellers

David Rockefeller, one of the key motivating factors in promoting global government followed the footsteps of his father, John D, Rockefeller who played a leadership role incorporating “The Council on Foreign Affairs” as the American branch of (RIIA) Royal Institute od International Affairs in New York on July 29, 1921. The founding members included Colonel House, mentioned previously as a Rothschild agent. He authored the famous “fourteen points” purported as President Wilson’s idea in the Covenant of the League of Nations. Others included the potentates of international banking J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, of the Warburg bank interests in Germany, Otto Kahn and Jacob Schiff…the same clique which had engineered the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1911, but ratified in 1916 by Woodrow Wilson who before he died stated that “I have betrayed my country. There are powers that of which I can not speak.”

The League of Nations was established but the Versailles Treaty was never ratified by the U.S. Senate. Colonel House, along with other internationalists, realized the Americans would never join any scheme for world government without a change in public opinion. After a series of meetings, it was decided that the “Royal Institute of International Affairs“ would be formed into two branches, one in the United States and one in England.

Jump ahead sixty years to 2003 to the meeting when David Rockefeller, son of John D. Rockefeller, where he addressed the CFR membership and made the following statement:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years….It would have been impossible for the us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during these years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernatural sovereignty of an international elite and world bankers is surely preferable to national auto determination practiced in past centuries.

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for moderate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure…one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

In contrast to the purpose of the CFR, the realty is obfuscated when it publicizes its purpose as a host of many views, and advocates none. It claims to have no affiliation with the U.S. government, unless we the public do not count that a Council member was elected president of the United States…dozens of other Council colleagues were called to serve in cabinet and sub-cabinet positions as is described in its official publication “Foreign Affairs” along with many members of congress, the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs, the Federal Reserve and many other Federal bureaucrats. In an article from “Foreign Affairs, Kingman Brewster, Jr. wrote “Reflections on Our National Purpose.” Our purpose should be, according to him, to do away with our nationality, to ”take some risks in order to invite others to pool their sovereignty with ours…”

In other words, these “risks” include disarming to the point where we would be helpless against the “peace keeping” forces of a global UN government. We should be delighted to surrender our sovereignty to world government in the interests of the “world community. “Richard N. Gardner,” former deputy assistant Secretary of State in an opinion in Foreign Affairs stated that the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than the from the top down…An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault…” These warped globalists ignore the fact that world order equates to loss of freedom given to the unelected foreign bureaucrats located in Brussels. But of course, these advocates for the NWO are the very creators of it, the international bankers and the international corporate leaders who wish all power to be centered to benefit their coffers.

This is what we are witnessing today because of the lower standards of our public schools, the elimination of civics and the distortion of history by school books to the extent little is reflected in the brilliance of our founding fathers and the reality of the times and conditions within the colonies where slavery was recognized throughout the civilized world.

Today, subversive factions and a large majority of dumbed down people consider the writers of our Constitution as monsters, and hypocrites, but refuse to recognize Washington, Jefferson, Adams and others were real futurists who believed slavery would be outmoded as the price of slaves were not economically feasible or practical, the cotton gin soon was invented and mechanization soon would have replace slavery.

Of course, they never considered the economic superiority of industry and modern industrialization of the Northern States and the disparity of income in the agricultural South or the subjugation of the negro during and after the Reconstruction period when slaves were nominally free, but placed under the Democrat yoke of the KKK. That really is now the crux of descent by the Communists, Marxists, nihilists and NWO promoters.

© 2017 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress:

By The Curmudgeon (Joe Kress)

During 1967 -1968, I was stationed at Bien Hoa Air Force Base, Vietnam. There we GIs were able to view year old movies on one of Hoa’s tarmacked aprons. This particular movie was fictionally created in 1966. The story line traced a human wart’s life named “Alfie,” characterized by actor Michael Caine. The theme song “What’s It All about Alfie?” introduced the opening scene; the beautiful, haunting melody sold more than several million recordings stateside and in Europe. Alfie got a girl pregnant and she had a coat hanger abortion and died because Alfie paid an unqualified butcher to do the job. At the time, his conscience was immune of remorse, but because of an immoral life, he experienced venereal diseases of various sorts and contracted consumption of the lungs and bled every time he spit; only then did he question what’s his life is all about?

Alfie actually was latent as a character depicted in the midst of the Johnson Administration when asking that simple question. The movie should have been distributed when the flower children congregated at the beginning of the 60s to celebrate freedom from conventional ways. The crowds composed of immature misfits that were historically filmed as they danced in the rain smoking pot, many were naked; had sex in the mud; sang along with Jimmie Hendrix and his classic rock lyrics and acid fueled blues, and virtually hypnotizing the glassy-eyed, doped-up audience on his guitar.

There are a species of people that have the genes of Adam and Eve’s son Cain, an impedimental blight on humans throughout the ages. They come in different forms, but reflect Lucifer’s reptilian reputation that made Eve taste the fruit of knowledge. Today we see them as ragtag, bearded tattooed creeps, rings in their noses and ears, who rant against goodness and at the time, war in Vietnam, while thousands of GI’s stomped through rain forests, many of which died as patriots, mostly ignorant and oblivious to the flawed, unqualified leadership of their flawed president, one who shared the traits of Cain’s genes. That flaw also includes those inexperienced, gutless civilian planners, such as Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara (1961-1968), a former Ford Motor Company corporate guru and number-cruncher that used ghoulish stats interpreting enemy numbers killed versus deaths of our military. These figures were garnered from battle-field reports that used the left and right sliced off ears of each Vietcong. The news releases assured the public that the Administration was winning the war based on matching those left and right ears. Johnson was ebullient from the support of groveling sycophants, those generals and their spokespersons, all of whom were totally ignorant of the art of war. Johnson, a schizoid know-it-all Commander in Chief who parenthetically used an Ouija board to map targets of where to bomb and what not to bomb, especially not to bomb the North Vietnam capitol Hanoi.

Landing in Frisco, I disembarked from the cargo-plane among other vets. We were labeled killers by the same creepy, pusillanimous bastards who, like the millions throughout the ages carried their sorry creed. These generational misfits avoided the draft in the Korean non-war war, as did the gutless draft dodgers who fled to Canada only to re-emerge at the next opportunity to bleat their taunts at our military, in this instance ten years later, when the Vietnam War was raging.

Finally depressed, President Johnson gave up his mismanagement by admitting incompetence and in 1969 retired, but his legacy was a massive socialist agenda that gave away the farm which means our Department of the Treasury to anybody with hands extended. He never authorized or signed one bill to pay the cost of his socialism and the war effort.

Johnson and his wife, Ladybird, became millionaires by investing in Brown and Root Company’s monopoly on all construction projects throughout the ‘Nam war-years and accumulated a huge monopoly of ownership of media radio political propaganda outlets throughout all of Texas. If justice were to be served, he would be wearing an orange suit, but died too early for that to happen.

As sorry a leader as Lyndon, he was not alone and it didn’t end when Nixon continued the Vietnam fiasco for another three years. Nixon ignominiously rushed to capitulate to the enemy as a means to end the war. His flawed plan of retreat resulted in a massive evacuation of our remaining soldiers. That ignominious act was the final disgrace to our country as thousands of loyal Vietnamese were left to the mercies of their enemy. These loyal supporters against our enemy North Vietnam were barred from entering the escape route in an area fronting South Vietnam’s capital in Seoul. They were barricaded behind the capitol’s iron gates while our choppers hastily lifted up the few remaining military and departed.

Nixon opened the door for China’s expansion and America’s worst threat. He took away gold backing in order to save dollar which was collapsing, but it eventually resulted in printing notes representing nothing more than the promise of their worth “the faith and credit of the U.S. Treasury.” The FEDERAL RESERVE with the US Congress and the Department of the Treasury has provided us with a new valueless unbacked currency.


We, plebeians, are led astray by scheming charlatans beginning with Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminism as integral within the French Revolution; coincidently, at the time, ink had barely dried on our own Constitution.

The current modern era of chicanery began when Teddy Roosevelt, as vice president, replaced the assassinated William McKinley in 1901. Teddy broke the mold that the U.S was never to be involved in Europe’s cauldron of national intrigues and constant wars. Because of his six years as president to end America’s isolationist policies based on 19th century convictions, Teddy, finally left after six years in office. Currently out of office and believing the Republican Howard Taft, who was expected to be reelected in 1913 would win easily and doubtless would support Teddy’s internationalist position. Teddy soon discovered that Taft supported the opposite position. Consequently, in a rage, he created the “Bull Moose Party” which split the Republican Party and allowed the Democrat candidate, Woodrow Wilson to be elected the next President.

If ever there was a sorry SOB tool that supported the Rothschild banking moguls, Wilson was it. He set the standard of aligning his administration with help by Col. Edward M. House, his closest adviser and a Rothschild major agent for the international bankers to gain complete control of our nation’s financial future. These traitors promoted international global government and a new world order of unelected judges leaving the international bankers in control the world’s money system.

In the part two of this series among the many charlatans listed, one is at the top of the list as the present global warning scammer Albert Gore.

Part two coming next week.

