Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

a a a a a a a NASHVILLE BANNER, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1, 1913 The Lawyer wins by his wits -his mind mUst be clear at all times. Neither be nor you dor any thinking person can win if wits are dulled by a headache. HICKS' CAPUDINE CURES HEADACHE takes off the brakes -gats at the cause -heat, sold, nervousness or gripp. Capudine is a liquid, pleasant to taker gniekly effective; contains no acetanilide. Isn't Is a pity so suffer with headache when you really can pure 8a1 250 and 500 at druggista-trial size 100.

Hall of Clydeton is the guest of Mrs. E. L. Dr. and Mrs.

Byrd are visiting In Miss Gladys Sullivan 1s visiting at Buffalo. Mr. and Mre. J. T.

Perkins of Crystal Boyd Spring Havener here this week. Mrs. of Danville is here, the guest, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Miss Sarah Mulliniks of Nashville is the guest of Hirs.

J. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Drum, mond Harris of Nashvifle visited here this Mrs. Minner Horner of Nashville is the guest of Mrs.

Charles Ball Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Collier of Trinity visited here.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis Miller have returned from Nashville. TULLAHOMA. Mrs.

8. S. Blackman gave a reception Tuesday afternoon In honor of her sister, Mrs. G. W.

McNees, of Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. J. A. Mitchell entertained large party of Invited guests at a 42 party and progressive rook Monday afternoon complimentary to Mrs.

Gwathney of Nashville. Mrs. Harry Parkes was at home to 8 number of Invited guests Thursday afternoon. Mrs. M.

R. Campbell, was the hostess at a beautifully planned entertainment Wednesday afternoon to meet her guest and sister, Mrs. Gwathney, of Nashville. Mrs. M.

Troxler entertained the Woman's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. Monday afternoon. Mrs. W.

S. Fitzgerald entertained the Mothars' Club Wednesday afternoon. Miss Ethel Ray of McMinnvill has returned home. Mr. and Mrs.

A. J. Hill of Chattanooga have returned after a visit to relatives Dr, and Mrs. A. E.

Ray attended the Richardson- Ray wedding at Normandy. Miss Irene Marshall has returned from visit to her sister, Mrs. Harry Dowlen, at Guthrie, Mrs. James Earl has returned from Nashville. Miss Christine Davis has returned from Sewance.

Mrs. Edward Travis of Nashville is Thos. Paty has returned from Murfreesboro. Mrs. L.

G. Hicks was in Nashville this week. Miss Gladys Hicks is at Awalt, Mrs. Geo. Strauss has returned to Awalt.

Mrs. Chas. H. Morgan has returned. from Rev.

and Mrs. C. A. Ladd have returned from Nashville. Mrs.

J. L. Dann has returned from Nashville. Miss May Anderson of Huntsville, is visiting at Tulla homa. Mrs.

N. Wilson Hamilton has returned from Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Manson of Rutherford have returned Miss Addie, Byson of Christiana is the guest of Miss Clara Washburn and her uncle, Mr.

Hoard Miss Clarissa Wharton has rew turned to Nashville. Mrs. M. F. Martin has returned from Nashville.

Mrs. Ben Hickens of Decherd was the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. B. Ross.

Miss Mai Bobo leaves Monday for Chattanooga. Mrs. E. F. Gibbs and daughter, Miss Alma, attended the Richardson-Ray wedding at Normandy.

Miss Ada Clanahan of Nashville has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. James. Snively of Pontiac, are here.

Gussie Elkins of Decherd has returned home after a visit to her sister, Mra. Chas. H. Morgan! Mrs. E.

J. Patterson has returned from Miss Mat Granderry is visiting Miss Susie Margaret Lockett at McLeansboro, Ill. Mrs. Thos. E.

Richardson is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. M. Paschall. and sister, Miss Hattie Paschall, at Nashville.

Miss Katherine Craig was called to Nashville by the illness of a sister. Misses Maude and Lucy Caldwell of Nashville and Chattanooga, respectively, are guests of Mrs. W. C. Granberry.

Miss Grace Patterson has returned from Decherd, HUNTSVILLE, ALA. The Luncheon Club was entertained by Mrs. W. Y. C.

Humes. Mrs. Tracy W. Pratt entertained at one of the largest bridge parties of the season in the Elks' Library. Mrs.

Glen Wells made the highest score and won first prize. Mrs. Harry Lyle captured the second prize, Mra. Harry Rhett the consolation and Miss. Mary Larned Newman the booby.

The members of the Six Thimbles Club met this week with Mrs. George Scherbaum. Mrs. Margaret Bolling was hostess of the Twickenham Town Chapter, D. A.

R. The literary programme was devoted to the administration of Presldent Madison, and papers were read by Mrs. Lelia Lusk and Mrs. Margaret Bolling. Mrs.

Alex J. Dyas entertained the Tuesday Auction Club. Mrs. Robert Murphree: won the club prize and Miss Thomas was winner of the guest prize. Miss Bessie Wigton was hostess of the Corolla Club.

Miss Jane Echols captured the club prize. The semi-monthly meeting of the Culture Club was held on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. M. E. Leary, and papers were read by Mrs.

Rosalie Chapman, Mrs. R. 0. Shreve and Mrs. Charles Orr.

The Sewina Dancing Club entertained at Its final dance. of the season In the Elks' Library. About twentyfive couples were present. Mrs. Julia Minard of Shelbyville, is visiting Mrs.

A. Connor. Mrs. W. S.

Holmes of Chattanooga is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vogel.

Miss Mary Moore has returned to Miss Dixie Webster of Winchester, Ky, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Bradley and Miss Viola Bradley are in Philadelphia.

Miss Emily McAnelly has returned from Mrs. Mattie Webb Oklahoma and Mrs. Emma Hamilton of Elora are visiting Mrs. Agatha Moore. Mrs.

Alex Oliver and daughter of OkoIona, Miss. are vialting Mr. and Mrs. M. E.

