As we get older, our bodies change in many ways. Some are inevitable and won’t come as a surprise, but there are many potential issues that we hadn’t planned for.
We can’t reverse the aging process, though we can do our best to fight it and keep it at bay. Knowing what’s likely to happen will give us a better chance to address issues and maintain our health.
The following factors relate to different body parts, but each qualifies because it may not be the most apparent part of aging.
1. You Bruise Easily
Bruises occur when blood vessels break near the surface of the skin. They are caused by a blow or injury, and in young people, the hit must be severe.
As we age, our skin becomes thinner and loses a critical layer protecting blood vessels. As a result, bruises occur more easily. Minor knocks can cause bruising, and the touch may be so light that you don’t even notice it.
2. You Sweat Less
Older adults may create less sweat, even on a hot summer day. Our sweat glands become less active, and while this is not a significant health issue, it’s a curious side effect of aging.
A little-known fact is that sweat glands help when it comes to healing wounds. You may find that any cuts take longer to heal as you age.
3. Itchy Skin
Wrinkles are one of many potential issues for those aged 60 and above. These creases are caused by the upper layers of our skin getting thinner and flatter over time. When your skin gets dry, those wrinkles and age spots become more evident.
Another common problem is itchy skin. It’s often confused with other skin conditions, such as eczema, and can be treated with similar products, but itchiness is more likely to occur due to regular aging.
4. Hearing Loss
Around 30% of adults aged 65 and above will experience hearing loss. The condition is expected in older adults, but the exact cause may be surprising.
Hair cells in our inner ear die off as we age, leaving us with less protection. Hearing loss can also relate to heart conditions and strokes, so getting checked out is vital if you are experiencing problems.
5. Lack of Sleep
Older adults may find their sleep disrupted and confuse this with external factors. Outside disturbances, waking up at night to use the bathroom, and other issues may play a part.
Lack of sleep may, however, be a part of getting older. As we age, our bodies produce less melatonin, known as the “sleep hormone.” It’s tricky to address, but one tip is to avoid those regular afternoon naps that we so enjoy in later years.
6. Dry Mouth
Another unusual condition among older people is a drier mouth. In the US, around 30% of those aged 65 and over suffer from this, and it can be related to several factors.
Dry mouth is usually a side effect of medications, but it could potentially be a sign of oral cancer or diabetes. Considering the severity of those conditions, it’s worth getting checked out if you suffer from oral dryness.
7. Constipation Is More Likely
Anyone over 60 who has trouble moving their bowels may simply be struggling with aging. Our large intestines alter, and these structural changes are usually at fault.
Poor diet and lack of fluids can exacerbate constipation. Although we may not be able to cure the symptoms completely, eating more high-fiber foods, cutting down on sugary items, and drinking plenty of liquids should alleviate them.
8. You’re More Susceptible to Flu
If you are 60 or over, it’s advisable to get a flu shot each year. As we age, our immune systems weaken, making us more vulnerable to this condition.
Influenza is unpleasant in its own right, but it can lead to more severe complications such as sepsis and pneumonia. It’s one of the more unusual aspects of aging, but it shouldn’t be ignored.
9. Depression Risk Increases
It’s argued that doctors may overlook depression in older adults. Instead of considering it a medical condition, there is a tendency to feel it’s a reaction to another long-term health issue.
In that regard, issues of depression in older people could even be surprising among the medical profession. As we age, it’s essential to maintain social spheres, stay active, and get in touch with your doctor if you are feeling down.
10. Tolerance to Alcohol Reduces
After one or two drinks, you may find it takes longer to recover. The morning after, headaches linger, and reactions are slower. It’s all part of a natural aging process that makes us less tolerant of alcohol.
Those who drink should always do so in moderation and remain within recommended levels. However, at age 60 and above, even those safe limits can lead to unpleasant aftereffects, so reduce or eliminate your intake.
11. Changes in Taste
Each of us is born with around 10,000 taste buds. When we are young, these regenerate quickly, but the process slows down over time. At around 60, those taste buds stop replacing themselves, and the ones that remain shrink.
It all results in a diminished sense of taste that we may not have expected. Salty and sweet foods are less likely to have an effect, so it’s important not to increase your intake to counter this decline.
12. Dental Concerns
You may have thought that cavities were something you left behind in childhood. Sadly, these are among many dental problems that can occur in later life, and it’s even more important to maintain regular dentist appointments.
Enamel starts to thin and break down, exposing teeth to bacteria. Along with regular dental visits, remember to practice good hygiene, including flossing and brushing your teeth at least twice daily.
13. You May Get Shorter
Perhaps the most surprising aspect of the aging process is the capacity for people to get smaller. It’s all down to the spinal column, which can shorten as the bones become less dense.
Like many other aspects of aging, the body is less likely to regenerate, leaving many people with a reduction in height. Eating foods rich in calcium and maintaining an exercise routine are among the ways to address this.