© 2017 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress:

The tactics to besmirch and impeach the Tsar in 1918 are re-enacted against Donald Trump in 2017.

Lenin and his cohorts, in 1918, were ruthless without restrictions, but those who support Communism today are only slightly different. If afforded the opportunity in the U.S.A., they exert the tactics of Weishaupt, the Khazars and the indoctrinated babble within the Democrat Party. Among them are Ex-President Obama, school principals and university presidents and their ultra-socialist, school room faculties; the politically correct media systems inculcated within both Parties and the left’s establishment neocons buried within the Republican Party. They desire world government and a cashless society. They are really resorting to nihilism to tear down and destroy America. They are no different than that gathering which took place at Carnegie Hall on March 23, 1918 in New York City where thousands of socialists, Marxists, nihilists and anarchists celebrated with Jacob Schiff, the multi-millionaire Khazar, the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. (Re-part 2, page 3).

The defeat of Hillary Clinton was so unexpected by the Democrats that it sent shockwaves to Barack Obama who really expected her to be an extended arm of his eight year failed presidency and to continue where he left off. The Democrat’s political machine spent hundreds of millions of dollars to buy off the mendicant vote with promises of continued welfare in areas located in New York, New England and California where masses of undocumented, illegal foreigners reside and where pockets of Negroes, illegal aliens and Muslims, the majority of which voted Democrat in lockstep for the benefits promised.

The former President Obama not only refuses to be a gentleman to respect the change in administrations. President Donald Trump was just in office less than a hundred days and the former president began his plan to impeach him. Our nation is witnessing Barack Obama endeavoring to destroy Trump using the Communist tactics of Lenin, the Khazars and those American Bolsheviks with the same DNA as their comrades that caused the 1918 Russian Revolution.

One of the impeachment vehicles Obama uses is a group called “Organizing for Action” (OFA) comprising of 30,000 strong working to disrupt everything that the current president is trying to do. This group is well funded, by solicitation letters titled: SUPPORT THE PLAN TO STOP TRUMP stamped on the outside of the envelopes and in the contents request for funds amounting from $20 to $100 or more $s. The comments printed include: “Hiding underneath Donald Trump’s vile bigotry and misogyny is the most extreme corporate agenda in modern American history. To help “Public Citizen Acton Network” defeat Donald Trump and fight corporate domination of our government, I am enclosing a membership gift in the following amount____.”

The former president’s goal, while still in office, was to bring America down to a level of a third world county by supporting the attackers of our police; by fermenting and encouraging such groups as “Black Lives Matter;” by using his attorney general to protect the Black Panthers who intimidate by waving batons to threaten voters who wish to cast their votes; by permitting and preventing our border patrols from interfering with train loads of illegal immigrants flooding our country; by providing vans at night to relocate these illegal, undocumented immigrants, including MS13 gang killers, who are now settled throughout the United States…hundreds of miles from the Mexican border. He vehemently opposed any effort to require voter picture IDs; Obama claims he is Christian, yet at every opportunity he encourages Muslims and their Islamic sharia laws and their numerous imams in Mosques preaching 12th Century Jihadist wars against infidels thus converting youths into terrorists; he and his wife’s friends and family used two of the president’s USA Air Force One two strata-liners simultaneously heading to different destinations at lavishly expensive resorts around the world via taxpayer expense.

Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post states that the ex-President is setting up a shadow government to sabotage the incoming administration network of non-profits and has 250 offices nationwide which growing a war chest of more than $40 million. The ex-President and his wife, according to Sperry, will oversee the operation from their home/office near the White House. OFA has 32,525 volunteers nationwide. Paul Sperry uses an Example: OFA signals for protests against Trump immigration executive order and protest groups from pro-immigrant groups; ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions where activist judges obstruct the laws; volunteers are called to protest at airports and in congressional town hall meetings; the leftist media springs to action; the twitter sphere lights up with social media; violence follows- all emanating from the ex-resident’s signal that he is heartened by the protests. Sperry rightfully declares, if Barak Obama did not do enough to destroy this country in 8 years he was in office, it appears his future plans are to destroy the foundation on which this country has operated on for the past 241 years.


The DNA of those Khazars throughout the centuries is as relevant today as those who planned and executed the murder of Tsar Nicholas II. The multi-millionaires who sit in the catbird seats of the media (gambling, print, TV, finance, stock market, Holly Wood, and the major TV networks control both parties. The Democrat Party continued indentured blacks and their solid vote which depends on welfare just enough to insure an aspiring majority in the House and Senate. The controllers behind the Parties manage how people think, how people learn mainly by a flawed Public School System. When one of three black, mature, males unable to read or write at a third grade level, generations of the past and future are relegated to the Party of the Klu Klux Klan, and the government controlled welfare state.

Until Trump emerged as the surprise winner, the establishment, do nothing Republican Party responded with attacks of apoplexy equal to the welfare proponents. The Bush clan and other one world proponents who want control of our money system wish to place America under governing foreign controllers turn the Republican establishment’ applecart upside-down to such an extent that the neocon Trump haters actually cast their votes for Hillary the Looser. Trump was not about to vote for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP) or Al Gore’s Climate Care prognostications that oscillate from frigid cold to boiling heat based on carbon emissions and what years he selected over the past several years that ominously threaten every human being’s existence. What Gore never mentions is the enormous amount of money he accumulated spouting his DOOM PLAN.

The Paris accord substantially stirred those who wish to abolish nationalism and eradicate United States sovereignty. Trump is the worker in the coal mines, in the factories and in small business. He thinks out of the political box which means not being endeared to the United Nations that always votes contrary to American interests, and sends chills up the spines of NATO based whether or not it reforms itself. His enemies are the majority, but though pure stamina and what appears as a personal dedication that has never been so clear and that is he maintains loyalty of the common man who pays taxes, and knows how corrupt the past has and still, does, turn their lives into a mess. They are fully aware they are being led by a Confederacy of Dunces, crooks, mendacious mendicants and Khazars.

© 2017 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kress:


There is a myth in contemporary history that Russian Citizens wished to have a Revolution against the hated ruling class of the Tsars. The so-called downtrodden masses were in no mood to continue suffering because they were exhausted as a part of the two year alliance with England, and France during WW I. Russia’s armed forces were at the point of rebellion and as a consequence Russia, under Tsar Nicholas the 2nd, ended Russia’s participation in the alliance which later resulted in his abdication. During the two years of hostilities of which Russia participated, thousands of Russian soldiers and sailors were taken as prisoners. When released they were unhappy since Russia was near insolvency and pensions or stipends unavailable.

Author: Joe Kress - News With Views (4)1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War Added to1917 Russia’s abandonment of that conflict.

It was no secret that as far back as the turn of the 19th century England, France and the United States were hardly competitive in quality and price against Germany’s industrial manufacturing capabilities. The secret plan depended on forcing a weakened Russia to join Britain, American and France to surround Germany economically along their borders of the Eastern Front. This allowed an opportunity to cut off Germany’s supply to its key commercial customers for their industrial products, even those where barter was the method of exchange for animal products, clothing, agriculture in exchange for machinery and tools.

Following the Russian rejection of a Japanese plan to divide Manchuria and Korea into spheres of influence, Japan launched a surprise naval attack against Port Arthur, a Russian naval base in China. The Russian fleet was decimated and the Russian Naval Base fell to Japanese forces under Admiral Heihachiro Togo and in March, Russian troops were defeated at Shenyang, China, by Japanese Field Marshal Iwao Oyama, and in May, the Russian Baltic fleet under Admiral Zinov Rozhdestvenski was destroyed by Togo near the Taushima Isalands.

These major defeats convinced Russia that further resistance against Japan’s imperial designs for East Asia was hopeless and in August 1905 U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt mediated a peace treaty at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. (He was later awarded the Noble Peace Prize for his achievement). For Russia, its military’s disastrous performance in the war was one of the immediate causes of Russia’s Revolution of 1905. Teddy Roosevelt’s mediation of the Treaty, however, was unsatisfactory that was financially arranged as a solution. Japan was manipulated into contributing funds as a compromise in completing the settlement. From that point, Japan became unfriendly towards the U.S.A, just one of the precursors of animosity contributing to the attack on Pearl Harbor in WWW II.

The cost of the Japanese-Russo War in lives was enormous. Japan lost 47,000 military and because of disease and wounds lost an additional 27,000 military. Russia’s army lost 70,000. The total Number of deaths and causalities between the two nations amounted to 180,000; China suffered 20,000 civilian deaths. China also forfeited 9 million tabtis at 1/3 Oz each in silver avoirdupois payments to the Japanese. (Ref. Wikipedia (Russo-Japanese War) that later caused problems for the Tsar Nicholas II in 1904 who used ruthless means against an unhappy populace by ordering the Russia’s Cossack Calvary to curb the revolt of military officers disgusted with the Monk Rasputin’s influence on the Tsarina Alexandria.