Mrs. James W. Stewart has returned from Jacksonville. Ala. Mra, A.

W. Newson is visiting Mrs. H. L. Ray In Greenwood, Miss Juliene Coltart has returned to Memphis after visiting Mrs.

J. H. Landman. Miss Elizabeth Cooper and her father, Mr. Lawrence Cooper, are at home after visiting in New York and Boston.

Mrs. Walter Orgain is visiting in Mad. Miss Odelle Whitten of Chicago is visiting Mrs. A. S.

Fletcher. Mrs. W. D. Allen of Marshall, Tex, is visIting Mrs.

H. G. Mrs. Walter Gwinne of Lebanon. visiting Mra: F.

E. Baldridge. Mrs. J. O.

Hanes has returned to Birmingham, MADISON. Mra. J. T. Stratton has gone to St.

Petersburg, E. Cronley El-Hott and little son, Richard, who have been guests of relatives here, have returned to Lexington. R. Par. year and children of and Hartsville, are visiting here.

Mr. Mr. B. Chadwell were guests at the RuckerDonnell wedding Wednesday in Mur. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM and the Never Falls Fair to Presents failing.

JACKSON. Society In ing Neighbor- Towns MT. PLEASANT. handsome luncheon was given Tuesday by Mrs. J.

Tate Jenkins to kins dozen young friends Mrs. -Jondecorated attractive home was tastefully for the occasion. The was bright with narcissus, while Killarney roses adorned the library and dining room. VA unique feature of the dinner came during the salad course, when each guest found within an eggshell upon her plate, beautiful toast. These were read In turn and the last tell to Miss Belle Warnock, but Instead of reading toast she gave the company a ourpriso by reading the announcement of the engagement of Miss Mary Ridley Connor to Mr.

LeGrande Brickell Stackhouse of Birmingham, the wedding to be celebrated March Mrs. I. L. Caldwell, who assisted the hostess, gave a toast to the fair honoree and. also.

presented her with handsome candelabra, bridal gift from the hostess. The guests, beside the honoree. were Mrs. C. W.

Alexander, Misses Mary -Estes, Belle Warnock, Sarah Hughes, Media Jones, Carrie Jones, Minnie Smith, Elva Smith, Mary Orr, Louise Frierson and Ethel Ross. Miss Belle Warnock entertained the 0. M. and B. Rook Club Tuesday evening.

Twelve couples Were present. A inissionary society was organized for the young ladies In the League room of the Methodist Church Monday. The officers were elected 8.8 follows: Mrs. Allie Kittrell, President; Miss Nola Estes, Second VicePresident; Miss Carrie Cooper, Third Vice- Miss Mary McCuddy, Fourth Vice-President: Miss Mary Orr. Secretary: Mrs.

Jas. A. McFerrin, Corresponding Secretary; Miss Sara Kindel, Treasurer. Miss Elsie Young entertained limited number at her home on Hay Long Avenue. Rook was played.

Mrs. S. Edmund Stephens was hostess of the Book Club on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Mary McCuddy read 8 paper on "Arts In Egypt;" Mrs. Read Hunter one on "Gold Coast," and Mrs.

L. L. Frierson one on "Current while Miss Janie Laird gave an oral reading. Each was excellent and the meeting was unusually interesting. Mrs.

J. W. Colburn has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Buchanan, in Birmingham, Miss Carrie Cooper has returned from Nashville. Mrs.

J. H. Weaver: and daughter, Miss Mary, have returned from Fayetteville. Miss Eugenia Gray of Columbia spent the week-end with Prof. and Mrs.

J. A. Bostick. Mrs. Frank Wheeler and children spent the week-end in Nashville.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kittrell, left for New Orleans to attend Mardi Mrs.

Miles Cook and children have returned to their home In Columbia after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mr. and Mrs. W.

S. Phillips have returned from Roanoke, Miss Annie MeMillin is visiting Miss Grace House in Mrs. J. W. Coleburn will leave in a short time for Birmingham.

Miss Marion Ricketts returned Friday from a visit to relatives at Florence, Mrs. J. E. Davis spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mra.

B. F. Register, at Summertown. Mrs. Stewart has returned to her home in Chattanooga after 8 visit to her mother, Mra.

J. W. Jones. Mrs. Laird of Atlanta, is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs.

Ernest. Miss Mary Dale Craige of Williamsport is the house guest ofMrs. A. W. Craige.

Miss Annie Smith left Tuesday for Cochrane. where she has accepted a position as teacher. Miss Nellie Cecil 18 in Nashville. Mrs. Mollie Giddons- of Buford Station 1s visiting her daughter, Mrs.

Sidney Petterson. Mrs. Mattie Howard and. Misses Marie and Gladys Thomas of. Columbia spent Tuesday with Mrs.

Sidney Patterson. Mr. and Mra, S. A. Carrell of Lawrenceburg spent Wednesday with the, latter's parents, Mr.

and Robert Mrs. S. of Irwin. MaMr. and Mre.

Murphy rietta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy at Enterprise. Miss. Minnie McMurry has returned to her home at Scott's Mill after a visit to her sister, Mrs.

Walter Orr. Mrs. Coleburn spent. Tuesday in Col. and Mrs.

J. B. Bond relatives in Nashville Wednesday and Thursday. Master Archie Craige has returned from visit to his grandparents, Capt. and Mrs.

Frank Craige, at Willlamsport. Mrs. W. B. Long and baby are visiting relatives at Pensacola, Fla.

MoMrs. Chas. Campbell and children of Ewen are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.

A. Furguson. Mrs. H. Frank.

have Cunningham and daughter, Ben returned from Nashville. FRANKLIN. Mrs. Margaret L. Hicks and Mrs.

William C. Dake of Nashville were the guests of honor Friday at the beautifully appointed luncheon given for them by Miss Susie Gentry. Colonial Miss Dames, Gentry's guests. who are were Mrs. Louise Gordon, Mrs.

