The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)

Announcements Employment Deaths 24 THE MOR.VIXG CALL. Allentown, Pa, Wednesday. Jan. 19. 1919 CallV IFarm Corner Bethlehem Markets A stand In Bethlehem's smith side mir RATES? CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TRANSIENT CHARGE 3 Lines 35e per line One oay J7V2c per line Three day 26VaC per line Five days 26c per line Six days 25 "-ao per line Seven day Count six average words to the line.

Chicago Livestock Chirac. AP) Price movements on livestock were almost absent yesterday. Hogs showed steady to 25 cents lower, callle took a narrow range from strong to weak, and sheen were mostly steady. Good and choice butcher hogs merited $17.75 to $21.25 and a shortload too ol $21.35. Sows had.

$15.00 to 1' '3 Choice led steers topped at $33 25 and long yearlings at $33 00. High-eood and choice loads were $28.50 to $30. .5 and medium and good kinds $21 00 to $2,. 00. Medium to low-choice heifers sold from $21.00 to $26.00.

Good beef cows topped at $1900. sausage bulls at $23.00. fat beef bulls at $22.00. and choice vealers at 3Choice wooled lambs topped at $25 .00 clipped kinds at $24.00 and ewes at $1150. Salable receipts were estimated at 19 -000 hogs.

6.500 cattle. 600 calves, and ODAalable hogs 19.000: fairly active; butchers mostly 25 cents lower; closed only steady to 25 cents lower; tows steady to 25 cents lower; short load choice 200 lb 21.35; good and choice 180- 220 lb 20 230-250 lb 19.i5-20.oO; 19.00 few 330-35 lb 17.7a-18 2 and mn.m lh sows 17.00-17.75: 4a0- snn ik ik on. 1R7.V Stffl lb and over 15.00- 16; unsold holdover shipper took 3' Salable cattle 6.500; salable calves 600: slaup.hier steers and heifers steady tO rnwe and bulls steady to weak; vealers' firm:" load choice 1.262 lb fed steers topped at 33.25; load Jong year- 9ifi0' several loads high-Rood and choice lb steers ouik medium and good steers 21.00-27.00: me dium to iow-cnoice neners i.w-o.uu, t-mmnn tn Efwid beef cows 16.50-19.00; nn.rc and rtitt.rR 13.50-16.25: eood saus- ase bulls 22.25-23.00: fat beef bulls 22.00, down; medium to cnoice veaiers o.uu- 34.00: 185 head good 1.107 lb uakota leea In. ElMrc Ol Ofl Salable sheep 5.500; slaughter lamb trade very slow; mainly steady on limited supply sola; iaie diqs suarpiv w.ei, indications liberal holdover; choice wooled lambs topped at 25.00: comparable clippers 24.00; choice ewes 11.50.

Chicago Grain Chicago. (AP Wheat and corn made minor gains in yesterday's session at the board of trade, but other futures sagged in featureless trading. Wheat shook off early easiness. Induced by additional moisture over the winter crop -section. There was fair commercial demand for July wheat, and other buying was said to be against overnight sale of flour to the United Kingdom.

corn responded to a couimunii-y crtun announcement that higher moisture content corn would be acceptable. Traders also were attracted to buying because of rough weather developing over the corn belt. New snow, they felt, would hamper the movement of corn to market. To arrive bookings were placed at 90.000 (Tl bushels. At the finish wheat was to 5-8 higher.

corn was '2 lower to ha higher oats were 5-8 to 34 lower, rve was 34 lower, soybeans were 1 to 2'a cents lower and lard was 28 to 42 cents lower. The CCC continued to oner uncnaugeu premiums for cash corn, but reduced the moisture content to la per cent irom 15 5 per cent. The agency was creaitea wkh buying around 2.000.000 (M) bushels corn Monday, and some of the support in the futures market was said to be against additional sales to the government. Oats dragged through the session, and did not advance with corn. Bailies were not supported although some short covering was noted.

Rough weather, with a cold wave heading east was reported over the winter wheat and corn country. The five day outlook indicated moderate to heavy precipitation over the southwest and from moderate to one half inch In the corn states. 1 July soybeans sold at a new seasonal low. off as much as 3 cents at times. Reports that Canada was seeking an allocation of soybean oil from this country did not stimulate the market, to above the previous close.

Lard continued to encounter selling tires-sure and new seasonal lows were established. Harleysville Auction LIVE POILTOY DEATHS ECKHART Mrs. Minnie CFocht. 43 years. 4 months and 22 days.

Phlfer's Corner. Lehighton R. 3, at Coaldale. Jan. 15.

1949: wife of Frank H. Eckrtart. Fu neral 2 p. m. Friday.

Robert W. Wink funeral home. Bridge Weissport. Inter ment Trachsvlllo cemetery, call I p. ms Thursday.

Robert W. Wink. GERMAN Sophia M. (Valora. 54 years.

5 months and 5 days. R. 3, Allentown. Jan. 16.

1949: wife of Elmer G. G. German. Funeral- 2 p. m.

Thursday. Scheirer funeral home. Siegersville. Public service continues In Unionville church. Interment church cemetery.

Call 7 to 130 jn. Wednesday. Russell H. Scheirer. HAMMOND Mabel nee Griffiths.

aged 6 Byears. 6 months and 18 days. 213 Columbia Palmerton. Jan. 16.

1949; wile of waiter w. Hammond, runerai 3 p. m. Wednesday, Ziegler funeral home, 177 Delaware Palmerton. Interment.

Towamensing cemetery. Call Tuesday 7 to 9 p. m. J.S.Z. HEILMAN-r-Samuel 84 years, months.

10 days. Crackersport. Wescos-ville R. 1, Jan. 17, 1949: husband of late Mrs.

Eda C. (Lltrenberger) Heilman. Fu neral Saturday 1:30 n. m. from late home.

Continued services Jordan Lutheran church. Interment church cemetery, viewing Friday 7-9 p. m. at his home. Keller.

HFRM4NY Alfred. 67 years. 2037 Glen- dale Bethlehem, Jan. 18, husband' of Mrs. Verna (Smith) Hermany.

Due notice ot funeral. D.B. HFRTZOG John 69 years. 3 months snd 26 days. 137 8.

Hall Allentown, Jan. 17, 1949; husband of Mrs. Mella E. Luckenbach) Hertzog. Funeral Thursday 1:30 n.

m. Trexler funeral home. 116 S. 8th St. Interment Grandview cemetery.

Call Wednesday 7 to 9 p. m. Reading papers please note. Trexler. HORN Mrs.

Margaret E. (Richards) Horn, 103 N. 11th Allentown. Jan. 17, 1949; wife of H.

Walter Horn. Funeral Thursday 1:30 p. m. Stephens funeral home. 1335 Linden St.

Interment Union cemetery, Slatington. Call Wednesday 1 to 9 n. m. Easton papers please note. Stanley S.

Stephens. JO ES Samuel. 80 years, 9 months and 1 day. Wescosrille, Jan. 17, 1949; husband of the late Mrs.

Rachel (Harris Jones. Funeial 11 a. m. Friday at the Mrs. Ernes B.

Zimmerman funeral home. 1124 Walnut St. Interment in the Woodlawn cemetry. may call 7 to 9 p. m.

Thursday. Mrs. Ernest B. Zimmerman. KERCHNER Peter Moses, husband of Martha (Lutz) Kerchner, 329 N.

14th aged 70 years. 9 months and 28 days. Jan. 18, 1949. -Services at the J.

B. Burk-holder funeral home, 1601 Hamilton at 10:30 a. m. Saturday. Interment in Arlington Memorial park.

Calling hours 7 to 8:30 p. m. Friday. (Reading papers please note.) B. KETCHLEDGE Pfc.