After the negotiated peace treaty, thousands of Russian soldiers and sailors prisoners of the Japanese were about to be released. Sources in the USA, hostile to the Tsarist regime, paid for the printing of Marxist propaganda and delivered pamphlets to the prison camps. Russian revolutionaries trained in New York City were sent to distribute the pamphlets among the prisoners and to indoctrinate them into rebellion against their own government. When the prisoners returned home they became vital seeds of treason. Ref: WHO FINANCED LENIN AND TROTSKY? (The book. the Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin)

Russia was in a weakened state in 1905 and needed international support although its most valuable asset is its landmass situated geopolitically and strategically that formed a half circle on Germany’s eastern border, the same border that England, France and America used to economically block Germany commerce. Russia became a valuable ally in the planned war against Germany. The planners envisioned, early on, that Russia on Germany’s eastern front of France along its Western borders would cut off Germany’s barter arrangements with Baltic countries. British, French and American money was used to entice Russia to become an ally. The troika of bankers also supplied financial aid for the plan. Germany, surrounded, was finally forced to retaliate by attacking the allies using its substantial military forces in 1914.


The prelude to the conversion to a Soviet Empire started with revolutionary socialists, Leon Trotsky, a Marxist, and Vladimir Lenin, a Bolshevik (Born Vladimir Illick Ubyenov). He founded the Communist Party. Both had help from the United States in creating a revolution. The citizens of Russia neither wanted nor partook in spilling more blood because of losses in Russia’s present and past recent wars. In fact, the planning, the leadership and especially the financing came entirely from outside Russia, mostly by financiers such as the Warburg interests in Germany bent on eliminating Russia as an ally of France and England. The Warburg interests had a dual purpose that fit neatly with the American and British financiers such as Morgan Grenfell and Schiff and J.P. Morgan planners in the United States. The Rothschild formula played a major role in shaping these events. Germany’s government donated funds for the purpose of removing Russia as an ally of the British, French.

In 1916, Leon Trotsky was expelled from France as an enemy and came to the United States where he remained for several months while writing for a Russian socialist newspaper the Novy Mir (New World). He became a celebrity among the wealthy American socialists many of whom were powerful American bankers with ties to international foreign banks, the members of the Federal Reserve, established within the United States I.e. Rothschild First Banks located throughout the U.S. Eastern states.

Memoirs while staying in the United States, Leon wrote that he enjoyed riding in a chauffeured limousine placed in his service May 23rd, 1917 he identified his benefactor as Dr. M. in his book, My Life. Although documentation is unavailable, it was claimed that his expenses were paid by Jacob Schiff. Schiff, a senior partner of Kuhn, Loeb and Company was a major American player among those who were hostile to the Tsarist regime and backed Russian speaking revolutionaries located in New York to distribute pamphlets among the prisoners released after the Russo-Japanese War. They were meant to introduce rebellion against their own government. Upon returning home these officers and enlisted men became vital seeds of treason against the Tsar and a few years later created mutiny among the military during the communist takeover of Russia.


On March 23, 1917 a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to celebrate the abdication of Nicolas II which meant the overthrow of Tsarist rule in Russia. Thousands of socialists, Marxists, nihilists and anarchists attended to cheer the event. On page Two of the New York Times Jacob Schiff’s letter regretted that he could not attend, but it was read to the audience where he remarked that for seven long years he strove for this occasion.

In the February 3, 1949 issue of the New York Journal American Schiff’s grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather had given about $20 million for the triumph of Communism in Russia.

When Trotsky attempted to return to Petrograd, on his way he was arrested by Canadian and British naval personnel, when the ship which he was traveling, the S.S. Kristianiajord, put into Halifax. He had in his possession $10,000 for travel expenses. He was recognized as a threat to the best interests of England, Canada’s mother country in the Commonwealth. Russia was an ally of England in the First World War, which then was raging in Europe. Anything that weakened Russia weakened England and strengthens Germany. Trotsky was arrested as a German agent and taken as a prisoner of war. It wasn’t long before mysterious forces both in England and the United States intervened on Trotsky’s behalf urging his immediate release. The head of the British Secret Service in America at the time was Sir William Wiseman, who became friends with Edward Mandell House. House advised Wiseman that President Wilson wished to have Trotsky released and the British Admiralty issued orders on April 21st that allowed Trotsky to be on his way to Russia. Wilson’s decision opened the door that allowed Trotsky, the leading Menshevik revolutionary, to end Russia alliance with England and France their ally, in the war against Germany. Trotsky could not have gone even to Halifax without an American passport. Ref: Professor C. Sutton. Ph.D. wrote Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. (Arlington House, New Rochelle. NY 1974. P.25)

On 22nd of March 1917, Nicholas, no longer a Monarch was addressed with contempt by the sentries as “Nicholas Romanov.” He was reunited with his family at the Alexander Palace in TsarskoeSelo and placed under house arrest with his family by the Provisional Government. They were surrounded by guards and confined to their quarters.

Alexander Kerensky, first justice minister and then prime minister of the provisional government, moved the royals to the governor’s mansion in Tobolsk, in distant Siberia, to keep them safe. Their stay there was bearable but depressing. Boredom turned to danger when Kerensky was overthrown by Lenin and the Bolsheviks in October 1917. Lenin famously said that “revolutions are meaningless without firing squads,” and he was soon considering, along with Lieutenant Yaakov Sverdlovsk, whether to place Nicholas on public trial—to be followed by his execution—or just kill the entire family. The Bolsheviks faced a desperate civil war against the Whites, counterrevolutionary armies backed by Western powers. Lenin responded with unbridled terror. He decided to move the family from Tobolsk closer to Moscow, to which he had relocated the Russian capital. A trusted Bolshevik factotum was dispatched to bring the Romanovs westward, and in April 1918 they endured a terrifying trip by train and carriage. XXXX


The teenage Alexei suffered an attack of bleeding and had to be left behind; he came to Yekaterinburg three weeks later with three of his sisters. The girls, meanwhile, were sexually molested on the train. But eventually the family was reunited in the gloomy, walled mansion of a merchant named Ipatiev in the center of the city, whose leaders were the most fanatical of Bolsheviks.

The Russian Imperial Romanov (Tsar Nicholas II) his wife Tsarina and their five children, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Alexi) and all those who chose to accompany them into imprisonment were shot, bayoneted and clubbed to death in Yekaterinburg on 17 July 1918.

The Bolsheviks only announced Nicholas’s death with the official press release that Nicholas Romanov” wife and son have been sent to a secure place. For over eight years, the Soviet leadership maintained a systematic web of disinformation as to the fate of the family claiming one day after the murders on December 19th that they were murdered by the unidentified left wing whoever they were. The fate of the family was suppressed by Joseph Stalin until 1938


The mansion was ominously renamed the House of Special Purpose and converted into a prison fortress with painted-over windows, fortified walls and machine gun nests. The Romanovs received limited rations and were watched by hostile young guards. Yet the family adapted. Nicholas read books aloud in the evening and tried to exercise. The eldest daughter, Olga, became depressed, but the playful and spirited younger girls, especially the beautiful Maria and the mischievous Anastasia, began to interact with the guards. Maria began an illicit romance with one of them, and the guards discussed helping the girls escape. When this was uncovered by Bolshevik boss Filipp Goloshchekin, the guards were changed, regulations were tightened. All of this made Lenin even more anxious.

By the beginning of July 1918 it was clear that Yekaterinburg was going to fall to the Whites. Goloshchekin rushed to Moscow to get Lenin’s approval, and it is certain that he got it, though Lenin was clever enough not to put the order on paper: The killing was planned under the new commandant of the House of Special Purpose, Yaakov Yurovsky, who decided to recruit a squad to murder the royals all together in one session and then burn the bodies and bury them in the woods nearby. Just about every detail of the plan was ill conceived and would be grotesquely bungled in practice.

Early on that July morning, the bleary-eyed Romanovs and their loyal retainers stood in the cellar as the heavily armed murder squad filed into the room. Yurovsky suddenly read out a death sentence. Then the men used their weapons. Each was meant to fire at a different family member but many of them secretly wished to avoid shooting the girls, so they all aimed at the loathed Nicholas and Alexandra killing them almost instantly.

The firing was wild; the killers managed to wound one another as the room filled with swirling dust and smoke and screams. When the first volley was done, most of the family was still alive, wounded, crying and terrified, their suffering made worse by the fact that they were in effect wearing bullet proof vests. The Romanovs were famed for their collection of Jewelry and they had left Petrograd with a large collection with a large cache of diamonds hidden in baggage. During the last months, they had sewn the diamonds into specially made underwear in case they needed to find an escape. On the night of the execution the Children had pulled on their protective bejeweled underwear, which was reinforced with the hardest material in existence. Tragically, ironically, the bullets bounce off these garments. Finally, the murderers waded into the gruesome scene of wounded, bleeding children (one of the killers compared it to a slippery ice rink awash with blood and brains) and stabbed them manically with bayonets or shot them in the head.

The mayhem lasted 20 agonizing minutes. When the bodies were being carried out, two of the girls turned out to be still alive, spurting and coughing before being stabbed into silence. This surely was the origin of the legend that Anastasia, the youngest daughter, had survived a story that inspired so many imposters to impersonate the murdered grand duch*ess. XXXX References: Wikipedia; Royal Encyclopedia Britannica; American Manifest Destiny and the HOLOCAUSTS.

Next week, Part 3 of how these events contribute to the 21st century’s world chaos.