Atha Thomas, Mrs. Thomas J. Wallace and Mrs. Ceorge L. Cowan.

The Florence Crittenden Circle will meet with Mrs. J. C. Eggleston Tuesday afternoon. An address will be delivthe manager of the Home in ered by Nashville.

A beautiful country wedding was that of Miss Callie Beard and Binkley Brown of Hillsboro, which took place The Sunday afternoon at Boston. ceremony was the performed by of a Squire number W. W. Wall In presence of friends. The bridesmaid was Miss Jesgle L.

Sweeney. The bride was In tan satin. with hat to hargowned monize. She is charming Beard young daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Grand and the groom is a well-known young farmer. Mr. and Mrs. T. G.

Lamb have refrom Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. turned d. E.

Short were in Nashville Wednesday. Mrs. Myron H. Peck of Nashville la visiting her mother, Mrs. F.

J. with Page, Miss Rosa Helm was in Nashville her sister, Mrs. Miss Mary of Spring Hill was Miss odil Margie Givens was In Nashville. Winstead Mrs. Pryor Lillie and Miss Sue Eunice Haynes in Arkansas is the guest of Miss Elizawere Nashville.

Miss of beth Moss. Margaret Patton has returned from Murfreesboro. Miss Salof Nashville is the guest of Ile Naylor Miss Lyda Mrs. John Hunter and Miss Roble Hunter have returned from Nashville. Misses Lucy Bugg of LynnVille and Neva Johnson of Dyersburg were here.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moore are in returned from Knoxville after Giles County.

Mrs. Sheppard a visit to her sister, Mrs. Otey Walker. has Miss Tennie Short is visiting Mrs. A.

J. Haun is visiting Cath- in Nashville. Ewing Sam have returned from NashWhite and erine Mr. and Mrs. Will McKay spent Anderson and Mary Rucker have the week end in Nashville.

Misses from Nashville. Anne Mary Kinanrd has returned from Nashville. returned J. B. Liltle is in Wellington, Ark.

Mrs. Mrs. James Parrish of Dark's Mr. and were here. Mrs.

Sue Lee McGavMill ock has returned from Spring Agnes Ben- Hill. Mrs. Laura Agnes and Bennett, Corinne Gordon, LeMisses nett. Bailey, Leonora Mayberry and onora Will Balley have returned from Panamd and other points of interest of in South the Mrs. Carter Pitteburg visited R.

N. Richardson. Ming Elizabeth Oakley Lee of Gray. Spring Hill Misses Is Willie visiting Alexander and Jennie Akin Miss Mary apent the week-end Mrs. with James Miss A.

Aline McPage of Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Ben D. Ewing have returned Hatton has returned from BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does trot children There la constitetional estee for vetting.

Dir trouble M. Summers, Bex Dame, will send free 10 mother Notre treatment with her Send no money, bet write bet Instructions. ebtidren trouble FoR this today your Don't bieme the child, the chances can't help IL This treatment also It adults and aged people trembled with by day or night, from Chicago. Mra. Mary Bethurum in visiting at Nolensville.

Mrs. Crumpler has returned from Kentucky. Morgan of Nashville 15 visiting her slater. Mra. Virginia Merrill.

Miss Willle Irvin of Bethesda Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex Irving Annabel Crockett of Nashville is visiting Mr. A. Miss Sue DeGraffenreid of Clarksville is the guest of Mrs.

John Miss Florence Napier of Mt. Pleasant Is here. Mr. and Will Carr have returned from Mrs. Clara J.

Smith, who went Birmingham for her health, is recovering. ALEXANDRIA. Mrs. R. G.

Donnell entertained, at dinner Friday, the occasion being the sixty-ninth anniversary of her mother, Mrs. W. W. Patterson. Besides the Immediate families there were present: Mr.

and Mrs. W. W. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs.

C. P. Donnell and son, Robert Turner, Mr. and Mrs. L.

W. Rollins, Mrs. Jennie Blackburn of Nashville, Mrs. Mary McColloch and Mrs. Etta Bone.

Mrs. A. 8. Andrews of Knoxville, the recent guest of her mother here, was the honoree of a party given by Miss Livy Tubb. Five hundred was played.

The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roy, Miss Inez Tubb, Mrs. Andrews, Alex, Vantrease, Lester Simpson and Paul Tubb. Miss.

Vera Turner was hostess Wednesday afternoon of the 8. F. E. L. Club.

Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. D. Calvert entertained at dinner Wednesday for Mrs.

Jennie Blackburn of Nashville and Mrs. Mary McColloch. Misses Edna Jo Rutland, Bertha and Leila Parker and Messrs, Frank Barry, John Donnell, Goodner and Henry enjoyed a horseback ride to Miss Annie Laurie Laughry of Shop Springs spent the week-end with Miss Mary Compton. Mrs. David Smith and little daughter, Hilda, of Nashville are visiting her mother, Mrs.

Emma Eason, at the Southern Hotel. Mrs. J. H. Vantrease of Nashville -is visiting Miss' Nannie Miss Era Allen of Brush Creek visited Miss Polly Fuller Mr.

and Mrs. J. P. Ward of Grant visited! Mr. and Mrs.

R. G. Donnell and Mr. and Mrs. John Goodner.

Mrs. Minnie Kennedy and son, Alton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. H.

Kennedy of Auburn. Mrs. Jessie Blackburn of Nashville is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. W.

RolMiss Bessie Sandlin of Nashville ds visiting her mother, Mrs. J. W. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Wood and daughter of Nashville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Sampson near. town. Miss Leette Measles of Beech Grove College spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs.

H. H. Jones. Mrs. Robert Gwaltney of Brush Creek was here.

Miss Maggie Simpson of McMinnville 18 visiting her sister. Mrs. Rob Roy. Mrs. Charles Bone and little Miss Janet Bone visiting Mrs.