Bert. New Ringgold R. 1. killed in action in Germany, April 10. 1945.

Funeral services in charge of repatriation committee at 3:30 p. m. Sunday from his home, Rev, John Gulick officiating. Interment Ejied-ens parish cemetery. Friends may call after 5 p.

m. Saturday. George E. Snyder. KISTLERr Edgar 54 years, 11 months and 12 days, Neffs, Jan.

16. 1949; husband of the late Mary E. (Ebert) Kistler. Fu neral 1:30 p. m.

Wednesday, Bard funeral home. Schnecksvllle; continued services, Unionville church, Neffs. Interment in adjoining cemetery. Call 7 to 9 p. m.

Tuesday. Walter S. Bard. LEHMAN Tana (Fink), 19 years. 1 month and 11 days.

551 Dalton Em-maus: in Allentown, Jan. 15, 1949: wife of John Lehman. Funeral 1.30 p. m. Wednesday.

Frederick Reinsmith residence. 3rd and Seem Emmaus. Continued services Western Salisbury church. Interment church cemetery. Call 7 to 9 p.

m. Tuesday. Reinsmith. LITZENBERGER T-4 Stanley Wes-cosville R. 1.

aged 22 years, 1 month. 15 days, in Germany, April 30. 1945; son of Alfred R. and Edith E. (Reppert) Litzen-berger.

Services Saturday 1.30 p- from Schmoyer Funeral home. Breinigsville. Re-burial in Trexlertown church cemetery. No viewing. Schmoyer.

LIKENS Baltis 411 Allen aged 80 years. 3 months and 17 days, Jan. 18, 1949. Funeral services from his late home on Sat. 2 P.

m. Interment Heck-town cemeetry. Friends may call Friday 7 to 9 p. m. J.S.Z.

MOYER William H.7 near Cologne. Germany. April 21. 1945. Husband of Mildred nee Schaffer.

Moyer, aged 28 years. 5 months. 10 days. Funeral at Wlllard L. Gruver funeral home.

Main and Oxford Coopersburg, at 2 p. sun-day. Interment in Union cemetery. Zions- ville. Gold Star Mothers invited.

Calling nours Saturday irom 7:30 to 8: JO p. m. Wlllard Gruver. MOYER William aged 62 years. months, 14 days, in

Funeral 2 p. m. Saturday at OS. Burkholder funeral home. 3rd and Walnut Cata-sauqua.

Interment Fairview cemetery. West Catasauqua. Call 7-9 p. m. Friday.

Oliver S. Burkholder. OTT Elmira 83 years. 5 months and 1 day 1021 Walnut Allentown. Jan.

18. 1949; widow of John F. OH. Private services Saturday afternoon, Trexler funeral home. 116 S.

8th St. Interment Union cemetery. Call 7 to 8:30 p. m. Friday.

Please omit flowers. Trexler. RAETHER Gertrude (Rabenold). 214 Kent Port Colborne. Ontario, Canada, Jan.

16, 1949; widow of George L. Raether. Funeral 1.30 p. m. Thursday.

J. s. Burkholder funeral home, 1601 Hamilton Allentown. Interment Greenwood cemetery. Call 7 to 8.30 p.

m. Wednesday. B. RISKO Peter 58 years. 1 month and 1 day.

1, Perkiomenville. near Freed's school; In Pottstown. Jan. 16, 1949: husband of Amelia (Dilos) Risko. Funeral 8 a.

m. Thursday from Risko home. Recruiem high mass 9.30 a. m. in St.

Philips Neri Catholic church. East Greenville. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, Pennsburg. Call 7 to 9 p. m.

Wednesday. Owen S. Hoffman. SANDBROOK Othello. 71 years, 11 months and 8 days.

947 Tilghman Allentown. Jan. 17. 1948; husband of the late Mrs, Lucy (Cole) Sandbrook. Funeral Thursday, a p.

m. Mrs. Ernest B. Zimmerman funeral home. 1124 Walnut St.

In terment in Union and West End cemetery. Call Wednesday 7 to 9 p. m. Mrs. Ernest B.

Zimmerman. SCHAFFER Mrs. Anna C' 626 Wash ington Jan. 17. 1949: wife of William H.

Schaffer. Funeral 1.30 p. m. Friday. J.

S. Burkholder funeral home. 1601 Ham ilton St. interment Greenwood cemetery. Call 7 to 8.30 p.

m. Thursday. B. SCHNEIDER Henry 8.. 73 years.

30 days, 115 S. 13th Allentown, Jan. 18. 1949; husband of Mrs. Pauline (Schenk) Schneider.

Private funeral Thursday 11 a. m. Donald Bachman funeral home, 1030 Walnut St. Interment Grandview cemetery. Call Wednesday 7 to 8:30 p.

m. D.B. SFILER Mrs. Mary (Rohl) Seller. 6 years.

1 month. 11 days, 316 Washington Walnutport. Jan. 17. 1949; wife of Frank Seiler.

Requiem high mass Thurs day 10 a. m. cnurcn of Assumption Slatington. Interment St. Nicholas cemetery, Berlinsville.

Call at home Wednes day evening. David Helntzelman. SHIRK A. Harry, aged 68 years. 10 months -and 2 days, 712 Park Ful lertown.

Jan. 18. 1949. Due notice of funeral. Harvey K.

sayior. STAMM William 71 Tears. 1914 High and Allentown. Jan. 17.

1949 husband of Sallie M. (Nicholas) Stamm. funeral 10.30 a Thursday. J. S.

Burkholder funeral home. 1601 Hamilton fit Interment Ellas church cemetery. New- manstown (Lebanon). Call 7 to 8.30 p. m.

Wednesday. B. WALTER iMrs. Amelia M. (Paules) Walter, 77 years.

3 months and 19 days: 118 N. Cheiry Slatington, widow 6f jonn j. waiter. Jan. 15.

1949. Funeral I ..10 p. m. Wednesday at Ellwood Hetntzrl man funeral home, Slatedale. Interment Slatedale csmetery.

Friends may call xuescay p. m. fclwooa Helntzelman WARNER Glenn Raymond aged 6 montns, a aays. 4ia front (Tatasautnia in Allentown, Jan. 17.

1949; son of Frank and Jennie fMaaeei Warner, fiervlre. Wednesday 1.30 p. Oliver Burkholder runerai nome. ara nd walnut Cats-sauqua. Interment.

Grandview cemetery Allentown. Call Tuesday 7-8 p. m. Oliver MOTHERSPOON Mrs. Agnes (Pollock) Wothersnoon, 1903 W.

Broad Bethlehem, wife of John D. Wotherspoon, Jan, n. 1949. Funeral 2 p. m.

Thursday at Bieyers runerai nome, 600 Linden St Bethlehem. Interment In Memorial Park cemetery. Friends may call Wednesday evening. Marvin Steyers. ZIEGENFI Howard.

Palmerton R. 1. 58 years. 9 months, 25 days. Jan.

17, 1949: husband of Elsie (Christman) Zigen-fus. Services Thursday 2 p. m. from James Funeral home. 661 Delaware Palmerton.

Rev. M. Luther Wahrmann officiating. Interment. Trachsvill cemeterv Viewing Wednesday 7-9 p.

m. R. M. James. High Low Aye.