© 2017 Lt. Col. Joe Kress, Ret. – All Rights Reserved

For way too long, America and its people have been lulled into what can only be described as avoidance of reality. We have permitted greed, complacency and utopia to flourish gratis a succession of self-serving federal autocrats and foreign influences to grasp power and controls of our currency that permitted special interests to bribe our congress. We the public are complicit because we agreed to go along with a system that promises free booty at no cost since the time of the creation of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. It authorized a machine to print out unsecured interest-bearing notes. It authorized a corrupted banking clique within congress, who formulated the idea that the Federal Treasury would issue bonds to guarantee the notes, and permitted congress the ability to pass bills so that the U.S. treasury picks up the tab. Today, the Ponzi game has accumulated a deficit of $20 trillion dollars that will take centuries to reimburse all those bond-holders and their governments throughout the world both finances, principal and accumulated interest.

Worse than even these figures, the Trump Administration wishes to use the age old pump priming con adding more than three to seven additional trillions of dollars to support cleaning out the swamp, building a fence on our southern border, lower taxes, increase wages and eventually repaying the debt. Trumps vision was meant to entice American business located overseas to move their production and construct new facilities here in the United States. The Trump dream is utopian at best and so he is now back-tracking and modifying his plan as fast as possible. President Trump places his trust in his Goldman Sachs cabinet and his dream plan will land up in the hands of the international banking industry dedicated to a cashless society where ATMs don’t issue cash but credits or debit transfers to a cashless, computerized, digitized account. The result is the central bankers are to be totally in control of the money system both here in the USA as well as throughout the Western World. The power of the money changers will be enhanced when the money system is incorporated under the new world order centered at The Hague. Lord Rothschild, in the 18th Century loaned money to the kings to pay for their wars. He made the loans to both sides of the conflicts. He stated that “He who controls the king’s purse controls the king.” The poison leaves the fangs of the snake once it bites – the entire body politic dies a slow agonizing death, first within the Washington establishment then the states then the counties and on to cities simultaneously encouraged within the blinded general public.

The contemporary American citizens signed on to real problems as the U.S entangled itself within Europe’s factions, the Orient, the Middle East, the Far East followed by disastrous mistakes; horrendous blunders in leadership which weakened the U.S. on a precipitous route never intended by our forefathers. One could state with confidence that with very few exceptions the leadership capitulated to a confederacy of dunces and brigands that began shortly after the ink dried on the inspired, brilliant legacy of the U.S. Constitution. It was endorsed by highly-educated, knowledgeable, brave men who desired to lift the yoke of taxation and forced subjugation of the colonies by the King of England. They fought and died along with their families and lost homes and wealth in the battles.

When a true genius appears in the world can he be recognized and once suspected, we may know by the confederacy against him or her. Was Washington a genius or was it Hamilton, Madison, Jefferson, Al Gore or is it Donald Trump; was Napoleon a genius, Hitler, Stalin, Lord Rothschild or not any of them? Some of them were so smart that they should have been executed but saved by luck. A few are revered in history books, but most were disasters to the world. Helen Keller, the blind deaf and dumb woman who overcame her disabilities is recognized for her intellect and may be the true genius.

Today, Americans tired of two world wars and by a string of non-declared wars and unwarranted losses; wars never meant to be won. Few within the general public’s psyche were aware that our nation is governed by an elite class, within the two-party system… loyal only to themselves. The final folly is when our nation became subservient to a tiny country located in the Middle East. George Washington, in his final farewell speech, warned against favorites and counseled to treat all nations with equanimity.

All but two-percent of the major media and financial systems are either owned or wed to an ancient heritage, a tribe of people of Turk-Finish race who migrated to Russia’s Ukraine about 100 years after the death of Christ. Much later, a leader by the name of Bulan, an early chieftain emerged between 700 AD and 1000 AD. He converted 4,000 men from his entire tribe to rudimentary Talmudic Judaism to avoid the Pope’s Eastern Catholic and Greek Orthodox religious beliefs and the early Tsarists’ influence and Mohammed’s emerging Muslim laws and their Caliphate that would impose Islam on his followers. He decided that all males in the tribe be circumcised and acknowledge Judaism. A successor to Bulan, bore the Hebrew name Obadiah. He was first to cause serious efforts to further the Jewish Talmudic religion. He invited Jewish rabbis of high intellect to settle into his dominions; rewarded them royally and founded synagogues and schools. After Obadiah, a long line of Jewish “Chagan” began the legacy of what were called the Khazars.

The fundamental law of their state was decreed where only Jewish rulers were permitted to ascend the throne. The Great Khazar Kingdom lasted about 500 years. Toward the end of the 14th century, the Khazars were Defeated in battle by Varangins (Russians).

The Khazars’ tribe once defeated, finally settled near Kiev in the Crimea. It was never a pleasant association because Russians were exposed to the now conquered Khazars known for unethical behavior, financial and commercial cheating. They were rebellious refusing to be assimilated as a part of the Russian populace. They, of course, should not be confused with accepted Biblical Hebrews, who traditionally following Mosaic Law and who staunchly believe in the Torah, the first five books of the Pentateuch in the Bible.

The historical lineages of the Khazars called Ashkenazi are in the 21st century acknowledged as the major, most powerful segment of American and Israel’s Jewry. Israel’s leadership is mainly secular within the Knesset led by its present Ashkenazi Prime Minister Netanyahu.

As mentioned above, the Khazars were rebellious because of their unfavorable traditions under Tsarist rule and were finally settled in Russia’s eastern border. Peter the Great in the midst of the 17th century exposed Russia to western European progress and opened the door to European inventions. He created then rudimentary Russian modernism, followed on by Catherine the Great who found the mainly isolationist Khazars as unacceptable within the emerging European influence of developing Russia. She imposed the Pale of Settlements which confined the Khazars, known as Ashkenazi Jews to limited areas within Russia’s Crimea near Kiev.

In the waning years of the nineteenth century, 1881, Tsar Alexander II, opened the door for Russia’s Khazars, to the modern world and eliminated serfdom. Alexander II’s son, Nicholas II, permitted the Ashkenazi Jews to settle anywhere in all of Russia, then in Europe and America. He allowed them to hold positions in Russia’s government. Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of England, referred to Tsar Alexander 2nd, who was assassinated in 1881, as the most benevolent prince that ever ruled over Russia.”

It is doubtful that the British Prime Minister within Victoria’s reign envisioned within a few short years, in the first decades of the 20th century, that the Russian Monarchy, Russian farmers in the Ukraine and millions of Christian citizens, (named the goyium meaning cattle), would be slaughtered, imprisoned and controlled through a revolution where Bolsheviks, Mensheviks and Stalin controlled Russia as a Communist state and at every level the leadership was of Khazar ancestry. Disraeli, no doubt at the time, because of his position and geopolitical knowledge of Russian politics was even then aware of the Russian Khazars’ singular purpose that was bent on eventually overthrowing the hated Royalty of the Russian empire.

Conversion of France to a Godless Society and the launching of the French Revolution

Before 1777 , Adam Weishaupt a professor of Cannon Law at a Jesuit university in Ingolstadt Bavaria, formulated and executed his concept composed of what he named Illuminism or enlightenment. His first followers were student Illumines claiming to be enlightened and superior to others. Weishaupt’s movement was centered under the rule of King Fredrick the Great of Prussia who later expelled the Illumines and Illuminism which threatened his regency. Subsequently, they found a home within French Masonry of France and from there motivated the Jacobins to foster the most radical part of the revolution headed by Robespierre’s madness to overthrow the French monarchy and launch the key revolutionary factor of the reign of terror within the French Revolution. At the Congress of Willhelmsbad, in 1782, the Illuminati merged with the Masons in nothing less than a metamorphosis of Masonry’s traditional role as tradesmen to the role of sophisticates with a different agenda than the old constructive arts of the craft. The Lodge of the Grand Orient, a product of the French Revolution, still celebrates the glorious decapitation of the royal couple and the slaughter that followed.

At the pinnacle of the revolution the Illumines, Weishaupt’s well indoctrinated surrogates demonstrated the evil of its founder. The anti-religious, violent, ruthless, savage, bestial transformation of the French populace took hold and France was consumed in terror. Weishaupt’s “Dictionary of Secret Oaths, incantations, and recruiting methods of surveillance, intimidation found in Illuminism were not coincidently adopted later by the Mensheviks, Bolsheviks and the Communist Party. Atheism verses enlightened secularism became a euphemism for elimination of religions and God; made abortion as not criminal; marriage no longer a sacrament; atheism became the religion of the state itself, a substitute for ethics convulsed into the KGB-like enforcement of injustice; gulags; legal murder became emblems of autocratic rule

© 2017 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

Nightmares for many oldsters like me (bordering on 89) are not uncommon. Last night, I had one for the books. The majority of my nightmares involve me being in a strange city, mainly New York’s Manhattan district near 52nd street and not able to remember where I parked my car and the name of my hotel; but this nightmare was much worse, it was politically incorrect.