Willard Marks of Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Doss Foutch were to Nashville Tuesday by the sudden death of Mrs. Foutch's mother, Mrs.

George L. Drifoos, HARTSVILLE. Miss Susan Stalcup has returned to Dixon Springs after a visit to Misses Susie and Elizabeth Mrs. C. D.

High has returned from Nashville. Miss Ann Williams of Nashville is the guest of the Misses Mrs. J. D. Hankins has gone to Atlanta to be with her sister, Mrs.

Claude English, who is 111.. Mrs. Julius Terry and little son, Trousdale, have returned to Nashville after a visit to Mrs. I. T.

Littleton, Miss Maye Rankin is visiting Miss Mattie Marshall at Nashville. Mrs. Charles Tinnon has returned to Goodlettsville after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.

F. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. I.

T. Allan have returned from Nashville. Rev. and Mrs. J.

W. Dishman and little daughter, Adrian, have gone to MeKenzie after a visit to J. W. Dishman. Elvira DeBow has returned to Dixon Mrs.

James Christian and children of California, are guests of Mrs. A. G. Jr. Miss Edith Rickman Is the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. John Black at Nashville. Miss Laura Gaston Young has returned to Dixon Springs after a visit to Mrs. M. L.

Mrs. D. P. Hall is -visiting her sister, Mrs. Alice Clements.

at Nashville. Mrs. M. F. Hall has returned from Misses Martha Carr and Katherine Wilson are the guests of Mrs.

R. L. Caruthers at Nashville. Mr. and Mrs.

0, K. Rickman have returned from Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Roman Puryear have returned from Miss Margaret Hall is visiting at Nashville.

Mrs. W. H. Hall has returned from Nashville. Miss Huntsman of Scottsville is visiting her sister, Mrs.

J. B. Hall. Mrs. B.

Lauderdale and Miss Mary Lou Measle are In Nashville. Mrs. J. C. Stalker has returned from Mrs.

J. F. Klenn of Talladega, and Mrs. J. H.

Reade of Ensley, are visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. D.

Mingea. Mrs. R. E. Cullom has returned from Mrs.

J. W. Throp and daughter, Miss Edna. have returned from a week's visit in Nashville GALLATIN. Friday evening the young men of Camp B.

Jr. complimented the young ladies of the camp with an elegant dinner at the Hotel Sumner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. 8.

W. Willlams, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.

Green: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hewgley, chaperons; Misses Sue Williams, Ola Crawford, Kate DuBose, Katherine Lafferty, Bettie Outlaw, Hattie Baber, Kitty Smith, Alice Baker, Elizabeth Blue, Georgia Du Bose, Messrs.

George Brown, Willis Hite, Jackson Swaney, Frank Gillespie, Cleber Dunklin, Robert Guthrie, Carter Satterfleld, George Pardue. W. B. Oldham, Norvel Baker, Harry North and Milton Baber. Mr.

and Mrs. H. W. Dorris, entertained a limited number In honor of their niece, Miss Dorris. Music was furnished by the Shackle Island string band and after several games a three-course menu was served.

Fifty guests were present. Mrs. T. D. Dorris assisted in receiving.

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Whiteside have returned from their wedding trip. Mr.

and Mrs. A. S. Baker and family of Nashville visited relatives in Sumner. Miss Lula Worsham of Nashville is visiting Gallatin frienda.

Miss Sue Lee Willams of Thompson's Station is visIting relatives here. Mrs. E. S. Hirtzka of Nashville is with Gallatin relatives.

Mrs. Clara Nash of Richmond, Is visiting her sister. Mra. G. N.

Guthrie. Mrs. D. B. Evertson is in Nashville.

Miss Amo Reasor is visiting Nashville relatives. Miss Mattye Everton has returned from St. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Key have returned from Texas.

Miss Jean McDowell has returned to Troy, Pa. Miss Arabelle Lawrence has returned to Cachwell, Mrs. Lizzte Johnson has returned from Nashville. Mrs. Nannie Hammond 18 visiting relatives in Franklin, Mrs.

Arthur Wheeler and little son of Nashville are visiting in Mrs. W. A. Buntin of Lebanon, Is visiting Sumner County relatives. Miss Lucy Douglass 1s visiting relatives in Nashville.

Miss Mildred Frazier has returned to Nashville. Mr. and Mra. R. G.

Kizer and littie daughter have returned to Nashville. Miss: Pearl Mitchener of Nashville visited relatives in Gallatin. Mrs. J. L.

Hill and family have removed to Nashville. WAVERLY. Mra. James J. Team entertained with rook Wednesday afternoon in honor of her guest, Mrs.

E. Merideth Riddle of Shelbyville. Mrs. J. Tomlinson has returned from a visit to Nashville.

Mrs. Milton C. Carnell is visiting in Nashville. Mrs. Thomas H.

Knight has returned from visit in Nashville. Eva Balch of Johnsonville is the guest of M188 Eva Miss Mabel Maude Miller is in Nashville on an extended visit. -Miss Jennie Miller has returned from visit to Nashville. Ida Daniel is Pisiting her mother at MeEwen. Mrs.

James J. Teas is visiting Siss Sallie Cornelius at Nashville. Fowlkes and children have returned from Miss Lillian At the Mutual Improvement Rostand'a "L'Aigion' was the subject of a strong paper by Mrs. John Miller Drake. Mrs.

Ira Jones was the guest of the club. The Woman's Auxiliary to the Southern Commercial Congress, Mrs. Frank L. Woodruff, President, decided to undertake the beautifying of the county roads, especially that part of the State Highway which runs through Madison County, and to secure apprenticeships from various factories and industries to be given youths wishing a Ical training. Mrs.

William J. Anderson'8 entertainment of the Vanity Fair Club took the form of a koffee klatch. Mrs. W. Ingram, Mrs.

W. F. Rochelle, Mrs. Charles Russell, Mrs. Louis Weis assisted Mrs.

Anderson. The prizes went to. Mrs. Allen Campbell, Mrs. W.