31 29'a 45 ti 43 'a 44 Va 28 1,3 28 Va 28 "a 46 40 44 Va 41 35 38 55 36 'i 47 67 65Va 66 39 34 37 32 V2 28 30 Vi 44 30 35 45 45 46 37 37 37 65 55 57 Vi High Low Ave. 63 "56 58 56 54 55 65 55 57 Va 55 "a 54 'a 55 60 52 53a 53Va 51'a 52 53 52 Va 52 63 54 57 Va 55. 53 Va 54 63 'a 53 55 ''4 55 53 54 56 51 52 52 Vi 57ii 52 52 55 'a 51 98 92 94 ket brought nostalgic memories of the summer months Tuesday morning with me saie 01 sirawDemes at 40 a pt. box. and dandelion.

30 a at. box. Among vegetables were cucumbers. 5 eacn: sweet potatoes. 10 a Qt.

carrier; carrots. 10 Per punch: head lettuce 10: onions. 20 a qt. carrier; cabbage. 20-25 per head: California pascal celery, 35 each: tomatoes, 30 per box; parsley root zu; lurnips.

la per qt. carrier; potatoes. carrier: red beets, 15 per bunch, and endive. 20-25. Indian River grapefruit was sold for tor ia: pears 26 a ot.

carrier; Mc Intosh apples, 25 a qt. carrier; temple oranges, bo a tangerines. 35 a doz Indian River Oranges. 40 a sunkist oranges. 50 a lemons.

15 a ot. box: bananas. 10-15 per tokay grapes. 20 a id. secxei pears.

23 a qt. carrier. Meats included rftnlf nrtpns R. a lb hamburger. 70 a lb.

tpork and beef mixea: iresn nam. a smokea ham 70: fresh sausage. 70 homemade: smoked sausage. 75 a calf liver. $1.35 pork -liver, 45 a beef liver.

75 a steaks 90 pork chops. 75. (center cut) and 55. roast); veal cutlets. $1.30 a Boston butts.

t0 a lunch roll. $1.20 a meat loaf. a polled ham. $1.40 per liverwurst 50. (fresh), and 60.

(smoked): chuck roast. 75 a chODDed ham 90 a iced bacon 70 a slab bacon. 60 per pork goodies. 85 a lb. Other quotations Include cheese, 60 a butter.

RO ner lard. 2s a lb chestnuts 20 a eggs. 70-75 per and sauerkraut. 25 a lb. Philadelphia Markets Philadelphia.

AP) Flour: Soft winter spring first clear o.70-.o: standard patent 6.00-.10: short patent 6 10- 20; high gluten 6.401.30; lamuy nour 6.85-'7.05. Cheese: 5 lb. processed 37'4-41: domestic swiss fancy ordinary to good single daisies longhorns Live poultry: fowls fancy colored few cleanup few early sales yearlings 45; leghorns fancy 4 lbs. and over peddling sales higher: smaller some clean up sales old roosters 29; roasting chickens fancy over 5 lbs.

some lbs. and over some 4 to 4' lbs. pullets fancv 4la to 5 lbs. few extra fancy some 4'i light blacks some 42 light browns and Columbian springers fancy 3 to 4 lbs. crosses some hnreharks and small .30: reds 33; ordinary and common down to worthless, ducks wniie pexin average run muscovy 40; some blacks guineas young 24 lbs.

ana over .52: rji*zpon nair capons few around. Geese few around. Turkeys fancy hens toms lew jo. Dressed poultry: dueks Long Island frozen .50: squabs some premiums 1.00-.20. New York Poultry New Turk API Dressed poultry firm.

Turkeys, northwestern, dry packed, frozen young toms all weights western, dry packed, frozen all weights 61-62. Live poultry firm. Bv freight: None. Bv express: Fowls, leghorns fancy 36-38; ordinary to fair 34-35. few low as 33; rocks 44-46.

young 46, heavy, ordinary, or srahhv 42-44 North Carolina 43: blacks 45-46. few high as 47. young 47-48 gen erally 48. heavy, ordinary or scabby 44-45, low as 43': white rocks Norm Carolina few 39: reds 45-46; young one mark 48. heavy, ordinarv.

or scabby 42-44. low as 40. Pullets, rocks 4i-5 lbs. few 57: crosses 5 lbs 57. 434-5 lbs fancv 56-57.

ordinary 52. lbs ordinary 50-53 4'-41a lbs v. -4 1, ins uetaware ou. -'4 lbs ordinary 42-44. 3'-4 lbs 42-43.

3Vi lb ordinary 40; reds 4' a 10s ordinary biacks 3 lbs aa. 4J4 105 02. ordinary ou. Chickens, rocks few 42. Broilers, crosses New England 38-40: some 42, ordinary to fair 3S-3S.

Delaware 38-40. nearby 38. co*ckerels ordinary 37: rocks 38-42. generally 38-40. one mark extra fancy 43.

ordinarv to fair 35. Ducks. Long Island 50. Turkevs young nens tseiisviue wanes 80-83: young toms few heavy 55. Old roosters 30.

Lancaster Livestock Lancaster. (AP) Cattle. 234. good grade cows 25 cents lower, all others steady; calves. 187.

all grades are strong: hogs, 361. top handyweights 23 cents, others 22 Vi; sheep. 15. all grades steady. Treasury.

Balance Washington, (AP The position of the Treasury Jan. 14: Net budget receipts $117,978,269.81. Budget expenditures $100,919,562.06. Cash balance $3,145,068,315.76. Total debt $252,290,532,447.10.

Increase over previous day l.Y. Stocks New York, AP -'Tuesday's, closing stocks: High 21 '4 24 28 8Vi 90' 21Ja 31 V2 1' 56 631. 374 34 Vi Low 2034 Last 21 '4 Air Reduction Allechany Corp Al Chem Dye 187 'i 187 '2 Allied Strs 27 274 Airlines 8', 89s. 21'4 31'a 55'a 63 'a 37'. 34'.

24'. 7Va 102 37 7'. 10'a 45'4 32. 32U 40. 30' 2 15.

36 304 12'. 33' a 55'. 104 32 17 3 '4 22'. 34 4 7'a 8'. 8'.

52 Va 187 44 'a 42 10'' 39 41 '4 59 114 61 43 Va 41 10' 69 'a 46 'a 29'. 26s. 30. 50. 9'.

38 55'. 37 'a 38'4 2 5. 8' 14s. 14'2 31 '4 55 14a 31s. 28 18 9-16 18 'a 12, 16.

16 '4 4 8. 23 444 18 164 9. 21 20. 34', 30. 13 '4 22'.

254 35'. 8. 39 384 22 'a 16'4 47'i 27'. 195, 65s. 71 4 14 20'i 30 '4 22'.

54 '4 60 'a 24. 40 'a 87 234 2' 19 41 44 '4 71 10 15 '4 34', 47 11 70 8 'a 894 21 '4 31' 13', 554 1464 634 37. 34 25 7'a 102 3 7 "a 7'4 114 10 'a 45'4 324 304 154 364 304 12'4 33'i 55' 104 32 17 34 224 10'. 34 'a 7 a 8'4 8'. 52'a 187'4 44 1 2 42', 10', 39 41'4 59 '4 114 61.

44 414 11 69 'i 464 29 27 30' a 50. 9'. 38 55 '4 374 384 24 54 8'4 144 143. 314 55 '4 14 'a 31. 28', 18 'a 18'a 12.

164 16V4 10 4 84 Am Can Am Ch Cable Am Distill Am Rad St Am Smelt Am Tel Tel Am Tcbacco Am Woolen Anaconda Cop Armco Stl 2b Arn.our Co 75s Atch 103 Atl Refining 373i Avco Mf 7 V4 Bald Loco Bait Ohio 1034 Barnsdall Oil 453a Bentflx Aviat 33 Eeth Steel 33' 4 Borden Co 40 Briggr Mfg 3034 Bucyrus-Erie 16 Case JII Co 36V, Celanese Corp 31 Certain-Teed 13 Chese fe Ohio Chrysler Corp 34 i 563. 10' 32'4 17' 3'4 22 10'4 344 7. 8 "4 8'. 52'a ,.187 '-4 Colum Gas Colum Carbon Coml Solvents South Cons Edison Cons Vultee Cont Can Com Motors Curtiss-Wright Del Lack Sc Douglas Aircr DuPort De Eastman Kodak 41 El Auto-Lit 42 'i Food Fair Strs 10'i Gen Eler 393 41 595. m.