BACKGROUND: In the 70s, the TV series “All in the Family” by the leftist producer Norman Lear, had a massive audience of TV viewers for about a decade. It was really a funny satirical comedy depicting a conservative character by the name of Archie Bunker, his benignly skeptical, mentally balanced, wife Edith and their flaky daughter. Added to the cast of characters is an ultra-liberal son-in-law who he named Meat Head and Archie labeled his wife and daughter “Ding Bats” when he disagreed with them.

Author: Joe Kress - News With Views (5)Archie, somehow, seemed to be the bread winner since his son-in law, the perpetual student with no visible income; his daughter totally unemployable and his wife the devoted to be the moderator within a dysfunctional home and is the kitchen cook preventing total chaos. The fact is that Lear, the producer, depicts Archie as a right wing nut job conservative bigot, an ignoramus while the others are held as victims who need government handouts to survive yet Archie Bunker and Edith own the house and provide food for their table.

My nightmare is about Elizabeth Warren and not the Bunker family. She is known as Pocahontas who claimed to be part Native American because her mother said she looked like one as a baby. She was able to obtain her Ph.D. gratis by the government’s Native American grant program, that continued the same fraud that paid and abetted her education so she could become a Harvard graduate and a tenured Professor with all the perks.

The dream involved a melding reality to this nightmare where Pocahontas becomes a U.S Senator and soon thereafter the Demonkrats’ nominee for the 2020 Presidential race… mainly through the support of femanazi, “ding bats.”

The nightmare really then goes into scatological orbit when she finally takes the oath of office in January 2021. Her first presidential order is to convert the nation’s public bathrooms to bi-sexual, hom*ophobic, transsexual, and all those eugenically altered males and females who don’t give a little damn where they relieve themselves. She then gives out another edict to convert the bathrooms entirely to stalls to eliminate long waiting lines of women where men’s room contained mostly empty urinals. My nightmare exploded into satirical drollery when President Warren decrees that all urinals are to be eliminated and replaced with cubicles for the few testosterone straight males and those millions of males affected psychologically who lost their manliness and shrunk gonads as a result of female freedom marches and TV’s blonde spokes people representing female superiority. The queen of the left ‘Pocahontas’ concludes her directive bias by announcing that pee drops on horizontal toilet seats are criminal and castration is not optional.

At that point, I awoke drenched in sweat.

But my nightmare didn’t end there… because the following night the lanky Pocahontas reappeared. My fantods stirred uncontrollably. She was ranting that the space in the cubicles was not wide enough to accommodate bidets and demands taxing to pay for remodeling and updating commodes. It is to be imposed on users and non-users of public accommodations because toilet paper has become a luxury. Needless to say that the reason for the shortage of toilet paper is because of excessive use to dry the hind quarters of bidet users. Her Warren Cabinet did excessive research, using taxpayer money, and found that those of the excessively wealthy now enjoy bidets that squirt warm instead of cold water and have no need for toilet paper or towel wipe-ups because warm air dryers are also installed to fan and dry their Fannies. Her socialist view of Utopian fairness is if a rich housewife can use a fancy bidet every woman in the land deserves one.

Is it possible that this nightmare reflect the reality of the Democrat Party under the leadership of the minority leader Nancy Pelosi role in the House and Chuck Schumer’s in the Senate? They wholeheartedly adopted the eight year fiasco of Obamism whose sole goal was to convert the United States to the level and status of a third world country using communism and Islam in a weird marriage of opposites while concurrently supporting a cashless society and a world government controlled by international bankers. The possibility of Elizabeth Warren becoming President does not appear so nutty as my nightmare!

Sadly, their goal has not changed; George Soros and Obama are deeply involved in overturning the Trump Administration and usurping the United States Constitution for nihilism; murder of the unborn; deleting the word God in the classroom and turning students into ignorant tools of the state. The goal of making citizens into slaves has not changed since the Democrats invented the Klu Klux Klan where willing blacks sell their slave relationship in exchange for handouts and a place on the plantation or be strung up on trees.

But the Party of chaos is not alone. There are traitors within the Republican Party who pass themselves off as loyal to President Trump, but strive at every opportunity to bring him down because he surprised them in winning what was not their goal. Their goal was retaining control of the Party at all costs even to the extent of voting for Hillary Clinton. Obama, the Clinton Clan and the Bush Clan have one goal internationalism and the New World Order. They strive for a United States without boarders subjected to the whims of unelected judges located at The Hague and wish to be a part of an aristocracy of money merchants dedicated to power and control of the human race.

Who are they? The most egregious is the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, a waffling woose, who just five months ago, stated in an TV interview when he openly declared himself against Donald Trump as unworthy to be president, although when questioned about his stance March 14, 2017, he passed it off unconvincingly and said he was surprised that this interview is still being circulated as it is ancient history.

Ryan’s plan to eliminate Obama care incorporates major portions of the Affordable Care Act and the conservative supporters of Trump and Senator Ran Paul believe it will never be approved by the Senate unless significant changes are amended. Ryan’s arrogant position is either accept my version, the binary alternative where congress either accepts his position or cancels the bill. That leaves open the catastrophic continuation of Obama’s and Nancy Pelosi’s plan that was never to be read before it originally became law. Now the Republicans own Obama’s whole plan body and soul.

Ryan is linked with the Bush Cartel and the Clinton Cartel who fully supports the One World Government, and open borders. It was George H. W. Bush who, after being elected, declared the beginning of the New World Order and when his son Jeb Bush pulled out of the primary race with his one note campaign for open borders he used reason that Trump insulted him as being a weak sister. Then in retaliation the family of Bushes cast their votes for Hillary Clinton.

Lindsey Graham, the senator from South Carolina and John McCain, both spend the majority of their time to undermine their President at every opportunity. Lindsey is the lawyer who botched the impeachment case against Bill Clinton who once said “I never had sex with that woman” but the sem*n stains on her dress said otherwise. Lindsey adamantly supports the arms industry as a War Hawk Air Force Reserve lawyer in the Senate who would rather attack Russia with real soldiers and their blood, but never his own against our nation’s most formidable enemy, yet fails to recognize North Korea and China as even worse. He is now touted by the liberal press, ABC TV networks including FOX as some sort of spokesperson with authority where as in his state of South Caroline he is no more than a weepy eyed wart, a neocon who poses as a Republican, but kisses up to the politically obnoxious left.

John McCain poses as a Republican, but unremittingly acts against President Trump every other day since the election of the President. McCain’s past is testimony of his character whose IQ and antics while a cadet are reflected by being ranked last in his Naval Academy graduation class. Yet, he became a naval fighter pilot who crashed twice on two carrier decks which killed and wounded many deck crew members. Still he was not grounded because the Chief of Naval Operations so happened to be Admiral McCain, his father.

John McCain was shot down during the Vietnam War and was wounded and imprisoned at the Hanoi Hilton. He soon was recognized as the son of Admiral McCain by his captors and transferred for treatment to be hospitalized and receive surgery. While a prisoner, McCain made propaganda broadcasts on Hanoi radio where he praised his treatment and excellent surgery skills of the Hanoi doctors and criticized the US for its political positions and past operation roles against North Vietnam. After becoming a US Senator, based on his wounded veteran experience, McCain revisited Hanoi to meet with the prison camp director who, for what reason, we’ll never know.

There are others such as Republican Senators Susan Collins and Senator Lisa Murkowski holdouts that probably will tip the scales of the Republican Senate towards defeating any Bill that give President Trump support. They depend on the liberal left in their state by kowtowing to them for political sympathetic support.

There is an axiom regarding the Grand Old Republican Party which parenthetically states that the establishment can be depend on it: “For out of the glory of victory the party will inevitably succumb to the jaws of defeat.”

I don’t know what to label Rupert Murdoch, the mass media Emperor or Darth Vader of Star Wars who controls multiple TV outlets, newspapers, magazines, raw meat sex in his tabloids throughout the Western World and of course, FOX News with an entire cortège of political gurus, actors and comic characters posing as intellectuals with their predictable punditries. A member of Rupert’s favorites is a promoter of a series of history books on America who claims he writes at a rate impossible to do, without a slew of ghost writers, yet Mr. Bill O’Reilly takes the credit as the author’s rapid flow of new book releases sometimes two within a month. The books are promoted every evening at the final minutes of his program. He is widely recognized as a blowhard, self-acclaimed expert that exudes repulsive, self-serving opinions always loudly irritating, intimidating while talking over and interrupting his guest with snide remarks. Obviously he is narcissistic. His followers and critics each week are strangely, weirdly addicted to the program which maintains his favor with his boss Rupert. His books are advertised and promoted as best sellers by the New York Times. He claims all profits are dedicated to the support of our veterans, but not other items that he promotes such as a recent HollyWood movie released about one of his books.

The segments of FOX weekly evening programs is shared from 7 pm to 10 pm by Bret Hume at 7 pm; O’Reilly at 8 pm; Megan Kelly at 9 pm and Sean Hannity at 10 pm. Bret Hume, this past week, replaced Greta Van Susteren who hosted the program “On the Record,” She is an extremely capable journalist, and probably the most recognized investigating reporter in politics focused on congressional characters accurately questioning the left’s and the right’s positions. She left so quickly that there wasn’t a parting swan song for her viewers. Evidently, Rupert was responsible for her fast exit.

