643. JIH UBL 37 31. 32. 2 520 41 Barges 53 A count renorting (considered Murphy examination ng of records also a of is auditor be be finance The Corpus Christi Times CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1957 SECTION ON THE BEACH As the atomic USS SCORPION returned to Melbourne after a fruitless search for signs of human life along the upper coasts of Australio- Janitor Due Sentencing In Old Case A Menger Elementary School janitor who failed to show up in 1948 for sentencing at San Antonio on a narcotics charge remained in county jail this morning. Edward Davila, 53, 1008 Four- teenth, will be taken to San An- tonio by a federal marshal.
Davila, who was arrested Wednesday by Deputy Sheriffs 0. Sanchez and Harry Lawrence, was convicted in a federal court in San Antonio in 1948 and was told to return in three days for sentencing. He said yesterday he had apparently misunderstood the order. He did not appear for sen. tencing.
Youth Group To Dedicate Money The Inter Church Youth Council will have charge of the service at 3 p.m. Sunday at the YWCA when Halloween trick or treat money will be dedicated for UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. Bart Shirlev. Ray High senior football star, is president of the IYC. The money was collected Oct.
31 by children and vouth. dressed in traditional costumes, who received UNICEF contributions instead of candy from neighborhood donors. The funds go to 70 countries for milk and medicine for children and their mothers. REV. DAVID ROSE invited to England Rev.
Rose To Study In England The Rev. David S. Rose, rector of the Church of the Good Shep-1 herd. has been invited and has! been given a leave of absence here by the church vestry to atend two semesters at St. Augus-1 tine's College, Canterbury, in Kent.
England. He is one of six American Episcopal clergymen who will be among representatives from the entire Anglican communion throughout the world, including the Church of England, the Anglican Church in Canada and others. The local minister will fly to England in late January, immediately after serving as host Jan. 26-28 to the Council of the Diocese of West Texas. He will enter the Lenten term at St.
Augustine's, returning about mid-June. The Ancient See of the Anglican communion is at the Canterbury Cathedral. Rose will have been here 10 years in February, 1958. GIDEON MEETING OPENS SATURDAY About 200 members of the Gideons International organization from throughout Texas and neighboring states are arriving in Corpus Christi for the two-day Allen's Barbecue Damaged by Blaze Fire damaged Allen's Barbecue, 319 South Nineteenth. shortly before 5 a.m.
today, the city fire department reported. The fire started near the floor and, went through the roof before it was controlled. Most damage was to the attic and roof. The building is owned by Oliver Allen. Cause of the fire is being in- FIRE CHIEF JOHN CARLISLE CHECKS EXTINGUISHERS city to begin own maintenance and service ON EXTINGUISHERS Firemen To Start Maintenance Plan The fire department soon will start maintaining and all city-owned fire extinguishers, slashing the cost of such service so much that the savings will f1- nance a program for training all city employes in the proper use of the devices.
Fire Chief John Carlisle is establishing what he hopes will be a model system for maintaining and recharging fire extinguishers. He notes that local extinguisher companies and various factories have assisted in setting up the program according to latest procedures recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwrit. ers. Among the First When the system begins functioning, Corpus Christi will become one of the first cities of its size in the country to handle its own fire extinguisher service, Carlisle said. Up to now.
each city division has been responsible for acquiring and paying for maintenance of its own extinguishers. The result has been a hodgepodge of extinguishers, representing virtually all types and sizes and adhering to no particular standards. Service has been handled by local extinguisher companies under contract, but Girl, 9, Hurt in Fall at School Lupe Gonzales, nine-year-old daughter of Mrs. Lucille Gonzales. 3701 Rojo, received a leg injury at 10:36 a.m.
today when she fell on the steps of Travis Elementary School. The victim, a second grader at the school. was taken to the Driscoll Foundation Children's Hospital. Cadet Honored Cadet Honored Weldon Y. Hudson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Halley Wendel of 3556 Austin, has been named distinguished Air Force ROTC Cadet at Southwest Texas State Teach- some recharging work has had to be obtained out of town because certain facilities were not available locally. The new program will be aimed at standardizing city -owned fire extinguishers. Central Records Central records will be maintained at the extinguisher service center being established at Central Fire Station. A complete history of each extinguisher will be kept.