62 44 414 11 687 464 2934 27', 307a 5134 9. 38'4 55'. 374 3834 2, 5. 83 15 14'i 31J4 55'4 144 311. 28', l18'i 5, 183 17 Gen Faods Gen Motors iC en Pub Util oooctrich (BF Good ear Gt North Ry PF Grerhound Gulf Oil Hercules Powder Illinois Central Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Faper Int Tei Tel Johns-Manville Kennccott Cop Kresjje SS) Lehiph Port Lehigh Val Coal Leh Val RR Libby, Men Loews Inc Mpck Truck- Mckess Rob Montgom Ward Nash-Kelvin Nat Biscuit Nat Dairy Prod Nat DisiillerG Nat Pow 4: Lt Nat Supply NY Central RR North Amer Co Northern Pacific Northwest Airl Packard Motor Pan Am Airways 16 'i 10.

81 Param Pictures 231? 23. 444 18 164 9. 21 204 34' 303 13 V4 254 36 84 39 1 4 384 22. 16'. 47 27 19.

654 71 V4 14 20 '4 30. 23 54. 60'a 24 "i 40 s. 87 ''a 234 2. 19 41 4414 71 10 "4 15 '4 24', 47.

11V 70 Penney (JC 4j Penn Pw Lt 18 iPenn RR Pepsi-Cola iPhila Elec jPub Svc ot 17 9'i 21 '4 20. 34 4 30'a 13s. 224 26. 36 39 '4 387 i Pullman :Rnfi.n corn" Reading Co Repub Steel Reynolds Tob 8t. Regis Pap Sear? Roebuck Shell Union Oil JsYT 23 17 483 Socony-Vacjum Soutrern Pacific Sperry Corp 27 'a Stand Brands 20'.

Stand Oil Cal 663. Stand Oil NJ 71 T. Stone Webster 14 StuCebaker Corp 20'a Swift Co 30'. Sylvan El Prod 23 Texas Co 54'a Texas Gulf Sulph 601 Tide Wat A Oil 24. Union Carbide 40'.

Union Pacific 87' United Aircraft 24 United Corp 2 Unfed Gas Imp 19'. US Rubber 41 US Smelt Ac 44 'a US Steel 723 Warner Bros Pict 10 West Un Tel 15 '4 Westing Elec 254 Woolworth rw 47J Tork Corp 11'-, Young fit Sh 71 'a FEMALE HELP WANTED Vt A HOUSEKEEPER voung woman fond of children, pplv 1307 N. 19th from 1 to 3 p. m. Sz 7 to 9 p.

m. AMBITIOUS WOMEN Earn per hr. selling new spring dresses etc. Cottons $2 98 up. Part time.

Write Maisonette Frocks. Reading. Pa. BOOKEEPER Experienced In whole sale Si retail store operation. Knowledeo stenography deslreable but not essential.

Full or part time. Write Box 182. Call As Chronicle. BOOKKEEPER STENOGRAPHER Steady work. Thermco Products 1409 W.

Broad Ouakertown. Pa. Ph. 1090. CLERK FOR RETAIL STORE Experienced preferred.

Married or single. Permanent. Good opportunity for right party. Write Box 207. Call Chronicle.

CLERK TYPIST Experienced in Retail store work. Permanent, Modern working conditions. Complete details in first letter. Write Box 207. Call Chronicle.

DOUBLE NEEDLE OPERATOR Must experienced with folder on union special machine. M. B. Tailors 15 N. 10th St.

EXPERIENCED operators on singla needle machines for blouses. Apply Coopersburg Mfg. Co. 218 Main St. Coopersburg.

Rear. EXPERIENCED TOPSTITCHERS Apply JULIUS KAYSER CO. 930 N. 4th St. EXPERIENCED TYPIST with knowledge of phonograph records.

Applv Paula Vending Machine 102 K. Emmaus Ave. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS on women's dresses. Day or night shift. Applv Dasan Products Corn.

1216 Main sit. Northampton Ph. 3511. EXPERIENCED Merrow Operators te work on high speed Merrow or Union Special machines for all operations on children' St ladies' nolo shirts. Highest piece rates paid steady work.

Also experienced trimmers Sr pressers. Applv Rose Sportswear. 923 Hamilton rear. EXPERIENCED MERROW'OPERATORS For all operations on ladies' polo shirt. Always steady work with the highest piece rates in town.

For information, apply or call Lea Sportswear 23 8. Ith rear. Phone 3-5424. EXP. SLEEVERS St BUTTONSWERS for immediate work.

High rates, stead? work. Apply at once, Nat Miller. 124 N. Lumber between 8th St 9th. GEN.

HOUSE WORKER Light laundry. No cooking. 2 school children. $25 wk. Wk.

ends off. Ph. Perkasie 857. Tues Thurs. only.

GIRL to do general office work 81 assist as clerk. Apply Kruper 1841 Main Northampton. GIRLS For full fashioned pairing. Experienced or Inexperienced. Apply 715 Linden St.


210 NORTHAMPTON mf Bethlehem Phons 6801 HOUSEWIVES does present income fall snori. ox vour needs? Add extra dollars to the family income bv becoming an Avon representative. START NOW. Call 2-0916 for appointment for Interview. INVENTORY CLERK High school graduate.

Accuracy with figures St good handwriting essential. 40 hour week. Aonlv CHARIS EMPLOYMENT OBicg 3rd fir. 730 Linden St. MATRONS and FLOOR MAIDS To keep our storg clean and neat.

Full time employment. Apply To HESS BROTHERS Employment Office. 3rd Floor LADIES Wanter to sell beautiful ling- c.ic. nyion nose, ureases os aprons. Equipment furnished.

Write Box 329 ofr muim-ip or r-none -oaya. LADY OR GIRL For office work. Tvp- T-anciuiai. uuoa opportunity for right party. Advancement nos-sible.

Write Box 169, Call St Chronicle. MAID for out of town family. Middla aged woman preferred. Care of 3 small children while parents work. Write Bog 305.

Call Sz Chronicle. MIDDLEAGED PANTRY WOMAN Applv Cossle Snvder's Corner 802 N. 7th St. MIDDLEAGED WOMAN for cooking in Rectory. Choice of living In or at home.

Apply St. Ann's Rectory Lansford, Pa. OPERATORS experienced merrow. For day night shift Round sleevers a hemmers on shirts. Apply Belva Mag.

703 Union St. PANTRY WOMAN Wanted. Middleagcd. Must be reliable. Good working conai-tlons.

Apply Box 159. Call It Chronicle. POCKET MAKERS For Ladies coats! Also single needle operators. Must be experienced. Applv 8, Ladies Tailors.


PA. SECRETARY With general office experience Including payroll. Reply giving age. experience and references to Box 245 Call-Chronicle SELL EVERYDAY CARDS. No experience needed.

Make big money. Id-Card "Orchid" Assortment for all occasion itself. You keep up to 50c of every $1. 21 other Assortment. Imprinted Notes.

Box on approval plus ote hrNshrd Napkins. Personalized Stationery. "Orchid" Box on approval plus FREE Imprint Sam. Pies. FRIENDSHIP, 225 Adams.