F. Rochelle and Mrs. Hewitt Tomlin. Mra. Grace Everett was hostess of an informal bridge party at which Miss Clara Cochran and Miss Pearl Wharton made the best scores.

Mrs. J. V. McLeod talked of London at the Art and Travel Club. Historio buildings were described by Mrs.

Muddoch, Miss Glenn and Mrs. Hanebuth. The Philharmonic met at the Lyndhurst and the subject, "Orpheus." was told by Mrs. John Buford, Mrs. Walter Shannon, Miss Wilkerson, Mrs.

Gilsey Saunders, Miss Myrtle Johnson, Mrs. Thomas Hughes. Mr. Horace Tomlin was host at the Bridge Tournament and was assisted by his mother. Mrs.

Anna Tomlin and Mr. E. Nelson made the highest score. Mr. and Mrs.

C. R. Posey, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hill Blalock, left Sunday for St.

Augustine, to attend the annual banquet of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, The Dinner Club dined with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. James.

The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John Wisdom, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Pope, Mr.

and Mrs. Will Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parks and Mr. and Mrs.

C. N. Harris. Miss Hortense Hearn entertained the younger set at an evening party. Miss Anna Moss Ewell received the prize and Miss Laura May Burton the consolation.

The Friday Evening Bridge Club met with Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Drake. Mr. and Mrs.

Ridley and Miss Belle Mercer Were guests. Dr. and Mrs. A. B.

Dancy, recently elected, were present. Miss Mercer and Dr. W. R. Duckworth were the successful players.

Mrs. Alanson Brown of St. Louis was honoree of an afternoon bridge given by Mrs. J. H.

McLin. Mrs. J. A. Hunter and Miss Daisy Stegall received the prizes.

Mrs. Rafferty of Oklahoma and Mrs. Lyle Curtiss were among the guests, The Bas De Sole Club spent an afternoon at bridge with Miss Gladys Crews and Miss Roxie Everett made the highest score. Mrs. Paul Russell entertained at luncheon in honor of Mrs.

C. R. Posey and some of her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Seymour Lasley announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Fannie Price, and Mr.

Thomas Warren Garrett, the wedding to take place on February 11 at home. Mrs. Thomas Irwin entertained at cards in honor of Miss Laura Burton of Memphis, the guest of Mrs. Clara Sykes. Mrs.

D. M. Carson gave an afternoon bridge in honor of her sister, Mrs. Rassety, of Oklahoma. Misses Rowena Hawkins and Hattie May Wilkerson received the prizes.

Miss. Augustus. Elliott. and. Mr.

Christopher C. Harlow of Chicago were married Thursday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D.

Elliott. Miss Ida Celeste Helms celebrated her birthday by giving her friends an evening party. Cecil Stone's sixth birthday was appropriately observed with a party at the home of his mother, Mrs. Robert Stone. The East Chester Street Bridge Club was entertained by Mrs.

Charles Russell, who had as additional guests Mrs. W. J. Anderson, Mrs. R.

I Chester, Mrs. Charles Jones, Mrs. Harold Bond, Mrs. Allen Campbell, Mrs. Louls Weis and Miss Lizzie Emory Nelson.

Mrs. L. Curtiss was hostess of al handsome bridge to introduce her son's bride, Mrs. Raymond Lyle Curtiss. Mrs.

Harold Bond, Mrs. Fred Smith. Miss Daisy Stegall, Miss Susie Baird and Miss Tennie Hurt assisted. Mrs. William Sanders, Mrs.

R. I. Chester and Mrs. Richard Smith made the highest scores and Mrs. Cella Weis, Mrs.

C. G. Bond and Mrs. J. Hunter received the souvenirs, Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Bond visited St. Louis this week. Mrs. Henry Taylor is in Nashville.

Mrs. William Chester 18 in Louis. Miss Jessie Thompson is Visiting Miss Sperry of Joseph Johnson and daughter, Miss Bessie Mah are visiting Mr. Julius Johnson at. Vanderbilt.

Miss Nettie Armstrong is in Nashville Mrs. Emma Neill Gates Is attending Mardi Gras. Mrs. J. B.

Hicks is visiting In New Orhave returned from Arkansas. Miss leans. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A Taylor Ruth Shelbourne of Paducah, 18 the guest: of Mr.

and Mrs. J. B. Jones. Miss Helen Plant Washington 19 visiting Mrs.

J. Snider. Miss Lucy Russell is visiting Memphis, relatives. Miss Mary Fitts of Tuscaloosa, is the guest of Mrs. J.

B. Murphy. Miss Louise Scott of Hickory Valley visited here. Miss Matie Evans has returned to Shelbina, Mo, after al visit to her brother. Mr.

Carl Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morgan have been called to Cleveland, 0., by the illness of Mr. Morgan's mother.

Mrs. Isaac B. Tigrett 18 visiting In Nashville. Mrs. Ammons of Springs is the guest of her son.

Mr. Troy Ammons. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Anderson vistted Th' Memphis.

Belton Sullivan is in Nashville. Mrs. Ada Haynes of McKenzie Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. M.

Troutt. CLARKSVILLE. The Girls' Bridge Club met Wednesday morning with Miss Ruth Winn. Mrs. John D.

Scales gave a musical Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Henderson, the guest of Mrs. H. M. The Students met with Mrs. J.

M. Bowling Wednesday afternoon. The Players held a meeting Monday night with Miss Bessie Pickering. The Chautauqua Circle held a meetIng at the home of Mrs. Huedin Ely Thursday afternoon.

Miss Louise Boillin left A few days since for Washington, D. where she will enter Trinity College. Mrs. John D. Scales has returned from Guthrie, where she wag called by the illness of her mother, Mrs.

John Choate. -Miss Edna Haynes of this city was the recent guest of Mrs. J. Wills of Monroe Street. Mrs.