A regular inspection and maintenance schedule will be put into effect. Fire extinguishers will be assigned to various city divisions on the basis of the type and size needed by each particular one's activities. Carlisle said all extinguishers will be kept up to rigid standards or will be junked if they fail come up to his level. He noted that fire extinguishers can be dangerous if not properly maintained and serviced. City firemen will be assigned to extinguisher maintenance and service on a rotating basis.
They will be trained by experienced personnel who have been spending much time during the past six months in learning methods and procedures. This instruction has included several visits to factories manufacturing extinguishers. Carlisle said the savings produced by city maintenance of its own extinguishers should provide sufficient funds for setting up a training program to teach all city employes how to properly use the fire-fighting devices. Adopt Specifications ers College, San Marcos. I produces.
vestigated. Itional president. Coastal Bend Sales Good Neighbor Special! Guaranteed Or Your Money Back fences make good neighbors. ETRING AVE. off 5700 Blk.
Ayers Ph. TE5-7379 5-FOOT REDWOOD No Payments Down FOOT RUNNING BASKET WEAVE 36 To Pay Months Neighbor) (Each SALE ENDS SATURDAY, NOV. 15th CHAIN LINK CHAIN LINK FOOT RUNNING FENCING No Down FENCE Payment 36 Mo. Neighbor) (Each To Pay Sale Ends Nov. 15th SAVE $3.00 Saturday! Rattan Circle SAVE $3 Saturday Only 17-Foot Aluminum Boat REG.
ONLY! 9.95 6.95 SATURDAY Four seater family boat Cradle comfort for patio, invite the neighbors, REG. den TV viewing! Buy one 437.00 29950. or several! Save $137.50 Cash -or $80 mg. By servicing its own extinguishers. the city will be able adopt specifications for the purchase of new extinguishers based on the experience of cost involved in servicing various types.
Some cost more to recharge than others, the fire chief explained. There have been four basic types of extinguishers in use by the city--soda and acid (water). foam, dry powder and carbon tetrochloride. The latter, 'Carlisle said, has been dropped because of the toxicity of the gas Based on the Best-Selling Novel by Nevil "Next day the Egyptians sent out all the serviceable bombers they'd got, six to Washington and seven to London. After that there weren't many American or British statesmen left alive." Distributed by NEA Service, Inc.
1957 by William Morrow Inc. CITY GRANTED TOP AWARD FOR FINANCIAL REPORTING The City of Corpus Christi's nual fiancial report for the fiscal year which ended July 31 has been awarded Certificate of Conformance, Finance Director Tom Murphy announced today. PALPI A LANE -skipper Dwight Towers and Australion scientist John Osborne discussed the recent wor, Osborne confided that Albonia dropped the first bombsone on Naples, another on Tel Aviv. Added Osborne, "Then the British and Americans intervened and made thot demonstration flight over Cairo." 11-8 The certificate represents the highest achievement in financial reporting that a governmental unit may attain, Murphy said The certificate is awarded by the Municipal Finance Officers Association and the National Committee on Governmental Account- ing. 61 in 11 Years Since the certificate was established in 1946, 61 governmental units of the nation have received the award.
Corpus Christi is the eighth Texas governmental unit and the 39th city of the United States to win the certiicate. Other Texas cities receiving the certificates are Brownsville, Laredo. Kerrville, Yoakum. Dallas, Fort Worth and San Antonio. Some 900 financial reports have been reviewed by the sponsoring associations since the certificate program was started.
McClure Praises City Manager Russell E. Mc- Clure praised Murphy and chief accountant Harold Zick for the improvements in the city's finan cial report that led to its unani. mous selection for the certificate. Both McClure and Murphy also commended Allan Mote, the city's Man Hurt In Collision One person was injured at 8:30 a.m. today in a collision of a pickup truck and a sedan in the 600 block of Everhart.
Joe Regalado, 28, an employe of the N. O. Simmons Construc-1 tion was treated at Corpus Christi Osteopathic Hospital for an injured shoulder. Accident Investigator W. J.