Elmira. N. Y. Single Needle New Machines Floor Girls Steady Work Bonus System LISLE MILLS 4th Cedar Sts. STENOGRAPHER For general office uiiw.

0 un wrrn. UOOQ IftJaTT Aa 21-38. Apply Fidelity Mfg. trolley stopi. Front St Bridge Catasauqua.

ST1T1C-W1D A ourn rvnerienrrt tral; located oflice 5 day week AdoIv CHARIS CORP. 730 Linden St. imploy! ment office 3rd floor. Additional Classified Ads Rally Fails To Materialize In Market New York. (AP) A rally in the stock market stopped short yesterday before it developed any real momentum.

Quotations were marked up rapidly within less than an hour after the opening bell. The balance of the session was devoted to maintaining the higher prices, an effort which was not entirely successful. Some stocks which advanced for a while, ended the day in the minus column. Business expanded when prices were moving up, enough to boost the day's sales to 770,000 shares from 720,000 Monday American Telephone regained its balance after a three-day slide touched off by a depart ment ol justice anti-monopoly suit. Up more than a point at one time, closed higher at 146-J4.

Commonwealth Southern appeared on the tape frequently after an opening sale of 30,000 shares on a mark-up of Jg point. The stock held to the gain, closing at 3'4. A number of other utility stocks improved a bit, including Consolidated Edison, Public Service Electric Southern California Edison, Electric Power Light and Columbia Gas. The steels didn't enjoy as much favor. Fractional losses ware posted for U.

S. Steel, Bethlehem, Republic, and Youngstown Steel. Several chemicals 'stepped ahead smartly although on comparatively small turnover. Virginia Carolina Chemical preferred stood out with a 734-point gain at 1143,4, while smaller advances appeared for Virginia-Carolina Chemical common. DOW Chemical.

Du Pont, and Allied Chemical, Also higher were Woolworth, J. I. Case, Phelps Dodge. Air Reduction, American Woolen, American Tobacco. Great Northern preferred.

Union Pacific, Texas Mission American Air Lines, and Twentieth Century-Fox. Pushed down a little were General Motors, Caterpillar Tractor, Consolidated Natural Gas. General Electric, Philip Morris, Radio International Paper, Santa Fe, Sputheran Pacific, Gulf Oil, and Lowe's. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced .2 of one point to 65.5. the third average gain in a row.

The three average advances, however, were hardly decisive. Many individual issues failed to go along and buying generally was characterized py a high degree oi selectivity. Only 955 issues were traded, of which 4C5 advanced and 227 declined. In the curb gains were chalked up for American Gas. Blue Ridge Consolidated Mining.

Cop per Range, waitnam waicn, Humble Oil, Lone Star Gas, Mc-Cord and Niagara Hudson Pover. On the losing side were Cities Service, Creole Petroleum, Electric Bond Share. Kaiser-Frazer. Pancoastal Oil. and Pan-tepec Oil.

Sales of 200,000 shares compared with 190,000. Prices tended higher in the -bond market. Several American Telephone issues which have been under pressure with the capital stock slanted forward with other corporates. Several U. S.

Government is sues added 132 or 2 32 of a point in over-the-counter dealings. Wall Street watched with unusual interest the sale of worth of common stock of Bethlehem Steel one of the largest common stock "sales since the war. The company, through an underwriting group headed by Kuhn Loeb Co. and Smith Barney marketed 627,960 shares of authorized but unissued common at $32.50 a share, the closing price on the New York exchange. The offering was made after the close.

Advance reports indicated the offering was in the phrase of one underwriter "a huge success." The prompt sale of the stock should inject new life into the bitterly argued fight over "the question of equity financing. One school has claimed that sources of venture, or equity, capital are drying pp because of (among other factors high taxes. Another school holds that there is plenty of venture capital lying around and needs to be tempted only by proper pricing and marketing. Congress Action Continued from Page 1 to inauguration festivities was the administration's first setback in the new Congress. Republicans led the assault on the bill, and got some Democratic help in the voting.

Before the final vote. Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis tried unsuccessfully to hook on an amendment exempting cook stoves and baby oil from excise taxes. He told the Senate the bill took the position that no taxable luxury was involved when a couple spent $20 for two tickets to the inaugural ball. "But it's a taxable luxury if a mother buys some oil to put on baby's bottom," complained the bachelor senator.

Acheson Victory Dean Acheson, 55-year-old lawyer-diplomat, won Senate confirmation as the new secretary of state by an overwhelming 83 to 6 vote Before- the vote Sen. Vanden- 'oerg (R-Mich) served, notice that confirmation does not nec- essarily mean approval of future developments in administration foreign policy. He praised Acheson, but said President Truman's foreign policies may be 'impromptu and unpredicted." But Chairman Connally (D-Tex). chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee, hailed the vote as a "ratification of our foreign policy of firmness and vigor." He called Acheson eminently qualified to handle the gigantic" duties of the nation's No. 1 diplomatic post.

Acheson is expected to be sworn in Thursday or Friday as the fifth secretary of state the nation has had in five years. He succeeds ailing Gen. George C. Marshall, who resigned follow- lng a serious operation. Six Republicans cast the only votes against Acheson.

PERSONALS HAVE YOU Breast problem? Get Spen cer inaiviauaiiy ursiiuru form, also maternity. McKelvey. 7086 or 2-4097. I WILL NOT. be responsible tor any debt unless contracted by myself.

Roy Francis Ringer. 39 S. 6th Allentown. LOOK NO FARTHER FOB BANQUET NOVELTIES Finest Assortment Lowest in Prlco LOWY NOVELTY CO. 31 N.

10th St. Ph, i07. MONTHLY car storage. Corner of 7tb St Tilghman Sts. Phone 3-5940; PICTURE FRAMING Paintings rirftwtnes.

Tiinlomas. Portrait Needlepoint. ARTISTICALLY FRAMED FREE ART CLASSES Register now Hess Brothers Art supplies, mira noor ROMIQ MONUMENTS BEST SINCE 1876 Guarenteed nnest marble granite lowesr prices. 225 N. 10th St.

Ph. 3-4366 UNWANTED HAIR removed bv Therm Wm. T. Shoekcor. Joyce Art Beau ty Salon.

1204 Hamilton St. Ph. 3-9293 WE MAKE deliver sprays 13.50 UP HELFRICH SPRINGS GREENHOUSE Old North 7th St. Pik Ph 8341 WE 6 TILL Make and deliver funeral sprays as low as $3.50. PHOEBE FLORAL 19th and Chew Sts.

Phone 9587 Closed All Day Sundays LOST FOUND 11 BULOVA Jeweled wrist watch lost on Hamilton St. baturaav. newara lor re turn. Fh. Slatington 2816.

LOST OLLENDORF Wrist watch. AB airport Sun. afternoon Jan. 16th htw. 3:30 4 P.M.

Reward. Ph. Bethlehem 6-2316. Business and Professional Directory BUSINESS SERVICE 12 i.a ft.oor LAYlNrt Old floors ro-sand ed. Gaai an teed.

Vine Floor Cc Phone 3-1442. PI.Astfrtno Concrete cellars steps. Call for estimate. M. Naples.

625 Union. Res. pnone 2-6113 or bail. 1-A PLASTERING PATCH PLASTERNQ Stucco, beautex plain whits alteration Repairs WALTER SMITH 3-7265 1-A SERVICE PLUMBING HEATING Roofing Si Spouting ic Repairing. Guar, work.

August J. Wickei 526 Tilghman Ph. 8772. 24 HOUR SERVICE On all heating: systems. Phone 9631.

