The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

TIIUHSLUY. 'ATJtJTJST M.3M5 olj ur Balm from link: W. WAffllER Funeral Dhtciot Office 128 W. Ash St. Auto and Horse Drawn Equipment Ambulance Seririce Office, Home Phone 388 Bel) 187 Night CaHs.

Answered at Resititmce Home hunt 345 Bell 338 vM rvtfv HEAD STUFFED FROM i CftTARHH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied Nostrils Opens Air I'ainiagea Right Up. instant relief siting. etogfSal uottrila open up i i i breath, frtefy. flingr. ldio lio, JrriwM.

l.ris.'.ll at night; rauall iMJttK of Ely', Cren. j. i unij.KiE,i, 1Wl Ajjp irni'mnt, natiHL.i.ti, ream In your itujtr i. Oft till lac lullaniftt or Bwolfli inucniis membrane and relief conies ln It'a just fine. Don't stay 6tUfT8a uP with a mH or pattj eatarrh.

"T1Z" FOR ACHING, IE, TIRED FEET Oood hyo sore feet, burning fret, feel, sweaty f.l, MIlclliBB (rot. tired 1 byc coma, enllouaej, Lun neja, no more limp, ing with pahi or "T1Z" is ma' ieil' nets Tight otr. "TIZ draws all the noise estudation which IufF up the feet, tfce 'T1Z and for (eel. Ort.If ntteof nWJ'S any druggist or department store. Poa't suffer, ilave tfjcxi feet, ElaJ fcti fcct Ibut never sv.

I. ore, never pet 'li i t. inirnaiik, ,1 "i money refunded, fiOTILL IjlRonini COLUMBUS iAiriff anil. 5th Sia. coLUMflus, iireproGi ROOMa wltb Private Bata il.oC NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS .1 ccrliflert ch, 6'por cent of iirdnr ur .11.

NOTICR TO CONTRACTORS (lie i Rlvtn flat Ike Tl.jiiril nlllre nS raw 1,1,1,5 rnrt 1 let. 1.1.. In (lie 1I.1 the (Llllln nt III CHICHESTER PILLS ff''. SflLDbYtiRMISISEVfflYM When Billy Sunday Came to Town By ALEXANDER CORKEY Copyright, 10 13, by (Jy, H. K.

Fly Co. A CHAPTER Reginald Nelson Townley'rs unilattortnE picture. ui jim icuuiiiy tnisitee Alluij niiilcUgc looked blankly at rawvl'. l1j. uostioiun.

ILfn companion noti, i tl.u I'i'i. l.hi awl continued; "I w.un to pardon lite fur Hiierikliie i byslcimi to know tbo dKc.ise he in vailed upon lo Hire. Your church In merely a B. iiniilo what every Ititiiinii tial church Is in llrouson. In mv own church tl.u uflltur or purer, Ihi: i Nelsonl" think that It.

1st useless to iiglit nc tbe evils which you elnim nre tbo heart and life out nr our ohu and community." "Kxactly," said lhe other. dally li iiH mlcr. Ufa nauie Is MfltT'tllUOUllt. Hi! fe 111 ,111,1 I. list, Cbristian Im is TLozuas ttUd loots OU Hie el.

nv ly as Mr. (iralmm doeu. Hi, be a number today bud lie nut jobiod lis a youug lud luauy eais ago. He absolutely refuses to use lis iiuuivuse Influence to belteroiir jclal toudilluns nil eicuse aliruys 'A8 louu its met! are men you will uuvo tbese evils Ui Uroiisou, and lliero la ao use uiakiiiB trouble over it' I tlilnk I am bcgiunine to nndei Eland Tflmt you are drlviiiR said Allan ItuUedtrii. nuiedy.

i "How are you, Mr. ah tliey walked down the main Tr, D.e crowds kept mo.v.i .1.,,. cviueiit Hint soiuethhit was happenliiK on the street. "What's Mm matter?" asked Allnr Itullwlfre. us they Ivor In order to frttin (h, "I lliilik the h.iv., Uii.i: Si t.j tioiiuie," niisivereil Mi.

1. y. "one of our fuetorles whu Ployg mostly women mid gills havi i 'lS UlW i im. ly. nml ins Issued mi iujunctlon iimiliist Just then a number of jiollce e.une each lwnliiu! yoinij Sunn, (hey uoro llili lo tnke to the eilj jnil near Uv Kins nau tieen nrresteil for dlM.lx yl, uuueoiljeciniea.