Coincidently, the week prior to Greta’s departure, Roger Ailes, the man who made Fox News a phenomenal success, also made Rupert millions of dollars and the political influence in the United States that he already wielded in Australia and the United Kingdom as reported by Gabriel Sherman in the article “The Revenge of Roger’s Angels. In this report, Greta’s contract was purportedly linked to Roger Aisles, so upon his ignominious departure Greta could not agree to financial negotiations with management and so she left or was pushed out the door.

So why this article??? It’s women who are sweet and cuddly that cause men to adore them, revere them, sacrifice everything for them and are so damned overwhelmed by their own natural animal instincts lurking within their brains with thoughts of sex signals their extremities. They ape the gorillas to impress and pound their chests and exhibit incomprehensible, summersaults to attract attention in order to prove their manliness or the connection of their inherited DNA linked to hairy apes and monkeys. In their quest to conquer and subdue the female, the male has a distinct tendency to throw the baby out with the bathwater when he crosses the invisible line that each woman creates and when the line is crossed a warrior species of females emerges that may not have the lion’s roar but is much more dangerous to their offenders. Women usually use their venom like cobras, but do not assault the offenders physically, rather they plan and maneuver slowly, deliberately savoring their revenge to ruin those who cross their lines. The males are depicted as brutes and their reputations are sliced and quartered; their wallets emptied. If they are married at the time, they make sure the wives are involved. In the case of Trump, obviously the women who appeared on TV to vilify him were recruited through the Clinton machine with their prepared testimonies and were reimbursed for their efforts.

The metamorphoses is triggered when females are embarrassed publically because of male criticism or insults suggesting their ugliness or about their clothing or what Roger Ailes said to Gretchen Carlson that “if we had sex when first we met, maybe we would have had a more amiable relationship in the broadcasting business.” That remark triggered the female catlike claws to dig in flesh and bone with a vendetta of revenge including her taping subsequent remarks in meetings where more of his innuendos and insults laid open his character and forced him to take a quick exit from his powerful and near unassailable position in the FOX News hierarchy .

Ailes was given full press about his verbal assaults on Gretchen followed on with added history of Roger’s deprecatingly mean personality traits and the reason his previous employers were glad to be rid of his audacious management style and proclivities.

The media release on Ailes launched what appears as the first exposure of female resentment which was convenient for Hillary and Obama’s campaign managers to launch feminism ads depicting Donald’s taped film of his locker-room conversation taken eleven years prior to when it was revealed to the public. That film clip was squirreled away in a vault by an agent of the Clinton/Obama political cabal to be used at an appropriate time as ammunition. The tactic was enormously successful. There at that launching point began what was equal to the Chinese water torture, drip by drip on the foreheads of captives to drive them insane. Drip by drip by drip, a stream of women claiming Trump’s sexual advances, inappropriate touching and unwanted kissing in his past -that reached back 20 years. The repetition of women showing up on TV screens continued during the days and a couple of weeks following the tape release finally abetted when some in the audiences figured out that this was a contrived set up. Rules and honor no longer exist in the ethics of the left’s journalists. No effort was made to investigate the authenticity of the claims women charged. But feminists jumped on Hillary’s band wagon by the millions which definitely caused Trump’s poll numbers to crash.

This is where I have a problem with FOX news. Fox was eager to show the tapes and to involve a Marxist sympathizer, a consistent defender of the left on FOX programs. Geraldo Rivera, a hired roving reporter for Fox News was a participant on one particular panel of FOX commentators on TV to watch, listen and comment about the Trump tape. Upon viewing the film, Geraldo exhibited an apoplexic fit and cried horrors in an exaggerated false rage that to viewers like me felt he was unfit for participating on the panel in the first place because of his former, stringent opposition to Trump’s candidacy. He shouted and raised his arms as to emphasize his rage that such language and sexual comment of the locker room type jargon should never be used by a presidential candidate. (Trump was not a candidate 11 years earlier when the tape was filmed and sequestered.) What isn’t commented upon is Rivera’s history. He was the host of one of the sleaziest daytime shows on TV. The moniker was ” Geraldo” that took advantage of peoples sins and foibles to entertain an audience that enjoys muck and dung. The remarkable thing is that it lasted from September 7, 1987 until June 12, 1998. It was labeled by media professionals as “Trash TV.” So Geraldo being shocked by Trump’s video tape makes his phony display as phony as his 11 years he spent in a really rancid entertainment show that demeans unfortunate specimens of humanity.

Rupert and his executives hired this wart and of course, knew his past and his politically leftist preferences. I suspect Murdoch, is not really as impartial or fair and balanced as is purported by the FOX wordsmiths. It is likely that he places a toe on the scale of justice supporting more people of the left’s persuasion in particular Ron Williams the African American, a dedicated, authentic counter to Sean Hannity’s support of Trump’s presidential race. Ron has more access to several FOX panels than Sean, such as “The Five” and other panel shows. Williams appears on Meet The Press on Sunday afternoon and the pundits like George Will an “Anybody but Trump” columnist who is featured in no less than a dozen leftist news papers. Will claims to be in agreement with that part of the Republican establishment supporting Hillary, as does Charles Krauthammer, a best-selling author of “THINGS THAT MATTER” who is elevated to FOX sainthood status when he castigates Trump for his uncouthness and fails to credit Trump’s economic plans and vision for America. Thus, these friends of nasty Hillary will add as many as three new members to the Supreme Court that support a Living Constitution.

Megan Kelly, the moderator at the first Republican debate where Trump was on center stage with 17 other candidates opened her first question to him more or less in the mode of when have you last groped a woman and the questioning proceeded on that vein centering mainly on his lack of respect for women. She was relentless in an inappropriate prosecutorial mode as a moderator in this debate to determine the Republican nominee for president. She ended in sharp verbal exchanges before she left him to question the other candidates. But in a phone call the following evening to Don Lemon of CNN TONIGHT, Trump stated “She gets out here and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions and you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming of her….whatever.” The left’s press exploded using that statement. In other words, Kelly is no Trump fan from the time of his announcement to enter the race for president. At every opportunity, she shoots a barb into his ego, but it’s better than a knife between his ribs. She is a Trump hater along with many of the Fox people.

As recently as October 25th, 2016, a major imbroglio erupted on Megan’s KELLY FILE program where Newt Gingrich, former Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives and Kelly approached a level that reached the shouting stage and exposes Kelly as a rabid, radical feminist enemy of Donald Trump. She in staccato verbiage, flatly labeled Trump a sexual predator and those women who were charging Trump were, in her opinion, legitimate regardless of proof to the contrary. Actually, I saw what Trump observed: the blood in her eyes. Gingrich was so riled at her biased position that he raised his voice and his rhetoric in defense of Trump and the positive plans for saving our country in dispute to the obvious open position Kelly exhibited as a person who purposely desires Hillary as president no matter the consequences.

Trump often visits in person the O’Reilly show where the Donald is given pontifical advice on how he should conduct himself before the crowds and what to emphasize and what not to do. The fact is all the advice given he ignored and the Donald continues to steps on his major message to create jobs to defend himself from Demonkrat barbs.

The fact is, Trump may lose additional support by just being on O’Reilly’s program because it appears he is too docile, if he thinks O’Reilly is a supporter. O’Reilly spouts epistemology as a professor teaching a student, yet still is the arrogant, boisterous, bombastic narcissist. He really weakens Trump in the viewers perception. If Trump really took Bill seriously it would be even more demeaning, since taking advise from this showman host may, in the view of Trump’s supporters, creates the question of judgment on how Donald chose members of his cabinet, if elected and not from a talking TV host.

I ‘m suspicious of Darth Vader.

© 2016 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

The magic of the metal that does not tarnish and retains such eye appealing luster is about to lose its glitter. Here is why:

The gold traders on TV place ads every few minutes tells us gold will save us when the value of our currency which is debt created by international bankers and a bribed congress that lost its integrity to special interests. The story begins when international and U.S bankers and a couple of congressmen met at JP Morgan’s Jekyll Island, S.C. estate and formulated the Ponzy game of monstrous proportions in 1911. President Wilson, tool of the banking interest, signed the law (Federal Reserve Act) in 1913… a law that was not federal and not a reserve, to establish species money without backing known as debt created money. In 1933, control of government welfare and all other spending began with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. He and his wife Eleanor, were the ultimate socialist/communist supporters of Joseph Stalin and the visionary proponents of a New World Government which later was backed by David Rockefeller, son of John D. Rockefeller a member of the original Ponzy team.

The outgrowth became the United Nations and centralized globalism. For the last 50 years, the hub of the European Union and international treaties is located within the Hague in Holland. The USA uncontrolled debt is about to exceed 20 trillion dollars and the euro is nearly financially unstable as is the banking systems that support the euro. It would take a miracle to prevent a collapse of these economies unless the capital assets of all participating nations are auctioned to the highest bidder. The physical assets as collateral could be a bases of new currencies. The chances of that happening are politically extremely slim.

So is gold the answer to support currencies?