Day or Night. Queen City Heating Ill N. Hall St. A-l ELECTRIC SERVICE House wiring 6c repairs. Cltv rural.

Phone 3-0443. A COMPLETE HEATING SERVICE AUTOMATIC HEAT EOttlPMENT CO Ph. 4-5550 1024 Hamilton St. Ph. 2-2369 ADAMS Roofing It repairing spoutlns work.

Veteran, Phone 4-3738, AERO MAYFLOWER DIEHL STORAGE FURNITURE STORAGE MUV1NUS 128-132 N. 8th St. Phone 2-4193 A GUARANTEED PROMPT SERVICE I have 2 trucks with drivers available by day, week or contract. Phone 4-2629. ALLEN BUILDERS tc GENERAL CON-TRACTORS Modern kitchens.

Alterations Repairs New Horn Estimates Furnished. PHONE 4-3228. ALL KINDS Of roofing, spouting, gutters, heating, repairing. WICKEL BROS. 448 Tilghman.

Ph. 3-4976. 4 LOCAL St LONG DISTANCE MOVER Piano St 6af Moving a Specialty Ph 3-5171 UNION TRANSFER CO. 3-5171 ARTHUR W. CLOSE 1 Allentown 2-2785 Bethlehem Moving-Storage Packing-Crating Machinery Movtns Rug Cleaning ALLIED VAN LINES.

Agent. 224 N. 8th St CARPENTERS Kitchens Plav Cellar modernized, ceiatex ceilings, porcn enclosures. New construction. SNYDER St WENNER.

Contractors. Phone 4-5302. ASH GENERAL HAULING Prompt service. Reasonable rates. Elmer W.

Eroh 729 Cedar St. Phone 2-6016. CESSPOOL CLEANING Cesspool acid fichiek'b. star Houto. euieniowo.

Emmaus 671M2. CESSPOOL DIGGING Septic tanks Installed ii trenching. John Debach. Phone 4-3443. CESSPOOL Septle tank, tnilev cleaning.

sanitary pumping service. Phong 740-j-z Nazareth. Pa CESSPOOLS CLEANED Modern pump ing equipment, acias. tree estimates Ph. Continental 2-7406.

CESSPOOL SERVICE Digging. Cleaning sanitary pumping. Acid. Trenching, compressor Service. Phone 2-6729.

GEO. E. BEAR Sc SON C. KELLER SON FH. 2-7160 EXPERT MOVERS Local ft Long Distance.

238 N. 2nd. Rear FLOORS St 8T AIRS New or old. sanded ana iimsnea. uuarsnteea wore, un GAS Floor Sanding Co.

8177 or 2-6000 GENERAL CARPENTRY Homes converted to apartments, open stairways, porch enclosures, composition celling, arch const or new homes built PAUL R. STEPHENS Phone J-5450. 1327 S. Albert St GENERAL MOVING AND STORAGE We Rent Folding Chairs and Tables Ph. 3-4634 ALLENTOWN TRANSFER GOOD FURNITURE Deserves good upholstering.

Low cost. Sample. Est. Free Living room suites covered. Ph.

220. W. Meitzler, 125 N. 10th St. HAULING Ashes, sand, stone.

Phone 3-2356. INCOME TAX FORMS COMPILED Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eves, bv apo't 626 N. 6th St.

Ph, 3-1111. LINOLEUM CONTRACTOR Asphalt tile, rubber tile, inlaid linoleum. congowall installed. Guaranteed work. Estimates given.

Snyder 4c Falrchild. Linoleum Contractors. Phone 2-2766. MICHAEL'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent waves S5 S7. 515 N.


Novak, 934 S.Ponlar St. Ph. 4-3704 PAPERING OR PAINTING? We'll Do It NEW EASY WAY CASH No charge on balance L. T. MUTHARD, Allentown.

Ph. 2-5837 SPECIALTY WORK SHOP From your idea to vour specifications, for commercial or domestic use; models ceramic molds, display fixtures, novelties. Ph. Easton 2-6212 or write Box 326, Call Chronicle. CiPHOLSTERING Remodeltnt Sz repairlne by Nu-Wav t'urni'ure Factory with 10 year vuarantee No charge for timates ai samples.

Ph. 2-9761. VENETIAN BLIND SERVICB Complete Reconditioning, L. Knauss. 2023 Washing.

Ph. 2-3961 WAiLPAPER $9 per room complete and up. Guaranteed work. JOHN B. ERIE 134 S.

7th St. Phone 3-0793. WATER WELL DRILLING Harrv E. Todd Route 1. Allentown.

Ph. 93R21. Employment FEMALE HELP WANTED 27 3 MEDICAL SECRETARIES, Phils. $46 9 SECRETARIES. Local $28 to $45 PHYSICAL ED.

DIREC, Out of town $2150 REGISTERED NURSE, for Phlla $47.50 10 LAB. 40 hrs $50 LEHIGH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Phone 3-756M 534 Hamilton St. 20 EXPERIENCED SLEEVE SETTERS On polo shirts, steady work, high piece rates. New lgh speed machines. ART MFG.


TH St PITTSTON TH FLOOR PHONE 2-0479 AMAZING OFFER $30 Is yours for selling only 50 boxes of Ivervday cards. It costs nothing to trv. Write for samples on approval. Cheerful Card 12B White Y. Discounts: Approximately 10 per tent given for cash payment.

Minimum 3 lines. CONTRACT RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION Advertising- offered for non-consecutive insertions take the one-time insertion rate of ad for each insertion. Situation Wanted" ads must be accompanied with remittances. Kindly refer to above rates. These rates apply only to Allentown trading area, approximately 30ni)es radius.

a.Tbis newspaper is a member of the Association of Newspaper Classified Advertising Managers, which inclodes leading newspapers throughout the country and has for Its aims the elimination of fraudulent and misleading classified advertising. This newspaper as well as every other member of the Association, endeavors to print only truthful Want Adi and will appreciate baying its attention railed to any advertising not conforming to the highest standards of honesty. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any adv. and no claim shall be allowed unless notice of error be given this newspaper before 5:30 a.m. on the first day of publication.

DIAL 3-4241 Deaths DEATHS ACHET Mrs. Laura 76. Macada aoad. Bethlehem R. Jan.

17. 1949; wife of the late Harry Achey. Funeral 2 p. Friday. Steyera funeral home.

500 Linden Bethlehem. Interment Macada ceme tery. Calling Thursday evening. Steyers. BFttKV Ttr ftewln It Tears.

Bally. in Allentown. Jan. 16. 1949; husband of the late Amy H.

(Latshaw) Berxy. Fu neral 2 p. m. Thursday, Hereford Men-nonite churchy Bally. Interment in adjoining cemetery.

Call 7 to 9 p. m. Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley BechteL Bally.

Schwenk, Boyertown. BUSH Mary A. (Dilcher, aged 70 years and 11 months, 123 Pine Catasau-aua. Jan. 14.

1949; wife of Francis L. Bush. Services at 1:30 p. m. Wednesday.

Baylor Funeral home. 1064 5th North Cata-sauqua. Burial at Shoenersville. Call 7 to 9 p. m.

Tuesday. Harvey R. Saylor. TJOHERTY Mrs. Mary (McGady) Doh- erty, 68 years, 435 Tilghman Allen-tnwn.

18. 1949: wife of James J. Doherty. Funeral Friday 8:30 a. m.

at late home. High mass of requiem Immaculate Conception church 9 a. m. Interment church cemetery. Call Wednesday evening to time of funeral.

O'DonnelL Philadelphia Produce Philadelphia. (AP) Apples were about steady Tuesday on the Philadelphia fresh fruit and vegetable market. Prices included: mi. Northwestern Green, ings 2.00-25, Black Twigs. 3.00, Red Homes, 2-4" 3.00, Siaymans, 3.75-4.15, 2'4-234" 2.75, Yorks, 3.00-25.