Patty Johnson Riley of Kentucky has been the guest of Rev. Roger Peters this week. Mrs. Kirk Rankin, after a few weeks' visit to Mrs. Ernest Elder, has returned to NashVille.

Mrs. Alice Hodgson returned Monday from a visit to Mrs. W. E. Metager at Mra.

John T. Leibrand and little daughter of MeAlister. are guests of Miss Lucy Bailey. Mrs. Thomas Young of Princeton, Ky, was here this week to attend the funeral of Mrs.

Sarah Burney Welch. She is the guest of Mrs. Gus Watson. Mrs. Thomas R.

Ryman is visiting in this city. Mrs. Buck of Hopkinsville visited Clarksville this week. Miss Mary left Monday for Louisville, where she studied in the Baptist Training School. Little: Miss Dorothy Chiles is visiting her grandmother, Mrs.

F. E. Blaument, near St. Bethlehem. Mrs.

M. 8. Skeen of Bell Buckle and Mrs. Herbert Carr of Fulton. Ky, are guests of Mrs.

M. Coleman. Miss Hattie Klein, after a visit to Chicago, has returned Mrk. Myrtle Hunter of Nashville and Carrie Atkins of Hopkinsville attended the funeral of. Walter Perkins Friday.

Mra. Sirepta Hiter has gone to Ringgold, to visit her sister, Mrs. W. Cravens. Mra.

Paul Neblett5 has returned from Platt to relatives at Birmingham and a The Advantages of Drinking BAKER'S COCOA The Cocoa of High Quality lie in its absolute purity and wholesomeness, its delicious natural flavor, and its perfect. assimilation by the digestive organs. U. B. Pat.

Oftica Registered As there are many inferior imitations, be sure to get the genuine with our trade mark on the package WALTER BAKER CO. Limited ESTABLISHED 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. Chattanooga. Miss Martha Radford of Howell, was the guest of Miss Mary Lee this Mrs. WIlliam Harris of Cumberland City was visitor to Clarksville.

Miss Alma Johnson of Fredonia has been the guest of Miss Ella. Johnson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morrihave returned to their.

home In Kansas. FLORENCE, ALA. Trinity Episcopal Church WAR the scene of a brilliant wedding Tuesday evening, when Miss Willie Benham Reeder became the bride of James Williamson Bond of Memphis, Rev. C. L.

Price, Rector of Trinity, officiated. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion in Alabama smilax and potted plants. The altar was' lighted with wax candles. The vester. choir singing the bridal chorus from Lohengrin, met the party down the centre aisle, and preceded it to the altar.

The ushers. Messrs. J. Oscar Jones of Washington, David of Huntsville, Wm. H.

Mitchell and Henry Bradshaw of entered Arst. Then the bridemaids, Misses Mary Gillespie Sprinkel of Virginia, Martha Louise Ellis and Armine Tweedy of Florence entered next with the groomsmen, Mesrs. T. 0. Bond of Brownsville, Roscoe Haywood of Arkansas, Frank Wood of Jackson, and Guy Joiner of Memphis.

The matrons of honor, Mrs. C. Lee Winchester of Memphis, and Mrs. Henry J. Moore Florence.

Miss Eula Josephine Weakley of Birmingham, maid of honor, followed. The little flower girl, Katharine Moore, and the ring bearer, Henry Moore, preceded the bride, who came in with her father, William Lee Reeder, who gave her In marriage. She was attired in white charmeuse, en traine, trimmed with real lace and orange blossoms. The groom with his brother. Mr.

Lewis T. Bond, entered from the vestry and met her at the chancel. Immediately following the church ceremony a reception was held at the family home, after which Mr. and Mrs. Bond left for Palm Beach, where they will spend their honeymoon.

A number of out-of-town guests attended the Reeder-Bond wedding. Among them were Mrs. Daniel Bond of Memphis, Mrs. Samuel D. Weakley of Birmingham, and Mr.

and Mrs. Luke Pryor of Harris Station, Mrs. Arthur B. Mason of Nashville, who has been visiting here for several weeks has returned Mrs. Louis Edelman of Huntsville visited her father, Sam W.

Donegan this Jesse Stutts has returned from Miss Lizzie Pearson has gone to Nashville to visit. PULASKI. Miss Alice 'Durrett entertained Friday evening. The Students' Club met with Mrs. E.

E. Eslick. The King's Daughters met Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Grey Ragsdale. Miss Myrtle Patterson and Mr.

Grover Smith were married by Rev. W. J. Malone, Misses Mary Belle and Louise Bradley entertained Friday afternoon. The Civic League will entertain with tea Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mooney entertained Friday at dinner to compliment Mr.

John W. Young of Bryson. The occasion was Mr. Young's 68th birthday. Mrs.

Ben Jackson is in Memphis. Mrs. Joe Goldman of Lynnville is the guest of Mrs. Newt R. Brown.

Mrs. Anzie Glen has returned to Lynnville. Mrs. Charles Bull and Miss John Bull have returned from and Mrs. Glen W.

Nelson have returned to Elkton. Miss Sara Broadle and Miss Ruth Bryant have returned from Greenville, Mrs. Joe Kelley of Columbia 18 here. Mrs. Sarah Potts Memphis is here.

Mrs. Giles Tucker of Kedron is here. Miss Bessie Lee Johnson of Welmer, is Mrs. Harry Aymett has returned from Prospect. Miss Stella Lannom has returned from Nashville.

Miss Anna Belle Newbill has returned from Nash: ville. Mrs. R. H. Harwood is the guest of Mrs.

Albert T. Brock in Chattanooga. Miss Elizabeth Campbell of Nashville is the guest of Mrs. J. Cayce Abernathy at Buford Mrs.

A. C. Greenlow and Miss Cynthia Greenlaw of Springfield are the guests of Mrs. G. Butler.

Mrs. Flournoy English has returned from St. Louls, where she has been visiting Mrs. James Zuccarello. Mrs.