William Devane, actor and spokes person for Rosland Capital, is the company’s mouthpiece for the gold bullion and silver coin and precious metal dealer. He asks “What’s in your safe?” Rosland Capital company offers a safe to customers who buy gold for delivery, but dependent on amount of the purchase. He also exhorts buyers to place their purchases in IRAs. The ads are repeated several times a day, sometime four times an hour, on major media outlets. There are hundreds of gold and silver dealers, but mainly the ones you see on national television are less than ten and they vary in commissions from 1% to twice or three times that percentage. The spread between sell and buy that dealers offer vary from 10% to as high as the the sellers can stomach. Obviously, gold dealers are in the business to make as much money as possible.

So let’s see why the dealer’s sales pitch is misleading. The assumption is that inflation of the dollar will accelerate the price of gold and silver and that happened about 47 years ago when everyone expected the bottom would fall out of the purchasing value of the almighty dollar. The anxiety rose to fever pitch where one ounce of gold was valued at $1,900 per oz. Then, slowly at first, then faster and faster the price descended to as low as $900.00. The intensity of the dealers’ pitches is now once more accelerating with their threat of a financial bubble about to occur within months. They claim the only salvation is to invest in gold and get out of the stock market. So then what happens when this occurs? And this time, we may see a crash that far exceeds the results of the great depression.

Gold prices could skyrocket to unimaginable heights, so then what happens?

The dollar will, if no solution is reached, be devalued to what happened to the German mark in 1921 after WW I. The German people were starving; a loaf of bread required a wheel barrel full of 1000 mark notes.

If you’re in my boots today, a loaf of bread costs $3.50 and an ounce of gold is about $1,322.00. If $1.00 dollar is devalued to one thousand three hundred twenty two dollars of the price of today’s gold spot price, the loaf of bread will cost $462.70.

If your assets are worth $1,000,000 and you wish to buy a Toyota, that costs $26,000 at today’s price. Multiply the value of a 100% devalued dollar to the value of gold at the present one oz price of $1,322.00 and the price of the car becomes $3,437,200.00

A billionaire wants to buy a Mercedes Benz that today costs $100,000 x 1322 = Thirteen million two hundred twenty thousand dollars is the price, plus tax after the bubble breaks.

But that isn’t the worst part because the price of the gold isn’t going to remain at $1,322.00 which is what it is worth today and those IRAs are an open book for the federal Government to easily claim the loot.

So in the end, nobody is going to survive that kind of inflation and gold becomes a worthless commodity that no one can afford to buy or exchange in the long run.

So let’s look at what history teaches us and what happens???

In 1933 President Roosevelt used executive order 6102 that required all persons to deliver on or before May 1st of that year all but a small amount of gold coin bullion and gold certificates owned by the Federal Reserve in exchange for $20.67 (consumer price index) adjusted value of $378.00 today per troy ounce. Under trading with the enemy act of 1917, as amended by the recently passed Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933, violation of the order was punishable of a fine up to $10,000 (equivalent to $182,802 today or up to ten years in prison or both.

The US Treasury may be thinking that the entire gold hoard of the nation, may be the partial collateral to back the dollar once the nation ash-cans the Ponzy plan and dissolves the Federal Reserve with a silver bullet.

How much trust do we have in today’s presidents elect or otherwise that they would not exercise an executive confiscation order that would place all gold in the safe hands of the federal government? The government could use a new currency that arbitrarily raises the value of a whatever the new currency may be called… currency that is backed by gold, the value of which is what the government says it is. The question is will the world’s nations recognize it.

Gold merchants and politicians will then be scurrying about for a new type of scam. We can be sure there will forever be more rip-offs of the American dumbed downed. It’s called capitalism.

© 2016 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved


As stated previously, the devil is wise in the ways of evil and his influence in political gymnastics there is nothing like suckering a politically naive candidate like Donald Trump, who has a habit of rightly insulting the press and the politically correct. He entered an evil game of experts in devilish tricks one of which is the Demonkrats flaunting a Muslim immigration lawyer to embellish their expansion of the illegal immigrant invasion by using the Muslim family’s son, a soldier, killed in Afghanistan. The suffering and morning parents were proud of their hero son and Trump is blamed for being against open borders that would have prevented the Muslim family and their son’s birth in our country.

The lawyer demanded that Trump follow the First Amendment to the Constitution and allow Muslims open unrestricted entry into the United States based on religious beliefs must never be refused under the U.S. Constitution He claims Trump was not following the Constitution of which a copy was waved with the challenge that he (Trump) read it.

Trump replied that he felt sorry for the parents, but made the remark that because the Muslim Lawyer, the father, may have prevented his wife from speaking during the tirade against him.

Trump, innocently became surrounded by a hungry pack of political wolves. Anyone familiar with Sheria Law, knows that the wife is subordinate to the husband and needs the husband’s permission to speak. Making that inference was a major mistake by Trump who played into a P.C. blunder of major proportions that convinced the inoculated drive-buys of his race and religious prejudices. Little did Trump suspect that the entire purpose of the Muslim immigration labor lawyer’s tirade was to coax Trump into exactly the blunder he committed. This ploy was simply what Hillary’s multimillion dollar war chest paid to formulate… a hit plan. The plan included using the media, mainly controlled by Demonkrats to pounce on Trumps remark about the wife’s position and from there on its been a cause célèbre to undermine Trump’s campaign that could result in his defeat and a major blow to America’s future and once that happens the Supreme Court will be the main instrument to perpetuate Obamaism.

The list of Republican Neocons (Republican wolves in sheep clothing) hastened to bail out of the Republican Party at the first severe bump in the campaign and were happy to link up with the Clinton Cabal and Obama despite the enemy’s 8 year recession and slow death of a thousand cuts to America’s future. All of the wonks within the Neo-Republican establishment benefited financially and politically from hedge funds, and the FED Reserve’s printing press that doubled the deficit yet they made huge profits on none interest bearing loans throughout those 8 years of the welfare industry ,and those free lunches to include free cell phones no IDs for dead voters.

The mantra in their teary eyes bleated about the down trodden and pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars. Henry Paulson, negotiated the bank bond bailouts; Brent Scowcroft, a general turned political hack is one of the Clinton cabal’s protégés; Ex-president George W. Bush now supports Hillary in 2016 and all those who were disappointed who contributed millions to his failed brother’s campaign and helped by that varmint Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Susan Collins, first to jump ship because he delicate sensibilities were offended at Trump’s remark regarding the silent wife of the Muslim lawyer who is under the yoke of sheria law.

John McCain, A SONG BIRD

Donald Trump finally endorsed John McCain for his primary election in Arizona. This was another mistake that proves backtracking FROM HIS FORMER POSITION ABOUT Mc Cain is not in the interest of a strong candidate leadership. Since the endorsem*nt, on August 6th, 2016, Oath keepers announced the following:
Breaking News: John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” – Oath Keepers
broadcasts revealed. John McCain as a Traitor and Songbird who sings for his masters.

The Donald, probably had no knowledge that a damming video broadcast transmission of McCain’s treason before his announcement of support for McCain’s reelection. The video was heard and seen while McCain was a prisoner of the North Vietnamese. In it he condemned the USA in the North Vietnam’s propaganda film that at the time was released for worldwide distribution. McCain thanked the N. Vietnam government for their excellent hospital accommodations throughout his recovery and for medical treatment and the doctors’ expertise in repairing his leg and arm injuries.

Those who were beaten, starved and routinely tortured for years while at the Hilton Hotel prison in Hanoi were outraged and privately labeled McCain the Song Bird. It was strange that after the Vietnam war the elected Senator McCain made a special trip to Hanoi to meet with the commander of the prison to thank him for his part while McCain was a prisoner.

Why this published visit was not made a matter of McCain’s duplicity by the CIA, FBI and any of the many investigating agencies within the press and TV and print media sources is still a mystery. The agencies, both private and public should have been as aware as was the rest of the world’s population at that time. If proof of this film clip wasn’t released earlier, it was somehow withheld from exposure, but those who suffered the tortures of hell didn’t have the proof to reveal what they suspected and knew McCain as a weak, traitorous puss* cat. This recently released video proves it. As for my personal opinion, John McCain should never have been in Congress and it was the public’s grave, lugubrious mistake for him to be a candidate for the elected office of president.

The obfuscations and recent ass saving that the Director of the FBI and Obama’s Attorney General did when giving Hillary a pass to the White House instead of fitting her for an orange suit is reminiscent of routine under-cover political manipulation.

Donald Trump was forced to deal with the establishment type weenies for political calming of the turmoil within the Republican establishment in order to survive the campaign. It is really so sad that a patriot provided his own funds to fight the establishment and their crooked election processes and must stand alone to make his case.

It is a travesty that Trump is now so vilified and made to be a spectacle charged as crazy villain while in reality he tells the citizens of our great country that this is their final chance to remain within a free democratic republic. If the Democrats selection of vacancies in the Supreme Court it will forever create their brand of socialist/communist justice instead of being in accordance with the original Bill of Rights and the Clintonites will replaced them with what was the Soviets interpretive of a living Constitution.

You ain’t seen nothin yet after Hillary grasps hold of wellfareism , another means for her own wealth-fare fortunes… supported by Senator Harry Reid’s return as its crooked Senate leader.