Beets, Penna bu. bskt. topped washed 75. Cabbage. Penna.

sacks round domestic 75-90. Carrots, crates 6-doz. bunches, Calif. 7.00-50. Celery, Perna.

Golden Heart per bunch 20. Spinach. bu. bskts. 1.00-25.

Mushrooms, 3-lb. bskts. 1.00-25. White potatoes, Penna. Katahdin type 100-lb.

tacks 3.35-50. BUDGET NOTICE The nronosed 1949 Budget of the Bor- cugh of Coplay, is available for in spection until Feb. 8, 1949 at tne onice of the Secretary. borough or cui-uir Alfred J. Beltz.


Eastern standard uime The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will receive at the above office sealed proposals which will be publicly opened and read at above stated time for the following Projects: Construction for Addition to Men's Dormitory Building. STATE TUBERCULOSIS SANITORIUM NO. 3, HAMBURG, EERKS COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA, Willing. Sims and Talbutt.

Registered Architects. 1700 Sansom SU Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania. Project No. 210-1: Proposal for General Construction; Proposal Guaranty Cost of One Set. S250.

Project No. 210-2; Proposal for Heating: Proposal Guaranty, Cost of One Set. $2.50. Project No. 210-3: Proposal for Plumbing; Proposal Guaranty, Cost of One Set.

$2.50. Project No. 210-4; Proposal Tor Electrical Construction; Proposal Guaranty, Cost of One set, $2.50. Each proposal must be accompanied By a certified check, bank cashier's check or trust company treasurer's check, drawn to the order of the Commonwealtn of Pennsylvania, in the amount stated above. Plans, specifications and proposal forms not exceeding two (2) complete sets may be secured by prospective bidders by applying to the Bureau of Engineering and Construction.

Department of Property and Sunolies. Harrisb.ira. Pennsylvania, and depositing the amount stated above, which deposit, will be refunded only upon the receipt of a bona fide bid. and return of the plans and specifications in good order within ten (10 days after the opening of bids, otherwise, the deposit will oe forfeited. Separate checks must be submitted for plans and specifications for each Project.

Plans and specifications may be re-viewec free of charge at the offices of the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Department of Property and Supplies, located at 18th and Herr Sts Harris-burg, Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania re serves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept or reject any part of any bid. WM. W. BEHRENS, Deputy Secretary of Property and Supplies.


The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will receive at the above office sealed proposals which will be publicly opened and read at above-stated time for the fol- Project: Electrical Construction for Electric Dis tribution System. EMBREEVILLE STATE HOSPITAL, EMBREEVILLE, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Leslie S. rarieton. consulting Engineer. 1000 wai not Street, Philadelphia 2.

Pennsylvania. Project 384: Proposal For: Electric. al Construction; Proposal Guaranty: 000 00: Cost of One Set: $10.00. Eacn proposal must be accompanied by a certified check. bank cashier's check, or trust company treasurer's check, drawn to the order of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, in the amount stated above.

Plans, specifications and proposal forms not exceeding two '21 complete sets may be secured by prospective bidders by applying to the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Department of Property and Supplies, Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, and depositing the amount stated above, which deposit will be refunded only upon the receipt of a bona fide bid. and return of the plans, and specifications in good order within ten (10 days after the opening of bids, otherwise, the deposit will be forfeited. Separate checks must be submitted for plans and specifications for each Project. Plans and specification may be reviewed free of charge at the offices of the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Department ol Property and Supplies.

lo cated at 18th and Herr Streets, Harris- ourg rennsyivania. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania re- serves the right to reject any or all bid and to accept or reject any part of any bid. WM. W. BEHRENS Deputy Secretary of Property and Suppllei C-Dec.

23-Jn. 12-19 SHOAT SALE Friday. January 21, 1949 at P. M. At the Germansvllle Hotel, Geo.

Kersch- ner at oermansviile, Lehigh, County, Pa. 1 load of extra nice shoats, ail vaccinated, weights from 40 to 125 lbs. JOE HIGGINS4 CHARLES TJNDERCUPFLER. Aucl HARVEY SMITH, Clerk. C-Jan.

17-19-21 Jan. 14-18-19 Fowl Leghorn Colored Pullets Leghorn Colored Old Roosters Leg. Roasters Col Capons Springers Col. Broilers Col Ducks Turkey Toms Rabbits Plzenns per pair Total Crates Sold. White Fancy Large Fancy Medium, Extra Large Extra Medium Standard Latge Stanaard Medium Puiiets Brow Fancy Medium Extra Large Extra Medium Standard Laige Standard Medium Pullets Jumbo Total Coses Sold.

370. Butter and Eggs New York. AP) Butter 803.764 firm. Wholesale prices on bulk cartons. Creamery, higher than 92 score and premium marks (AAl 64'i cents.

92 ecore A) 64-64' 90 score B) 63 89 score 62. Cheese 1.022.543. steady, prices unchang- dkew York AP) Prices for egsts wre mixed yesterday In the wholesale market. Eggs 35.848. irregular.

Top quotations on nearby white and brown eggs represent highest wholesale selling prices for the finest marks available and not paying prices to producers or shipoersi Whites: Extra fancy heavyweights 54; fancy heavyweights 52-53: mediums 49-50. Browns: Extra fancy heavvweights 53; fancv heavyweights 51-52: mediums 48-49. Philadelphia. Eggs, mid-western large and extra large top grades mixed colors and mediums easy and lower. Demand large sizes whites and current receipts good; prices unchanged.

Receipts 6.119. Wholesale grades: Current receipts 43'a-45. Extras, large 46-47'a: mediums 45-46. Specials, extra large 52-54; large 50-52; mediums 49-51. Chicago, AP)-'l'SDA) Butter nervous: prices unchanged except to V4 cent a nound higher outside on a 92 score at 64.555.

Eggs easy to weak: prices uncnange to cents dozen lower: extras large mm 7n net 43.5-44.5: extras medium min 70 pet a standards current receipts 39.5-40; dirties 37.5-38; checks 35-36. Lehigh Valley Egg Auction MISSING WOMAN State and local police authorities have been asked to aid in the search for Violet Rapp) Rapchinsky, 31. of 214 E. Perm Shenandoah, who has been missing from her home since Dec. 4 of last year.

According to police, she is described as being five feet, three inches in height, weighs about 110 pounds, has brown hair and exs. When last seen she was wearing a black dress trimmed with white beads, a green coat with red fox fur collar, black patent leather slippers, wedgee style, and a black wool babushka. Reported suffering from a nervous disorder, it is believed she may have gone to a hospital seeking treatment. She was recently discharged from an area hospital. She left Shenandoah at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of Dec.

4 and has not been heard from since that time. Any person having any knowledge of her whereabouts should immediately contact police. Trumanlnaugural Continued from 'Page 1 Ky. Johnson (Colo). McClel lan (Ark), Robertson IVaVand Russell (Ga.) The tickets have been sold out.

with no tax collected. It was guessed unofficially that tne tax on parade, inaugural ball and other tickets might be SbU.UUU. A spokesman for the non partisan, non profit inaugural committee said he supposed the committee "will have to pay it- mere no otner way. Nobody was able to say im mediately whether the anticipa ted prom, wmcn was to have gone to charity, would cover' the Dill. The committee had thought Congress would, as in past years, approve tne exemption, the House did so Monday but the Senate stunned administra tion leaders by voting No, and tnen on a reconsideration vote.

said No again. There was some talk, however, that the Senate might relent later, and approve the exemption, Holiday Decreed Meantime Mr. Truman signed int.n lsmr a Hill cxiiintr oHero 1 .1 umeia xicic a nunuay on Thursday and Friday making possible a festive four-day inaugural weekend. The White House announced that he will sign before tonight the measure raising his own salary by $25,000 and boosting his tax-free expense account by Mr. Truman yesterday polished up a 15-minute inaugural address.