Luther W. McCord and Miss Sallie Lou McCord have returned from Nashville. Mrs. Grant Dugger is in Birmingham. Mrs.

W. L. Abernathy is at St. Petersburg, Miss Laura Glaze has returned from Nashville, where she was the guest of Mrs. Clarence Miss Katherine Sedberry has returned from Thompson Station.

Mrs. Addison and daughter. Miss Mary Cecil Addison, of Louisville, Ky. are guests of Mrs. W.

Rose. Miss Annie Yardy has returned to Birmingham. Miss Myrtle Stamper has returned from Florence, Mrs. J. D.

Hargrove has returned to Waxahachit, Tex. Mrs. R. C. Moore has returned to Nashville after a visit to Mrs.

W. B. Mrs. Joe Green has returned to Harris, Ala. Mrs.

Joe Hamilton of Obion County is here. Miss Elizabeth Camper of Nashville is the guest of Miss Sadie Abernathy. Mrs. Will Wyker has' returned to Decatur. accompanied by Miss Mary Sumpter.

Mrs. W. T. Arrington of Nashville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas C.

Ragsdale. Miss Elizabeth Davidson has returned from Prospect. Mrs. Louis Dryden 'of Decatur is here. Mr.

and Mrs. Andrew Glaze are at Harris. Mrs. J. L.

Curtis has returned from Mrs. J. T. Oakes and Miss Gypsy Oakes have returned from visit to Mrs. C.

C. Terry at Waco, Tex. Miss Edna Joe Puryear left Wednesday ery, Mobile and New Orleans. Mrs. W.

R. Craig is the guest of Mrs. Ezell Craig In Nashville. Miss Virginia Olfver is visiting Mrs. Coule Mackey In Birmingham Mrs.

Marvin Hudson and Miss Louise Hulson have returned to Lebanon after a visit to Rev. and Mrs. T. E. Hudson.

Mra Robert. L. Abernathy of Nashville is the guest of Mrs. John King Mrs. Joe D.

Woodward is the guest of Mrs. Crockett in Nashville. W. R. Fox, 195 W.

Washington Nobiesville, says: "Atter sufferins many months with kidney trouble. after trying other remedies and prescriptions, purchased a box of Foley Kidney Pills, which not only did me more good than any other remedies ever used, but have positively set my kidneys right. Other members of my family bare used them with similar results. You, will save time and money, and avoid needless pain and suffering, by taking Foley Kidney Pills at the frat sign of kidney troubie. Try them.

Refuse any substituton. Page Sima Compans. COLUMBIA. The Century Club will give Its annual banquet Wednesday night, February 12, In the club rooms. Friends of Mr.

Clarence Tucker and Miss Jennie Miller were surprised on Thursday evening when they were quietly married. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker went to Nashville for a few days, and since returning are with the groom's mother. Mr.

Tucker is in the electrical department of Anderson Bros. Foster and is general manager of the Tucker Magazine Agency at this place. Mrs. A. E.

Sheldon was the hostess of the Auction Bridge Club Friday afternoon at her home on West Sixth Street. Mr. and Mrs. W. W.

Evans entertained at cards Friday, evening to compliment Mr. and Mrs. Henry McClelland of Mobile, Ala. The Students' Club met this week in the parlors of the Century Club. A literary programme was given, after which the annual business meeting was held, and it was decided to move the library to new quarters and open it to the reading public.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike McBride were hosts of a dining Sunday at their home at Cross -Bridge to compliment. Messrs. T.

-H. and Will English. Mrs. T. M.

Jones entertained at rook Wednesday afternoon. Misses Reba Swain of Chapel, HIll and Annie Foster. of Holts Corner are guests of Miss Mary Mrs. T. N.

Jones is visiting in Ashwood. Mrs. W. R. Gunn and son of Birmingham are visiting Mrs.

W. P. Mrs. W. J.

Dale, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ridley and Mr.

W. A. Dale have returned from New York. Miss Lizzie Hurt of Hampshire is visiting In Culleoka. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Seay and daughter. Frances, are visiting In Columbus, Bessie Goad has returned to Florence, Mrs. Snow Baker and grandson of Shady Grove, who have been visiting relatives here, have gone to Nashville. Mrs.

Albert Minnich has returned from Mississippi. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter have returned to Mrs. A.

J. McLean of Nashville is here. Mr. and Mrs. R.

S. Woody of Concord are in Mrs. Maddin Voss is visiting her sister in Mobile, Miss Gertrude Johnson is in Wartrace. Mrs. Albert Watkins of Mississippi is visiting Mrs.

E. D. Looney. Jodie Giddins 18 in Nashville. Miss Ina Simms is visiting her.

brother, Charles Simms, and family. HUNTINGDON. Mrs. Otis Scott entertained with a silver tea, complimentary to the Aid Society of the Methodist Church, at Hotel Olive, Thursday afternoon, Miss Mildred Scott, Mrs. 0.

C. Tidwell and Mrs. James Johnson assisted in receivIng. Miss Tessie Mebane and Mrs. Bruce Cooper presided at the tea table, and Misses Jessie Hubbard and Elah.

Sanders gave a musical programme. About fifty ladies called. Mrs. George T. McCall was hostess to the Book Lovers' Club at its last meeting.

Mrs. Marshall Priest served hot chocolate and fruit cake as the guests arrived. Mrs. L. King and Mrs.

C. A. Teachout assisted the hostess. Miss Frances Cox gave a musical programme. At the conclusion of the original contest on styles beautiful prizes were awarded Mrs.

E. B. Teachout and Miss Stella Strange. The guest list included Mrs. E.

K. Higgins of McKenzie, Miss Stella. Strange. of Columbia and Mrs. F.

Ray Moomard. Mrs. W. A. Kearney entertained Saturday in honor of her little daughter, Lorene's 8th birthday.

Fourteen little girls enjoyed the party. Mrs. H. P. Smiley and little sons have returned to Mrs.