Anjoiurtbom tlie louder of the strike, a yr looking woinnu, Lena Mverx A burly polieeii ly II, wus lemliiij; hor along "I'lii'inls," shoviled r.enil Myers, women uru strlkitiK bwnuse we to ht to li, tcKpiot.ibie II The crowd became nttentlve nt end (ho frl continued: "Every bin we Is "It. p. Shrit upl" tab! who "sr bei shake nnil I Tile ermvil Jeered nnd shouted nt Hie Olflecrs nf the law, and ils uspe, I caiuo thiealcDhii "Von see we have ninny problems 'rn s'ibl rownley. Iwdt'n eflor crovnl roll nvKl i of the Iioltecnien, Allnn Itutledjte untie no answer, but ho sabl, 1 can well El.iil it Soekiiis.u will yrow lu Uron On nrrivini: In Ttronstm Kelson began f01' boafdlns ml unnloM liri onii ijuict sircet, wlirre he room from nilil 'ft. 1.1 couple.

After moving his few beloiiglnsn ttl lis llf.w )lcmi, ll0 hl, ri'' nr lost I ,1 bw i 1 1,... lie run iv ueceinie more id Ibo lniHbnud ie was lo lodjre ud liiudly, hikJ 'You're jii ll.l..: ve to begin In i THE PIQUA DAILY CALL tuuk imliut to timki. i'io I Urtiut reel at bouie. 'I'liolr inline wna and lulutil.t i iislly (elf Hut Ills tl I. I' i I'll by ucoeilt.

He uetin Hie serious work or a Jjli. lie luul not seen To ivj snu lie purled from lilin iifler IiIh Ho lirst to visit tlie i rum mill present lilH lenor or liilniiluelloii, to my litis he t. Ibo olllee. ly.

UIOKH1K iilim nbout flfn yv.m ul we jtrcoted ItoKlnnld conllni In. Mr ii be iil.l ti.sul li v. reaeblm; out bis Inmd. "yon nrt 1 believe, 1 rim gltnl Jly wife ami 1 i' on I sunn. In.

at from Hill one.11 ilium had exjiecfeci thia cor" 113 sotnowlut conruaed. been leHSim nio ubont l.lii 1 11 r. Onilmi. i' country needs, ulioi Jidloiv like von. Hoi "1 was twehiy foiir on my Inst blrtli "Wlmt kind of employment do tun wish? "1 would like lo get lulu a uen spnper JlUee If possible.

nnswemi lieithmld "If Unit Ik not liu. hle nt tvL 1 lah eie at tbe LoUdjn of Mr. ijrunnm, i lie yoinij fellow. 1 ere Is an oiei)liii; nt of one iieirsiKiupe Ilees, but the aeent of one of rond depuld ayoke to me Just yesterday elerk. Would Hill bo oil eoittlioi.v Luen i ae uoor or tin: cilice lened, nnd Giabniu entered bee iauiei ouiee.

At immigrant she lilesl.ed sllsbtlv paused, hut quickly recovering li, i.he loppoil up le blm. snvlii.v re, you, Mr. Nelson 1 nni ch see you iiunin." bum bad to hlq a IntroduchiB Hor tndoii neent. TIen. ln.

lailKhlor's; voice, lie turned ni nnd saw the two vnuur i) slnil.e yreat Cordliril) it, syf he asked ib: The Kirl Oroppeil Hojjlnuld's tun en mo In to as you, pnpn." low voire, "If I nilijbt ut the jnil ihis moriilnr; to see poor rrlils who eie Imiu ulCht." "Ho you menu. Joy, nil wn nssoclnlB with those fcntJlle line lit et who hove been distlirbhtc, pence of our city? No, no. child such people nloue." "Hut I only wanted to ttvke lb few dowers." "I could not tlilnk of allowlitB lo Blve those striking workwomen eiicouiMjreiaeiit. '1'hcy have broke! Injunction law, and they intist pnj penalty." There km sus.lclon of le; bcr eyes 1115 she turned awav. bill suit! btr.vcly: "All Vnllici Wl.l i h'O if yt.l; would rot It." A tier she bad nunc.

Mr. Cm wroto the note or Introduction. lumgiiicd that Le was Coi dln! as hrfare. With kls lieurL still Ibrobb'n" bis Inlet interview Willi Joy Urn nnd th. a bis nolo of mtrr tliu: to Ibo station biivo hi fnoliiuc of some snrt.

iiuiont; tc men in ISrcnaeii, Uegimild w. Ll lu tlej al sail soon iistteeed into tiou "Have yon queried iko "I huvii bud ijulte Rooti denl of ei. peileuee In ollieo work In Hiigimul. Ir 'olhl nay tyKlrrttllJB done 1 loivo luiti a good deal of Hint to "Do you know bborthnitd nnd typo wi ltlt. asteil the nyoiit (uieklv "1'es.

I lem ned Hint year or two the 1 any eipe agent, with decision. "I clerk, ill 1 10: of i. t. nut, niiid tb to help mo with my cones poi id one ami ir 011 cau inn 11 tyjiewritor 1 will you to begin wo ik at ouco. tlouiu nt 1 o'clock." 'lliat arteniumi HeBlinild Nelson bi gati bis work lu tlia railway frelsl

1.1.. nsslsttc Cm ujjoilt 111 curing si in 0 mid also nt leaded lo some minor el. tletu Hoik Tin 00 ere live olher tl 'I' i isble: cashier. Hie bll rati; clelk nnd e. ty bor elerk, as the nj ent ilesl, tl 1 i M'beu liilrodueb.