It is expected to deal with the nation's foreign policy, with unity at home, and with his domestic legislative pro gram. Then he got out the black tie and dinner jacket for dinner with the Truman Barkley clubs and an off-the-cuff speech. Less well outfitted guests faced a problem; Washington's stocks of torrent tuxedoes and tails are al most exhausted. This was Mr. Truman's first dive into the advance hordes of perhaps 500,000 visitors who al ready are jamming hotels and clogging traffic in the capital flag-decked streets.

Thursday Is Big Day From now until Friday night. there's no rest for the first family. But Thursday is the big day. Mr. Truman will take his oath at noon, on two Bibles, in a white-columned platform in front of the Capitol, within view of J.20.000 persons.

ine piatiorm was piannea, incidentally, when the inaugural committee of Congress thought Thomas E. Dewey would be the guest of honor. Dewey, New York's Republican governor and the losing presidential candidate. won be among the jo gover nors attending. Then the big parade down Pennsylvania Ave.

to the White House. It will move for 2-2 hours between the ranks of an esti-i mated 1,000,000 spectators packed along curbings. window ledges, and in scoresd bleach er-style grandstands. Everything Sold Out The District of Columbia is spreading itself as seldom be fore. Everything is sold out the 44.000 "grandstand" seats along the avenue, tonight's "inaugural gala," the inaugural ball on Thursday, and so on down the line.

One hotel hawked window space at $12 per elbow room. Restaurants hired enough help to serve 2,500,000 meals every 24 hours. Night clubs got a going-over by fire officials, and 17 drew penalties or warnings. union station prepared to handle a train every two min- utes. including 23 specials.

Householders repsonded to the pleas of the inaugural committee by offering 22,000 rooms at modest prices. Hotel rates were not so modest: a congressman said one asked $75 a day for two "ordinary" adjoining rooms, and a $200 advance deposit. But the hot dog was under a 20-cent ceiling. And by the grace of the voters, good Democrats and their friends could watch from inside the warm govern ment buildings without paying $2 to $10 for the chilly grandstand seats. Austin Back en Job Lake Success, (AP) Warren R.

Austin, chief of the United States delegation to the United Nations, resumed his duties yesterday after recovering from an operation. Lehigh Valley Egg- Producers Asn. egg prices Tuesday. Jan. 18.

Grade Ave. Fancy large 70 63 56 59 'a Fancy Med 41 58 55 5634 Extras 'Large ....149 62 55 Extras Med 80 57 51 5414 Stand. Large 31 56 55 55Va Stand." Med 15 53 51 52 Prod. Large 20 54 52 52n Prod. Med 4 50 49 49'i Pullets 30 52 49 51 Pee Wees 2 46 46 46, Stand.

Jumbos 1 70 70 IT Jumbos 1 72 72 72 Brown Fancy Large 136 60 54 55'i Fancv Med 48 56 51 54 Va Extras Large 121 59 53 54 Extras Med 30 55 50 51'4 Stand. Large 10 52 51 51U Stand. Med 2 50 49 49'i Prod. Large 3 48 47 47 V4 Prod. Med 1 46 46 46 Pullets 14 50 47 49 Vi Pee Wees 3 45 45 45 Jumbos 2 72 72 72 Crsx 4 44 44 44 Total Cases, 818.

Cash Grain Chicago. (AP) Wheat: No. 3 red 2 33'. Corn: No. 2 yellow 1.43'.-44'a: No.

3. 1.39:-43'2: No. 4. 1.313i-38'i; No. 5.

1.24 30'b: sample grade 1.21-29'4. Oats: No. 1 heavy mixed 76'a; No. 1 extra heavy mixed 77'i: No. 1 heavy white 77-78: No.

1 extra, heavy white 7834r No. 2 heavy white 76; No. 3 heavy white 74-76: sample graae neavy wniie r.o. 1 1 heavy special red 86: No. 1 extra I sample grade heavy white 72: No.

1 srjecial red 86'-a Barley nominal: Malting 120-63: feed 1.02-20. Field seed per hundredweight nominal: Timothv 17 50-18 00: sweet clover 15.00-16.00. Soybeans: None. Curb Stocks Now York (AP Tuesday's closing euro: Announcements PERSONALS ,7 100 OP HOUSEWIVES Have learned that lt pays to call WEBER, 6306 to have their rugs and upholstery cleaned right in their homes. High Low Lart Ark Nat Gas A 7 64 634 Cities Service 453 44-4 44', El Bond Sh II1.

11s. 11s. Gren Aid Coal 20s. 20'4 20 '4 Pennroad 7 1 7 V. 7 V.

Al RUG Sz furniture cleaning in home or at our plant. Barclay cleaning 176 Tilghman St. Ph. 2-2301. A BOUQUET of Spring flowers Is "so right" for Sympathy.

Sick room or Anniversary. Phone 3-7298 any hr. dav or nke. Roth's Greenhouses, 21st Tilghman St. ALL MAKES Sew mach.

nought-sold -repairs sew. machs. electrified, only $29.50 Including light. Prey's Sew. mach Serv.

1411 Main Northampton 3382. CARD PARTY at Woodlawn Fire Co. 2217 Belmont St. Allenton at 8 pm. everv Sat.

nite. Haas St pinochle will be played. Refreshments served by the Ladies' Auxiliary. DON'T CARRY Auto Insurance that half protects vou any adequate protection from Samuel D. Buu Agency Ine 32 fi.

7th St. DON'T SUFFER M. St relieves muscle, nerve, or joint pains in a short time. Trv a tube todav. Thomas Drug Store.

443 N. 7th nr. Liberty. DO YOU. have a Hobby? Visit Hess Brothers Hobbv Looov and see our complete line of shells, beads, weaving looms Model planes, ships, railroads, casting sets, and rubber molds.

Hess Brothers Hobby Shop 3rd floor. FLASH UNITS permit you to use vour camera round the ciock. We have Plash Units to fit most cameras. Hess BroLn. era Camera Shop Main Floor.

Floods Evict 60,000 Washington, (INS) The American Red Cross was advised Tuesday that 60.000 persons have been made homeless by raging floods in Northern Sonora. Mexico. The dispatch from a Red Cross agent said that four towns have been inundated and that crop and property damage are heavy along the Mayo and Yaqui rivers. Only one death was reported. The well-known 'Flirtation Walk" is located at the United States Military academy at West Point, New York.

PUBLIC SALE Park Hotel, 726 Main Hellertown, Penna. Thursday, Jan. 20, 12:30 P. M. Complete sellout of fixtures and furniture consisting of 40 Bentwood chairs.

14 tables, 2 large Banquet tables. 12 cu. ft. deep freeie. 30 cu.

ft. Tyler refrigerator, steam bar, hand sheer. Garland cook stove, 6 spigot beer dispenser. 15 ease stainless steel olec. bottie cooler, elec.

Coca-Cola case. National cash register, roll top desk, large aafe, air compressor, 25 ft. American shuffle board, 10 stools, hotel dishes to serve 100 persons, cooking utensils, mats and 16 rooms of bedroom furniture. Have lost our lease and everything must be sold. So don't miss this sale.

WTT.T.TAK A nOHVtr.TV on rollotving Page jues ruusuni, Auctioneer. 2..

The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.