© 2016 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

The Lord of the Flies; Beelzebub; Lucifer, the fallen angel; the Evil one; the Anti-Christ; The Devil and His minions of devils… but no matter the label means that there is a historical force metaphysically and physically that once accepted as the choosing the wide road to travel leads to hate, cruelty, suffering, finally chaos and death and damnation.

One should first read the great writer C.S. Lewis and his famous Screwtape Letters where Screwtape is an experienced devil. His nephew Wormwood is at the beginning of his demonic career and has been assigned to secure the damnation of the young man. The instructions begins least obvious of its intent whereby innocuous thoughts are instilled only to be developed into a larger pattern of reasoning until they manifest them-selves into the opposite of good.

It’s easy to say that viewing nudity on TV is the appreciation of the human body, but concentrating on the body’s sex organs opens the door to further puerile interests leading to p*rnography and sexual obsessions. The same pattern is true where history is written by those with an opinion contrary to truth with an objective to formulate a philosophy within readers that is so diverse to existing morals, ethics, goals and interests that when introduced into the public education and antireligious thoughts, a whole society reaches for the lowest aspirations of human endeavor. Today’s problems are manifestly the same as were in ancient Rome or for that matter at the time of Moses for there was right positive and left negative, one leading on to a straight and narrow path and the other, the wider road that leads to chaos.

No one can say that the Devil is stupid, in fact he is so smart that he’s known as the grand master of the world and its inhabitants. The secret is he offers temptations so basic to human nature that few remain un-tempted but far too many succumb to his offerings.

In previous ages, and politics there was a feeling within most citizens that leaders were essentially chosen by destiny to insure the good of the people. The means of communication and travel were extremely limited and there were no delusions that life was anything but hard. Therefore, dependence was mainly on the king, the emperor, the Pope and the station in which one was born. Any small gesture of giving was the means to placate the hoi polloi. The major manifestations of the awakening from past devotions led to outright rebellion against the governing powers was in 1776, the American Revolution against King George III and in 1779 the beginning of the French Revolution where God and Man were not placed on the same footing God became the servant of man. In 1919 the Russian revolution began and ended in 1963.

The age of modernism, of change from religious controls and moral controls were replaced by hedonisms whereby the majority of the new orthodoxies became the antithesis of the past. Yet, those who follow the wider road in each of the revolutions succumbed to a painful and evil experience. In the American Revolution, the process included the Indian nations being cruelly subjugated; slavery existed for blacks until a Civil War, but even then, during the reconstruction period the Klu Klux Klan’s ruthless abuse of the Constitution and the power under the Democrat Party’s subjugation of minorities lasted until the 1960s. It was the unspoken law of the South.

The mass immigrations, took place mostly after 1800 to include Chinese railroad workers, later the Irish famine, and thousands of Germans leaving Bismarck’s rule were in essence the pre 20th century’s desperate people in search for the experience to improve their futures. Ellis Island was used as the filter to accept or reject immigrants, based on health; a means of support until becoming employed; and denial of access because of political persuasions opposed to our Bill of Rights.

Until the great depression of 1929, which lasted through 1937 until war clouds caused arming the nation preparatory to World War II, December 1941. These were years that tested the metal of most America’s citizens. Afterwards, they bore the scars of two world wars, depressions that honed themselves to a stamina to survive in hard times, comprised of loyalty to country and hard work; to be competitive and not to expect free handouts.

After WW I during the Wilson Administration years social causes were introduced, suspended during the Coolidge Administration years … the gangster years of Al Capone, Baby Face Nelson and Dillinger, a period mainly born within Chicago that adopted out of control hedonisms where the speakeasies spread to squash the nations thirst for Canadian whisky and bathtub gin. But the rest of America was still recovering from WWI at the time and concerned with agricultural problems. Not until the Roosevelt years, subsequent to the failure of the Hoover Administration purported failure to stem inflation allowing the banks to clamp down on bank lending practices that caused the Great Depression, did the dream of Woodrow Wilson’s socialism and Roosevelt’s social planning, stuffing of the Supreme Court, the bank holiday. the WCC Camps, Social Security and Lend Lease all of which unleashed socialism that is now at its apex today.

The spillover of Marx and Engels, of communism, of atheism and all the failures of what transpired in every country that participated in their adoption of socialism ended in disaster, yet the present candidate, Hillary Clinton, is still willing to adopt the disastrous Obama Administration’s legacy, an experiment in every measure that embellishes the socialist/communist, world government and Muslim’s sheria law antithetical to the US Constitution.

Communism is evil, socialism is one step toward communism, and the Party that supports those ethics and purposes are not composed of Democrats of yesteryear who were simply just following a liberal persuasion. But today’s Democrat leaders and many Neocon Republican establishment, congressional members benefit by the outlandish Democrat perversions that cater to preserving slavery of the masses and destruction of the middle class. This can only end in the failed Soviet System where the select upper class survives with all its privileges. KGB boss Vladimir Putin is one of those nommekultura survivors.

What most voters don’t realize is that there are as many millionaires/billionaires in the Democratic Party, perhaps much richer than those within the Republican Party. George Soros, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett are examples of mammoth wealth supporting the Demonkrats.

© 2016 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

Just as there once was the stone age, then the dark age, the age of the renaissance, the reconstruction age, the industrialization age, the age of Aquarius; pot smokers and free lovers all though the 60s and 70s followed on by Reagan Economics; George H.W. Bush 1989-2001 and his 1st Gulf War; Jimmy Carter, a national socialized malaise USA embarrassment; the political period followed known as the Clinton age of lubricity (slippery 1992) lasting 8 long years that changed the definition of the word “is” and then George W. Bush two terms as a captain who abandoned the ship of a fiscally sound state to the vultures of greed which resulted in the election of a purported Muslim in mufti whose purpose was/is to change America into a third world country without borders. Hillary is now his replacement candidate in total support of Obama’s credo.

In a November 1993, a conference, titled: “Reimagining” featuring the theological concept Sophia female image of God, the feminists conducting the affair were quoted:

“Our maker Sophia, we are women of your image, with the hot blood of our wombs….” “with nectar between our thighs we invite a lover and with our warm body fluids, we remind the world of its pleasures and sensations.” This was the introduction to the Lucifer age post Nero and ancient senators and plebs who brought down the Rome of a thousand years and the introduction of Dark Age. The woman’s movement was called slippery, although sticky (pardon the pun) and titled the “21 Century Religion” right out of the witches caldron.

This nation can’t dismiss “Slick Willy” a different Democrat, the peoples embodiment of the puissant erections: a prodigious prestidigitator of malapropisms instead of straight talk; a supreme enabler both in political social juxtapositioning of principles.

To exemplify is to compare oral sex in the White House President’s office bathroom with an 18 year old as not sex. Added to the string of assignations with willing and unwilling sexual encounters with several women while serving as Governor, he used State Troopers as his sex procuring agents. While in the White House, he had his wife Hillary as his familiar war dog to fend off the victims who complained about his sexual attacks. His First Lady exerted a vengeance without precedence to ruin and embarrass his victims.

Woe are we, if the people accept the elixirs and lubricious con of Hillary’s modified cough syrup reform solutions for Obama Care; the greased skids of social solutions of free college, free food, freedom from taxes, naming taxes as simply cost sharing. In her postulation it’s Government munificence on steroids. Added, are promises to enhance women’s health to include murder of the unborn, accelerating the decline of Caucasian demographics through pills to abort, pills to prevent before and after pregnancy with no mention of those of the Muslim faith’s men who may have multiple wives who are able to triple and quadruple their numbers by 2025 with Shea voters that will replace the American Constitution with the Koran’s Muslim laws. The Muslims are more strict regarding abortion and recommends execution for those that commit it, than the weakened so-called religions of the West who are more lenient. Post Vatican Catholics conveniently consider birth preventing pills as not a matter for confession.

The hoi polloi far outnumber the middle class and Hillary will entice them with the logic of social and communist solutions. Democrats have used blacks as insurance during elections by doling out welfare and insuring a slave like loyalty to the PARTY.

From her first day in office, all dreams will be satisfied and to pay for Latino and the black’s welfare, the rich and the middle class will share their wealth to pay for dispensed cell phones, free food and medical care. Industry will provide more jobs; Latinos and Muslims will be welcomed across our open borders and Plato’s Utopia will be reincarnated. That’s why Donald Trump calls her “Lying Hillary.”

Since the Federal Reserve which is not Federal and is not a Reserve but a means to issue debt money instead of fiscally backed money either by land, precious metals or other tangible collateral to back the almighty dollar, the world has succumbed to an international Ponzy game a false system at its Waterloo.

The United States is at a critical crossroad which doesn’t bode well for the “Grand Old Flag.” NAFTA, the GATT, the euro are on a sliding slope towards a revival in nationalism and a restoration of independence from World Government centered at the Hague in Belgium. Already the tides are in flux with several members of the EU ready to exit in line with the Brit’s decision to vote in favor of an independent nation state with its own laws and its unique independent people in charge, not encumbered by illegal aliens. In order to survive they must first rid themselves as a nanny state deleting the strict bad laws established in Brussels that created its own monster of dependence similar to Hillary and Obama monsters meant for America’s future.

© 2016 Joe Kress – All Rights Reserved

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Author: Joe Kress - News With Views (2024)


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