Typographic Terminology A to Z: A List of Typography Terms Every Designer Should Know - Typeforyou (2024)

Typographic Terminology A to Z: A List of Typography Terms Every Designer Should Know - Typeforyou (1)

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Typography is the art and science of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and visually appealing. For designers, understanding typography is crucial as it plays a fundamental role in conveying messages effectively. To excel in the world of design, one must be well-versed in typographic terminology. In this article, we will explore an alphabetical list of typography terms that every designer should know.

A – Ascender and Descender

Ascenders are the parts of lowercase letters that extend above the x-height, such as the top of a lowercase ‘b’ or ‘h.’ Descenders, on the other hand, are parts of letters that extend below the baseline, like the tail of a lowercase ‘p’ or ‘q.’ Understanding these terms helps in maintaining consistent line spacing and readability.

B – Baseline

The baseline is an invisible line upon which the characters of a typeface rest. It provides a reference point for consistent vertical alignment in typography.

C – Kerning

Kerning refers to the adjustment of space between individual characters or letters in a font. It is used to improve the overall visual balance and readability of text.

D – Leading

Leading, pronounced as “ledding,” is the vertical space between lines of text. Proper leading ensures that text is legible and aesthetically pleasing, preventing lines from appearing too crowded or too spaced out.

E – Em and En Dash

An em dash (—) is a punctuation mark used to create a strong break in a sentence or set off a clause. An en dash (–) is used for indicating a range or connection, such as in “pages 10–20” or “New York–London flight.”

F – Typeface vs. Font

A typeface refers to the overall design of a set of characters, including their shape, style, and weight. A font, on the other hand, is a specific variation or instance of a typeface, such as Times New Roman Bold.

G – Serif and Sans-serif

Serif fonts have small lines or “serifs” at the ends of their characters, like Times New Roman. Sans-serif fonts lack these decorative elements, offering a cleaner and more modern appearance, such as Arial.

H – Tracking

Tracking is the adjustment of space between groups of characters or entire blocks of text. It helps maintain consistent spacing throughout a body of text, improving readability and aesthetics.

I – Ligature

A ligature is a special character that combines two or more letters into a single, visually harmonious unit. For example, in the word “flour,” the “fl” is often represented as a ligature.

J – Justification

Text justification refers to the alignment of text along the margins of a document. Common options include left-aligned, right-aligned, centered, and fully justified, which align text on both the left and right sides.

K – Point and Pica

In typography, point (pt) is a unit of measurement used to determine font size. There are approximately 72 points in one inch. A pica is a unit of measurement equal to 12 points.

L – Orphans and Widows

Orphans are single words or short lines that appear at the beginning of a column or page, separated from the rest of the paragraph. Widows are single words or short lines that appear at the end of a column or page, leaving a lot of blank space below them. Both are undesirable in typesetting and should be avoided for better visual consistency.

M – X-Height

The x-height is the height of a lowercase “x” in a typeface. It is a critical factor in determining the overall readability and appearance of a font.

N – Tracking vs. Kerning

While tracking refers to adjusting space consistently between groups of characters or blocks of text, kerning involves adjusting the space between individual characters to improve their visual harmony.

O – Typeface Families

Typeface families include different variations of a typeface, such as regular, bold, italic, and bold italic. These variations allow designers to add emphasis and hierarchy to text.

P – Point Size

Point size refers to the height of characters in a font, measured in points. The larger the point size, the larger the characters will appear when printed or displayed.

Q – X-Height Ratio

The x-height ratio is the relationship between the height of the lowercase x and the uppercase letters in a typeface. This ratio can vary between typefaces and affects the overall legibility and visual balance of the font.

R – Serif Variations

Serif fonts can have different types of serifs, including bracketed serifs (gradually thickening), unbracketed serifs (uniform thickness), and slab serifs (thick, block-like serifs). Understanding these variations helps in choosing the right typeface for a specific design.

S – Hierarchy

Typography plays a crucial role in establishing visual hierarchy within a design. By varying font size, weight, style, and spacing, designers can emphasize important elements and guide the viewer’s attention.

T – Type Scale

A type scale is a system of sizing text elements in a design. It typically consists of a series of font sizes that maintain a harmonious visual relationship, making it easier to create balanced layouts.

U – Leading vs. Line Height

Leading refers to the vertical space between lines of text, while line height is the CSS property used in web design to control this spacing. Both are essential for readability and aesthetics.

V – Type Anatomy

Understanding type anatomy involves recognizing and naming the various parts of letters, such as the stem, ascender, descender, bowl, and terminal. This knowledge is invaluable for precise design and type selection.

W – Widow and Orphan Control

Widow and orphan control is a feature in word processing and typesetting software that automatically prevents the appearance of widows and orphans in text columns or pages, ensuring a cleaner layout.

X – X-Height Ratio

The x-height ratio refers to the proportion between the x-height and the total height of lowercase characters in a typeface. A balanced x-height ratio contributes to better legibility.

Y – Type Contrast

Type contrast describes the variation in thickness between the thick and thin parts of characters in a typeface. High-contrast fonts have a noticeable difference, while low-contrast fonts have minimal variation.

Z – Type Alignment

Type alignment determines how text is positioned within a layout. Common alignments include left, right, centered, and justified. Choosing the right alignment is crucial for readability and aesthetics.


Typography is a fundamental aspect of design that can greatly impact how a message is perceived. Mastery of typographic terminology is essential for designers to make informed decisions, create visually appealing layouts, and effectively communicate with their audience. By familiarizing themselves with the A-to-Z of typography terms, designers can elevate their work to new heights of professionalism and creativity.

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Typographic Terminology A to Z: A List of Typography Terms Every Designer Should Know - Typeforyou (2024)


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