James H. McCall, Mrs. C. A. Teachant and Miss Adelaide McCall were In Nashville Monday.

Mrs. R. A. Green has returned from McKenzie. Mrs.

W. E. Townes and Miss Mary Townes have returned from Jackson. Miss Stella Strange of Columbia la the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W.

W. Murray. Mrs. C. M.

Watson has returned from Union City. Miss Susan Wilder is in McKenzie. Mrs. E. K.

Higgins of McKenzie was the guest of Mrs. J. B. Mrs. J.

Grider of Nashville was the guest of Mrs. 8. B. Mrs. H.

C. Hill of Princeton, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. John Mrs. Mollie Peyton and Miss Fannie Hurt of Trezevant visited Mrs. L.

A. Hurt. ASHLAND CITY. Miss Belle Burkholder entertained with a rook party Monday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Edmund L. Turner have returned to Humboldt, after visiting Misses Hilda and Helen Slayden spent the week-end with Katherine at Miss Nancy Wyatt of Clarksville visited friends in Ashland City. Miss Eugente Allen Is visiting friends in Nashville. Mra.

Irvin Harper of Nashville has returned home. Miss Blanche Lenox returned Monday from a prolonged stay at Thomasville. Mias Beulah Wells of Evansvilles 18 visiting relatives near Neptune. Mrs. G.

E. Harding has returned from a visit to Pardue, Tenn. LINTON. Mr. and Mre.

H. T. Allison have returned to Nashville after visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Allison. Miss Martha Hagan has returned to Nashville after visiting Mrs. J. D.

Allen. Miss Lulle Allen spent the week -end with little Miss Aline Cox of West Nashville. Miss Nevada Baird Is visiting In Miss Ruby Cox is spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cox of West Nashville.

Mrs. Oscar Davis has returned from Nashville after visiting her mother Miss Bessie Gill has returned from Nashville. Mrs. Bettie Allen and Miss Mattie Hagan of Nashville visited Miss Mollie Linton. ATHENS, ALA.

James Balley, young farmer of near Athens was married this week to Miss Lucy Underwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Underwood, of near this place. Miss Isabell Chandler entertained the Whist Club this week. WILL S.

Peebles and Mira. Pryor, the bride of Luke Pryor, received. urday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Peebles. Mrs.

John H. Ranez was the hostess the John Wade Keyes Chapter D. A. this week. Mrs.

Beattie of Michigan, was a guest of honor. Newton Darin, a well-known younk farmer, was married this week to Mins Cora daughter of Mr. And Mra Starkay, of the west part NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA ST. LOUIS RY. Pursuant LO resolution passed by the Board of Directors, December 1912, there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Nashville, Chattanooga St.

Louts Railway In its offices. 1000 Broadway, Nashville, at 12 o'clock. noon. on Wednesday. February 12, 1913.

for the purpose of considering the question of Increasing the capital stock of the railway the amount of six milHon dollars. thereby making the tal capital stock sixteen million dollars, and the transaction of any other business that may be brought before the meetine. J. AMBROSE. Secretary.

MERCHANTS HOTEL (AMERICAN PLAN 4th Ave. and Broadway BEST FOR THE MONEY $1.25 to $1.50 Per Day Any Time is a Good Time to Use TIP TOP BREAD MADE WITH MALT AND MILK ASK YOUR GROCER of the county. They were given a reception at the home of Dr. Hill at Mooresville. Jas.

Anderson Holt was married to Mrs. Susie Hamilton Roberts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Holt, In this place, Dr.

B. B. Glasgow, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiating. Both are well known in the county. Col.

and Mrs. W. T. Sanders have returned from Louisville, Ky. Miss.

Marie Leslie has returned to West Point, Miss, after a visit relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Glesseman have gone to Nashville to Mrs.

Hestor D. Lane, of Buffalo, N. Y. has been visiting relatives here. Mrs.

Myrtle Mason Abernathy of Prospect, has been visiting here. Mrs. M. K. Clements has returned from Ensley, Ala.

Mrs. Elbert Fields of Ensley is here with her father, Col. M. K. Clements.

Mrs. Luke Pryor has been visiting in Florence. Mrs. 0. W.

Crutcher is visiting relatives in Birmingham and Bessemer. Mrs. C. M. Hamblen has turned from a visit to Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Meadows have to Birmingham. Mrs. Nathan Block, of Winchester, is the guest. of her aunt, Mrs.

Harry Miss Katie Hill of Decatur is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Hickey and daughter have returned to Kentucky after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Maury Isom. Misses Nancy Fair and Elizabeth Duncan have returned from a visit to Misses Minine Lee and Ruby Richardson at Miss Hightower has returned to Bethel, after a visit to her sister, Miss Lizzie Hightower, in this Miss Kate McCandless has been the of the Music Study Club in Decatur.

Miss Bettie Hine Richardson is visiting in Birmingham. Mrs. Ida Sherrill has returned from Prospect. Tenn. R.

H. Rose is visiting in St. Louis. Mra. Erle Stover is visiting her mother in Miss Helen Thach of Nashville ts visiting her mother Miss Ruble Whitfield of Veto, has been visIting relatives here.

COTTON BELT ROUTES Low Fares! On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month the fares are extra low--and allow stop overs free and 25 days timevia Cotton Belt Route to Arkansas Texas The Cotton Belt Route is the direct line from Memphis to Texas, through Arkansas two splendid trains daily, with through sleepers, chair cars from and parlor-cafe cars. Trains all parts of the Southeast make direct connection at Memphis with Cotton Belt Route trains to the Southwest. Write to me today I will tell you exact fare from your town, sched. ule, and send you splendid illustrated books of farm facts about Arkansas and Texas. W.

G. ADAMS, Traveling Passenger Agent 406 Church Street Nasbrille, Tenn. TEXAS All year Tourist Tickets also on sale Daily to cere he 90-days limit..

Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.