1 i 1 I 1,1 p.niticni inatteiM ami ns a niniuiinl eleeilon wns approaching the fnlvivs, i this subject was intense, rj polltieul imiiy KL emcd to be represented i Hie smnll iniieo rurce, b. liL u.o 1:1, k. 1 imilly, HoinclbiiiK iuoueibt up runtter nf civic ultnh nnd tbo tllsciis i i' urnoiin the clerks wu.ieil warm "Wo have r. lot of gnys re; f.Jl.i l.wri. Ijutn we snld i 1.

11. 'W .1.11 3 lhe inai tor with yon nnd our city nilndnistr. itlonr" cashier, was lull. "i.iii. ill) an lttoei atlc air.

"The arrest or base uirls rihjht wua an outrage." suit! Hie bin oo'rl naenly. would think wn ti To.kfV I stead or fioo HearijKlJiI stomierl ht3 to Hie oonvevsatlon rliose eirla need nor ii.i,,l .1 defy rl nv. wlf If answered (ho cashier hnuehtllv. "Thov ten me (lint th9 ivbole lot of the slrllt iii ei owtl (but i to llronsaii," "Tbeyllo wbtn lln i nctcr of (hose KirK1 striking tavtw ill rtro nil rblii. ure buzKlnu itm: iliiincl, nil rllil i'lio bill elerk 111, tell, ally, (hlnk tnity lx: rltflil bit i.

ii need to In li "You poor foul." " t'rls if lit, lot. mill Utg rotten i knew li." "Itiubt uniu," in clerk, rurltier. "1 Mlii.un; MlOsu who "1 mo, not iitbiiitii. in Jnil for tryiuB lo In Unit factory," re lotiily. tell ymi I Soehlists eniTloil i lust election." Heuliiiilil roineinbe loy Guilunu lu.liei liei do.sin; lo! Jnil.

1'erluniK 1 inlfriu i i fur her," ho iimi lliey left In Jult." Cllljllttllt yon linsruelously. VV.i. Kt. loiioh olet iOoto After 11 Bhm somewhat moiu e. will he all right.

'I inr lue kindness. inut'li credit lok Hie chiir. lliovoujjlily Incensed bill lerk "Ilmfs ilulit. Hill," tu, lo dork, iidih hi! s.uuewlint "1 niel Mrs. Oral her ibun; lor on lhe boat on my vnynKc ai 11 tbo Allitntlc," leidlfd iioulnul.l, hatniou 10 know thm Miss Joy Otuiin would be ghiil if lhe ubis had sou llowei H.

I tboucbl If y.n, wtuilil wllii me lo Hie Jail this uveulUB 1 brink' Koine (lowers and have llieni dl trlbnted us 11 yilf Judas Camping Society excursion Pqua to Toledo droit Sunday, Aug. 22nd Fare for the Round Trip $1.50 I PAGE THRI5I5 j. fj .1.1 8te Kerommena ami Sell Exclusively Qerkins Quality Gasoline Because Sty Actual Test We Sinew it to he the Best HLMM BROS. 1 Service iiud Quality 119 N. MAIN ST.

0Hf0 iniliiciiilciif l'lliiiifi Slntlon Cor. Ash and Wayne Funera! Directors and Ambulance Service Phones Storo Home 75 Bell 172 Ceil! Answered At RosidcncePiioucsironic 4644 Bell 104 xo'son's 1 J' '(JlrfirW at fonoWc bis arrival rrar'j I "'''niSiluJi, fa'; uf bis fellow clerks, Joy 'iiohau, HcirAit siiotir Iskui.l lu The CALL Want Ads For Resets IIP! Jf MJJffl STEAMER uclwcc" mtkjmi nuKUW and DULUTfi Finest Fresh Water Cruise in the World, via Port Huron and Duluth Steamship Sailing from Port Huron Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 6p. All Steamers Equipped With Wireless Telwranh Steamer Lakeland, Port Huron and Duluth S. S.

Co. ket Affords." rhS; daji and Dutotb 7 next morel iZn Uty on oi0 orent Lskca. You two un ph, Um iicini at the "Hoo. Mary'i i erorrOUii 8 1 otpixrUmItr to seo the nBumlflcejit School ol Mines at lloru htoir XI r. Illver and the Imreoat ot Fresh Water In lbs lVeW.

AU Outside Rooms. Cuisine tho Best the Mar Z1 toMrir iter! Wtt. ttnllway. Troll try (from tDotrolib tmj koor) slfSbt SUr Jfeals and Earth. Cbildnm undap 11 yea hivttta In crmUng Mmla and IXath 3 t.m W.

S. JENKS, General Passenger Agent, Port Huron Duluth Steamship Port Huron, or See Your Local Ticket Agent.

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.