Chalko said a 1954 model sedan driven by Mary Oliphant Myers, 30, of 4201 Avalon, was backing out of a driveway when the collision occurred. Regalado's truck ran into a ditch and overturned, Chalko said. independent whose annual city was part the report this a Shute that explained that the certificate implies that the city's ac- the form follow and content standards set by the two national sponsoring associa- tions. He said these standards are the to mininum for highly responsible vernmen- tal accounting. Bond Buyers Note Murphy pointed out that bond buyers look wit.
favor on a city holding Certificate of Con- formance because it indicate- that the nancial information supplied by the city reliable, Having met the standards for the certificate, the city's financial also may compared with other cities holding the certificates and will meet the re. quirements for comparison of some city activities with private enterprise. Murphy said the ce-tificate is awarded for only one financial report from anV governmental unit with the sponsors assuming that the standards will not be lowered in the future. LICHTENSTEIN'S 2 BIG TOYLANDS ARE OPEN! Downtown Fourth Floor Uptown Lower Level BEST SELLER DOWNTOWN UPTOWN PARKDALE PLAZA Sanforized flannelette with gold lurex stripe GIRLS' PAJAMAS 398 Comfy-fit cobbler top pajama with elasticized sleeves and legs. Pink or blue with gold lurex stripe.
Toddler 2 and girls' sizes 4 to 14. Infants' Wear, Girls' Wear Downtown Fourth Floor; Uptown, Parkdale Plaza 69 3 SHOP Uptown 00 Downtown DARKING, FREE Order now! Writs (add 27c for mailing and chuffes) or My re Lou, TU4-2871 Inc. MARINE NEWS Arrivals 31 Tue CKC Codrington. NBC Canal Barze Co. from New Orleans Port Clint Barge L.CT Sun Louisiana.
Barge Barges 524. RCT Parses PP 202 Barge OBL Barge 439 Barge AT Greenwich 53. NBC Barges CKC 54. $43 Departures Pride. Cosmar.
to Christi Bay 875. to Tug San Benito. Barge Gissell Harbor Island Tug Harry Smith. Barge CSCC 226. to Columbia Southern Chemical Reynolds Plant Democrats Schedule Workshop Mrs.
R. D. Randolph. Democratic national committeewoman from Houston, will conduct a workshop on precinct activities and poll tax drives from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
tomorrow in the Pioneer Room of the Nueces Hotel. Mrs. Randolph is being sponsored by the local chapter of the Democrats of Texas. Other speakers on the program will be Weber Poole, director of San Patricio County Farm Bureau, and Tom Brookshire, former Kleberg County JudgeMrs. Louisa Pearson, a memher of the local organization, said that all Democrats in this district are urged to attend.
There will be a reception and social hour for Mrs. Randolph after the three- hour workshop. Painter Hurt In Fall From Oil Firm Tower An industrial painter was injured at 10 a.m. today when a scaffold rope broke, plunging him 25 feet to a steel landing at the Pontiac Refinery. Antonio Arrendondo, 45, of Gregory, an employe of Nueces Painting was being X-rayed at Corpus Christi Osteopathic Hospital for possible back injuries.
A spokesman of the comapny said the worker was painting the side of the tower and was suspended in a boatswain's chair when the supporting rope parted. His condition was not believed to be serious. Parties in Suit Agree To Settle Litigants in a compensation suit in federal court today reached an agreement on a settlement this morning after an hour of testimony had been heard by Judge James V. Allred and A jury. By agreement, Matt Fellegrino, city policeman, was awarded 750 in his suit against Travelers Insurance Co.
for compensation for injuries sustained in an accident last year. Pellegrino was represented by John J. Pichinson of Pichinson, Uttere and Chase: Travelers by Cecil Redford of Lewright, Dyer and Redford. 753 Poll Taxes Sold by County Poll tax payments had reached 753 this morning, according to the county assessor-collector's lice. for paying poll taxes is Jan.
31. meeing here tomortow and Sunday. Registration will be held at 9 a.m. tomorrow al the Nueces Hotel. headquarters.
A chartered bus will take the group to Padre Island at p.m. 2 tomorrow for a seaside service and at 7 p.m. they will board the Gulf Clipper here for a moonlight service on the bay. The Gideons, who are responsible for distributing Bibles in hotels and other public places throughout the world, plan to make Bibles available for students in local schools in the near future. O.
T. Goldsmith is state presiIdent: Jerry Clower, Zone 2 lead. er, and Pat Zondervan, interna-.